module Vedeu

  module Interfaces

    # An Interface represents a portion of the terminal defined by
    # {Vedeu::Geometries::Geometry}.
    class Interface

      include Vedeu::Repositories::Model
      include Vedeu::Presentation
      include Vedeu::Toggleable

      # @!attribute [rw] client
      # @return [Fixnum|Float]
      attr_accessor :client

      # @!attribute [rw] cursor_visible
      # @return [Boolean]
      attr_accessor :cursor_visible
      alias_method :cursor_visible?, :cursor_visible

      # @!attribute [rw] delay
      # @return [Fixnum|Float]
      attr_accessor :delay

      # @!attribute [rw] editable
      # @return [Boolean]
      attr_accessor :editable
      alias_method :editable?, :editable

      # @!attribute [rw] group
      # @return [Symbol|String]
      attr_accessor :group

      # @!attribute [rw] name
      # @return [String]
      attr_accessor :name

      # @!attribute [rw] parent
      # @return [Vedeu::Views::Composition]
      attr_accessor :parent

      # @!attribute [rw] zindex
      # @return [Fixnum]
      attr_accessor :zindex

      # Return a new instance of Vedeu::Interfaces::Interface.
      # @param attributes [Hash]
      # @option attributes client [Vedeu::Client]
      # @option attributes colour [Vedeu::Colours::Colour]
      # @option attributes cursor_visible [Boolean]
      # @option attributes delay [Float]
      # @option attributes group [String]
      # @option attributes name [String|Symbol]
      # @option attributes parent [Vedeu::Views::Composition]
      # @option attributes repository [Vedeu::Interfaces::Repository]
      # @option attributes style [Vedeu::Presentation::Style]
      # @option attributes visible [Boolean]
      # @option attributes zindex [Fixnum]
      # @return [Vedeu::Interfaces::Interface]
      def initialize(attributes = {})
        defaults.merge!(attributes).each do |key, value|
          instance_variable_set("@#{key}", value)

      # @return [Hash<Symbol => void>]
      def attributes
          client:         client,
          colour:         colour,
          cursor_visible: cursor_visible,
          delay:          delay,
          editable:       editable,
          group:          group,
          name:           name,
          parent:         parent,
          repository:     repository,
          style:          style,
          visible:        visible,
          zindex:         zindex,

      # Returns a DSL instance responsible for defining the DSL
      # methods of this model.
      # @param client [Object|NilClass] The client binding represents
      #   the client application object that is currently invoking a
      #   DSL method. It is required so that we can send messages to
      #   the client application object should we need to.
      # @return [Vedeu::Interfaces::DSL] The DSL instance for this
      #   model.
      def deputy(client = nil), client)

      # Hide the named interface.
      # Will hide the named interface. If the interface is currently
      # visible, it will be cleared- rendered blank. To show the
      # interface, the ':_show_interface_' event should be triggered.
      # Triggering the ':_hide_group_' event to which this named
      # interface belongs will also hide the interface.
      # @example
      #   Vedeu.trigger(:_hide_interface_, name)
      #   Vedeu.hide_interface(name)
      # @return [void]
      def hide

        Vedeu.trigger(:_clear_view_, name)

      # Show the named interface.
      # Will show the named interface. If the interface is currently
      # visible, it will be refreshed- showing any new content
      # available. To hide the interface, the ':_hide_interface_'
      # event should be triggered.
      # Triggering the ':_show_group_' event to which this named
      # interface belongs will also show the interface.
      # @example
      #   Vedeu.trigger(:_show_interface_, name)
      #   Vedeu.show_interface(name)
      # @return [void]
      def show

        Vedeu.trigger(:_refresh_view_, name)


      # The default values for a new instance of this class.
      # @return [Hash<Symbol => void>]
      def defaults
          client:         nil,
          colour:         Vedeu::Configuration.colour,
          cursor_visible: true,
          delay:          0.0,
          editable:       false,
          group:          ''.freeze,
          name:           ''.freeze,
          parent:         nil,
          repository:     Vedeu.interfaces,
          style:          :normal,
          visible:        true,
          zindex:         0,

    end # Interface

  end # Interfaces

  # @!method hide_interface
  #   @see Vedeu::Toggleable::ClassMethods#hide
  # @!method show_interface
  #   @see Vedeu::Toggleable::ClassMethods#show
  # @!method toggle_interface
  #   @see Vedeu::Toggleable::ClassMethods#toggle
  def_delegators Vedeu::Interfaces::Interface,

  # :nocov:

  # See {file:docs/events/\_hide_interface_}
  Vedeu.bind(:_hide_interface_) { |name| Vedeu.hide_interface(name) }
  Vedeu.bind_alias(:_hide_view_, :_hide_interface_)

  # See {file:docs/events/\_show_interface_}
  Vedeu.bind(:_show_interface_) { |name| Vedeu.show_interface(name) }
  Vedeu.bind_alias(:_show_view_, :_show_interface_)

  # See {file:docs/events/\_toggle_interface_}
  Vedeu.bind(:_toggle_interface_) { |name| Vedeu.toggle_interface(name) }
  Vedeu.bind_alias(:_toggle_view_, :_toggle_interface_)

  # :nocov:

end # Vedeu