inherit_from: .rubocop_todo.yml require: - 'rubocop-md' - 'rubocop-minitest' - 'rubocop-packaging' - 'rubocop-performance' - 'rubocop-rake' - 'rubocop-rspec' - 'rubocop-thread_safety' AllCops: NewCops: enable DisplayCopNames: true # Display the name of the failing cops TargetRubyVersion: 2.6 # Oldest non-EOL Ruby Gemspec/DateAssignment: # new in 1.10 Enabled: true Layout/DotPosition: Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: trailing Layout/LineEndStringConcatenationIndentation: # new in 1.18 Enabled: true Layout/SpaceBeforeBrackets: # new in 1.7 Enabled: true Lint/AmbiguousAssignment: # new in 1.7 Enabled: true Lint/AmbiguousOperatorPrecedence: # new in 1.21 Enabled: true Lint/AmbiguousRange: # new in 1.19 Enabled: true Lint/DeprecatedConstants: # new in 1.8 Enabled: true Lint/DuplicateBranch: # new in 1.3 Enabled: true Lint/DuplicateRegexpCharacterClassElement: # new in 1.1 Enabled: true Lint/EmptyBlock: # new in 1.1 Enabled: true Lint/EmptyClass: # new in 1.3 Enabled: true Lint/EmptyInPattern: # new in 1.16 Enabled: true Lint/IncompatibleIoSelectWithFiberScheduler: # new in 1.21 Enabled: true Lint/LambdaWithoutLiteralBlock: # new in 1.8 Enabled: true Lint/NoReturnInBeginEndBlocks: # new in 1.2 Enabled: true Lint/NumberedParameterAssignment: # new in 1.9 Enabled: true Lint/OrAssignmentToConstant: # new in 1.9 Enabled: true Lint/RedundantDirGlobSort: # new in 1.8 Enabled: true Lint/RequireRelativeSelfPath: # new in 1.22 Enabled: true Lint/SymbolConversion: # new in 1.9 Enabled: true Lint/ToEnumArguments: # new in 1.1 Enabled: true Lint/TripleQuotes: # new in 1.9 Enabled: true Lint/UnexpectedBlockArity: # new in 1.5 Enabled: true Lint/UnmodifiedReduceAccumulator: # new in 1.1 Enabled: true Metrics/BlockLength: IgnoredMethods: - context - describe - it - shared_context - shared_examples - shared_examples_for Security/IoMethods: # new in 1.22 Enabled: true Style/ArgumentsForwarding: # new in 1.1 Enabled: true Style/CollectionCompact: # new in 1.2 Enabled: true Style/DocumentDynamicEvalDefinition: # new in 1.1 Enabled: true Style/EndlessMethod: # new in 1.8 Enabled: true Style/HashConversion: # new in 1.10 Enabled: true Style/HashExcept: # new in 1.7 Enabled: true Style/IfWithBooleanLiteralBranches: # new in 1.9 Enabled: true Style/InPatternThen: # new in 1.16 Enabled: true Style/MultilineInPatternThen: # new in 1.16 Enabled: true Style/NegatedIfElseCondition: # new in 1.2 Enabled: true Style/NilLambda: # new in 1.3 Enabled: true Style/NumberedParameters: # new in 1.22 Enabled: true Style/NumberedParametersLimit: # new in 1.22 Enabled: true Style/QuotedSymbols: # new in 1.16 Enabled: true Style/RedundantArgument: # new in 1.4 Enabled: true Style/RedundantSelfAssignmentBranch: # new in 1.19 Enabled: true Style/SelectByRegexp: # new in 1.22 Enabled: true Style/StringChars: # new in 1.12 Enabled: true Style/StringLiterals: Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: double_quotes Style/StringLiteralsInInterpolation: Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: double_quotes Style/SwapValues: # new in 1.1 Enabled: true