# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Methods added to this helper will be available to all templates in the hosting application
module Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior
include BlacklightUrlHelper
include BlacklightConfigurationHelper
include HashAsHiddenFieldsHelper
include RenderConstraintsHelper
include RenderPartialsHelper
include FacetsHelper
extend Deprecation
# Get the name of this application, from either:
# - the Rails configuration
# - an i18n string (key: blacklight.application_name; preferred)
# @return [String] the application name
def application_name
return Rails.application.config.application_name if Rails.application.config.respond_to? :application_name
# Get the page's HTML title
# @return [String]
def render_page_title
(content_for(:page_title) if content_for?(:page_title)) || @page_title || application_name
# Create links from a documents dynamically
# provided export formats. Currently not used by standard BL layouts,
# but available for your custom layouts to provide link rel alternates.
# Returns empty string if no links available.
# @params [SolrDocument] document
# @params [Hash] options
# @option options [Boolean] :unique ensures only one link is output for every
# content type, e.g. as required by atom
# @option options [Array] :exclude array of format shortnames to not include in the output
def render_link_rel_alternates(document=@document, options = {})
options = {:unique => false, :exclude => []}.merge(options)
return nil if document.nil?
seen = Set.new
html = ""
document.export_formats.each_pair do |format, spec|
unless( options[:exclude].include?(format) ||
(options[:unique] && seen.include?(spec[:content_type]))
html << tag(:link, {:rel=>"alternate", :title=>format, :type => spec[:content_type], :href=> polymorphic_url(document, :format => format)}) << "\n"
seen.add(spec[:content_type]) if options[:unique]
return html.html_safe
# Render OpenSearch headers for this search
# @return [String]
def render_opensearch_response_metadata
render :partial => 'catalog/opensearch_response_metadata'
# Render classes for the element
# @return [String]
def render_body_class
extra_body_classes.join " "
# List of classes to be applied to the element
# @see render_body_class
# @return [Array]
def extra_body_classes
@extra_body_classes ||= ['blacklight-' + controller.controller_name, 'blacklight-' + [controller.controller_name, controller.action_name].join('-')]
# Render the search navbar
# @return [String]
def render_search_bar
render :partial=>'catalog/search_form'
# Determine whether to render a given field in the index view.
# @param [SolrDocument] document
# @param [Blacklight::Solr::Configuration::Field] field_config
# @return [Boolean]
def should_render_index_field? document, field_config
should_render_field?(field_config, document) && document_has_value?(document, field_config)
# Determine whether to render a given field in the show view
# @param [SolrDocument] document
# @param [Blacklight::Solr::Configuration::Field] field_config
# @return [Boolean]
def should_render_show_field? document, field_config
should_render_field?(field_config, document) && document_has_value?(document, field_config)
# Check if a document has (or, might have, in the case of accessor methods) a value for
# the given solr field
# @param [SolrDocument] document
# @param [Blacklight::Solr::Configuration::Field] field_config
# @return [Boolean]
def document_has_value? document, field_config
document.has?(field_config.field) ||
(document.has_highlight_field? field_config.field if field_config.highlight) ||
# Determine whether to display spellcheck suggestions
# @param [Blacklight::SolrResponse] response
# @return [Boolean]
def should_show_spellcheck_suggestions? response
response.total <= spell_check_max and response.spelling.words.size > 0
# Render the index field label for a document
# @overload render_index_field_label(options)
# Use the default, document-agnostic configuration
# @param [Hash] opts
# @options opts [String] :field
# @overload render_index_field_label(document, options)
# Allow an extention point where information in the document
# may drive the value of the field
# @param [SolrDocument] doc
# @param [Hash] opts
# @options opts [String] :field
def render_index_field_label *args
options = args.extract_options!
document = args.first
field = options[:field]
html_escape t(:"blacklight.search.index.#{document_index_view_type}.label", default: :'blacklight.search.index.label', label: index_field_label(document, field))
# Render the index field label for a document
# @overload render_index_field_value(options)
# Use the default, document-agnostic configuration
# @param [Hash] opts
# @options opts [String] :field
# @options opts [String] :value
# @options opts [String] :document
# @overload render_index_field_value(document, options)
# Allow an extention point where information in the document
# may drive the value of the field
# @param [SolrDocument] doc
# @param [Hash] opts
# @options opts [String] :field
# @options opts [String] :value
# @overload render_index_field_value(document, field, options)
# Allow an extention point where information in the document
# may drive the value of the field
# @param [SolrDocument] doc
# @param [String] field
# @param [Hash] opts
# @options opts [String] :value
def render_index_field_value *args
options = args.extract_options!
document = args.shift || options[:document]
field = args.shift || options[:field]
presenter(document).render_index_field_value field, options.except(:document, :field)
# Render the show field label for a document
# @overload render_document_show_field_label(options)
# Use the default, document-agnostic configuration
# @param [Hash] opts
# @options opts [String] :field
# @overload render_document_show_field_label(document, options)
# Allow an extention point where information in the document
# may drive the value of the field
# @param [SolrDocument] doc
# @param [Hash] opts
# @options opts [String] :field
def render_document_show_field_label *args
options = args.extract_options!
