<% if @replica %>
"> <% if @good_replication_lag %> Healthy replication lag <% else %> High replication lag <% end %> <%= number_with_delimiter((@replication_lag * 1000).round) %> ms
<% end %>
"> <% if @long_running_queries.any? %> <%= pluralize(@long_running_queries.size, "long running query") %> <% else %> No long running queries <% end %> <% if @autovacuum_queries.any? %> <%= @autovacuum_queries.size %> autovacuum <% end %>
<% if @extended %>
"> <% if @good_cache_rate %> Cache hit rate above <%= @database.cache_hit_rate_threshold %>% <% else %> Low cache hit rate <% end %>
<% end %>
"> <% if @good_total_connections %> Number of connections healthy <% else %> High number of connections <% end %> <%= @total_connections %>
"> <% if @transaction_id_danger.any? %> <%= pluralize(@transaction_id_danger.size, "table") %> not vacuuming properly <% else %> Vacuuming healthy <% end %>
"> <% if @sequence_danger.any? %> <%= pluralize(@sequence_danger.size, "columns") %> approaching overflow <% else %> No columns near integer overflow <% end %>
"> <% if @invalid_indexes.any? %> <%= pluralize(@invalid_indexes.size, "invalid index", "invalid indexes") %> <% else %> No invalid indexes <% end %>
<% if @duplicate_indexes %>
"> <% if @duplicate_indexes.any? %> <%= pluralize(@duplicate_indexes.size, "duplicate index", "duplicate indexes") %> <% else %> No duplicate indexes <% end %>
<% end %> <% if @database.suggested_indexes_enabled? %>
"> <% if @suggested_indexes.any? %> <%= pluralize(@suggested_indexes.size, "suggested index", "suggested indexes") %> <% else %> No suggested indexes <% end %>
<% end %>
"> <% if !@query_stats_enabled %> Query stats must be enabled for slow queries <% elsif @slow_queries.any? %> <%= pluralize(@slow_queries.size, "slow query") %> <% else %> No slow queries <% end %>
<% if @extended %>
"> <% if @unused_indexes.any? %> <%= pluralize(@unused_indexes.size, "unused index", "unused indexes") %> <% else %> No unused indexes <% end %>
<% end %>
<% if @replica && !@good_replication_lag %>

High Replication Lag

<%= pluralize(@replication_lag.round, "second") %>

<% end %> <% if @long_running_queries.any? %>
<%= button_to "Kill All", kill_long_running_queries_path, class: "btn btn-danger", style: "float: right;" %>

Long Running Queries

<%= render partial: "live_queries_table", locals: {queries: @long_running_queries} %>
<% end %> <% if @extended && !@good_cache_rate %>

Low Cache Hit Rate

Index Hit Rate: <%= (@index_hit_rate * 100).round(1) %>%
Table Hit Rate: <%= (@table_hit_rate * 100).round(1) %>%

The cache hit rate <%= link_to "should be above 99%", "https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/understanding-postgres-data-caching", target: "_blank" %> in most cases. You can often increase this by adding more memory.

<% end %> <% if !@good_total_connections %>

High Number of Connections

<%= pluralize(@total_connections, "connection") %>

<%= link_to "Use connection pooling", "http://www.craigkerstiens.com/2014/05/22/on-connection-pooling/", target: "_blank" %> for better performance. <%= link_to "PgBouncer", "https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PgBouncer", target: "_blank" %> is a solid option.

<%= render partial: "connections_table", locals: {connection_sources: @database.connection_sources(by_database_and_user: true).first(10)} %>
<% end %> <% if @transaction_id_danger.any? %>

Vacuuming Needed

The database will shutdown when there are fewer than 1,000,000 transactions left. <%= link_to "Read more", "http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/routine-vacuuming.html#VACUUM-FOR-WRAPAROUND", target: "_blank" %>.

For each table, run:

<% @transaction_id_danger.each do |query| %> <% end %>
Table Transactions Left
<%= query["table"] %> <%= number_with_delimiter(query["transactions_before_shutdown"]) %>
<% end %> <% if @sequence_danger.any? %>

Columns Near Overflow

Consider changing columns to bigint to support a larger range of values.

<% @sequence_danger.sort_by { |s| [s["table"], s["column"]] }.each do |query| %> <% end %>
Column Type Values Left % Left
<%= query["table"] %>.<%= query["column"] %> <%= query["column_type"] %> <%= number_with_delimiter(query["max_value"].to_i - query["last_value"].to_i) %> <%= number_to_percentage((query["max_value"].to_i - query["last_value"].to_i) * 100.0 / query["max_value"].to_i, precision: 2, significant: true) %>
<% end %> <% if @invalid_indexes.any? %>

Invalid Indexes

These indexes exist, but can’t be used. You should recreate them.

<% @invalid_indexes.each do |query| %> <% end %>
<%= query["index"] %>
<% end %> <% if @duplicate_indexes && @duplicate_indexes.any? %>

Duplicate Indexes

These indexes exist, but aren’t needed. Remove them <% if @show_migrations %> with a migration <% end %> for faster writes.

<% @duplicate_indexes.each do |index| %> <% unneeded_index = index["unneeded_index"] %> <% covering_index = index["covering_index"] %> <% end %>
On <%= unneeded_index["table"] %>
<%= unneeded_index["name"] %> (<%= unneeded_index["columns"].join(", ") %>)
is covered by
<%= covering_index["name"] %> (<%= covering_index["columns"].join(", ") %>)
<% end %> <% if @suggested_indexes.any? %>

Suggested Indexes

Add indexes to speed up queries. <% if @show_migrations %> Here’s a migration to help. <% end %>

<% @suggested_indexes.each_with_index do |index, i| %>
<%= render partial: "suggested_index", locals: {index: index, details: index[:details]} %>

to speed up

<%= render partial: "queries_table", locals: {queries: index[:queries].map { |q| @query_stats_by_query[q] }, suggested_indexes: false} %> <% end %>
<% end %> <% if !@query_stats_enabled %>

Query Stats

<% if @query_stats_available && !@query_stats_extension_enabled %>

Query stats are available but not enabled. <%= button_to "Enable", enable_query_stats_path, class: "btn btn-info" %>

<% else %>

Make them available by adding the following lines to postgresql.conf:

shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements'
pg_stat_statements.track = all

Restart the server for the changes to take effect.

<% end %>
<% end %> <% if @query_stats_enabled && @slow_queries.any? %>

Slow Queries

Slow queries take <%= @database.slow_query_ms %> ms or more on average and have been called at least <%= @database.slow_query_calls %> times.

<%= link_to "Explain queries", explain_path %> to see where to add indexes.

<%= render partial: "queries_table", locals: {queries: @slow_queries} %>
<% end %> <% if @extended && @unused_indexes.any? %>

Unused Indexes

Unused indexes cause unnecessary overhead. Remove them <% if @show_migrations %> with a migration <% end %> for faster writes.

<% @unused_indexes.each do |query| %> <% end %>
Name Index Size
<%= query["index"] %>
on <%= query["table"] %>
<%= query["index_size"] %>
<% end %>