#content %h2 All #{item_humanized_name} items %h6 - path_options = {} if path_options.nil? = link_to "click here to add a new #{item_humanized_name} item", {action: :new}.merge(path_options) - if collection.count < 1 .no_news = "Sorry, It seams there are no #{collection.klass.to_s.underscore.humanize.downcase} items at this moment.. " = link_to "press here to add a new #{collection.klass.to_s.underscore.humanize.downcase} item", {action: :new}.merge(path_options) - else - collection.each do |item| .list-group-item{:id => "order_#{item.id}"} %span - if defined? item.weeler_image_path = image_tag(item.weeler_image_path, style: "max-width: 75px") %b = truncate(item.to_s, length: 40) %span{class: "pull-right"} = link_to "Edit", action: :edit, id: item.id = link_to "Delete", [:weeler, item], data: {confirm: 'Are you sure?'}, :method => :delete