document = args.first
field = options[:field]
t(:'blacklight.search.show.label', label: document_show_field_label(document, field))
# Render the index field label for a document
# @overload render_document_show_field_value(options)
# Use the default, document-agnostic configuration
# @param [Hash] opts
# @options opts [String] :field
# @options opts [String] :value
# @options opts [String] :document
# @overload render_document_show_field_value(document, options)
# Allow an extention point where information in the document
# may drive the value of the field
# @param [SolrDocument] doc
# @param [Hash] opts
# @options opts [String] :field
# @options opts [String] :value
# @overload render_document_show_field_value(document, field, options)
# Allow an extention point where information in the document
# may drive the value of the field
# @param [SolrDocument] doc
# @param [String] field
# @param [Hash] opts
# @options opts [String] :value
def render_document_show_field_value *args
options = args.extract_options!
document = args.shift || options[:document]
field = args.shift || options[:field]
presenter(document).render_document_show_field_value field, options.except(:document, :field)
# Get the value of the document's "title" field, or a placeholder
# value (if empty)
# @param [SolrDocument] document
# @return [String]
def document_heading document=nil
document ||= @document
# Get the document's "title" to display in the element.
# (by default, use the #document_heading)
# @see #document_heading
# @param [SolrDocument] document
# @return [String]
def document_show_html_title document=nil
document ||= @document
# Render the document "heading" (title) in a content tag
# @overload render_document_heading(tag)
# @overload render_document_heading(document, options)
# @params [SolrDocument] document
# @params [Hash] options
# @options options [Symbol] :tag
def render_document_heading(*args)
options = args.extract_options!
if args.first.is_a? blacklight_config.document_model
document = args.shift
tag = options[:tag]
document = nil
tag = args.first || options[:tag]
tag ||= :h4
content_tag(tag, presenter(document).document_heading, :itemprop => "name")
# Get the value for a document's field, and prepare to render it.
# - highlight_field
# - accessor
# - solr field
# Rendering:
# - helper_method
# - link_to_search
# TODO : maybe this should be merged with render_field_value, and the ugly signature
# simplified by pushing some of this logic into the "model"
# @param [SolrDocument] document
# @param [String] field name
# @param [Blacklight::Solr::Configuration::Field] solr field configuration
# @param [Hash] options additional options to pass to the rendering helpers
def get_field_values document, field, field_config, options = {}
presenter(document).get_field_values field, field_config, options
# Render a value (or array of values) from a field
# @deprecated Use DocumentPresenter instead
# @param [String] value or list of values to display
# @param [Blacklight::Solr::Configuration::Field] solr field configuration
# @return [String]
def render_field_value value=nil, field_config=nil
safe_values = Array(value).collect { |x| x.respond_to?(:force_encoding) ? x.force_encoding("UTF-8") : x }
if field_config and field_config.itemprop
safe_values = safe_values.map { |x| content_tag :span, x, :itemprop => field_config.itemprop }
safe_join(safe_values, (field_config.separator if field_config) || field_value_separator)
deprecation_deprecate render_field_value: "use DocumentPresenter.render_field_value instead"
# Default separator to use in #render_field_value
# @return [String]
def field_value_separator
', '
deprecation_deprecate field_value_separator: "use DocumentPresenter.field_value_separator instead"
# Get the current "view type" (and ensure it is a valid type)
# @param [Hash] the query parameters to check
# @return [Symbol]
def document_index_view_type query_params=params
view_param = query_params[:view]
view_param ||= session[:preferred_view]
if view_param and document_index_views.keys.include? view_param.to_sym
# Render the document index heading
# @param [SolrDocument] doc
# @param [Hash] opts (deprecated)
# @option opts [Symbol] :label Render the given field from the document
# @option opts [Proc] :label Evaluate the given proc
# @option opts [String] :label Render the given string
# @param [Symbol, Proc, String] field Render the given field or evaluate the proc or render the given string
def render_document_index_label doc, field, opts = {}
if field.kind_of? Hash
Deprecation.warn self, "Calling render_document_index_label with a hash is deprecated"
field = field[:label]
presenter(doc).render_document_index_label field, opts
deprecation_deprecate render_document_index_label: "use presenter(doc).render_document_index_label instead"
# Render a partial of an arbitrary format inside a
# template of a different format. (e.g. render an HTML
# partial from an XML template)
# code taken from:
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/339130/how-do-i-render-a-partial-of-a-different-format-in-rails (zgchurch)
# @param [String] format suffix
# @yield
def with_format(format, &block)
old_formats = formats
self.formats = [format]
self.formats = old_formats
# Should we render a grouped response (because the response
# contains a grouped response instead of the normal response)
def render_grouped_response? response = @response
return response.grouped?
# Determine whether to render the bookmarks control
def render_bookmarks_control?
has_user_authentication_provider? and current_or_guest_user.present?
# Determine whether to render the saved searches link
def render_saved_searches?
has_user_authentication_provider? and current_user
# Returns a document presenter for the given document
def presenter(document)
presenter_class.new(document, self)
# Override this method if you want to use a different presenter class
def presenter_class
# Open Search discovery tag for HTML links
def opensearch_description_tag title, href
tag :link, href: href, title: title, type: "application/opensearchdescription+xml", rel: "search"