# encoding: utf-8 require "spec_helper" require "sie" require "active_support/core_ext/date/calculations" describe Sie::Document, "#render" do let(:financial_years) { [ Date.new(2011, 1, 1)..Date.new(2011, 12, 31), Date.new(2012, 1, 1)..Date.new(2012, 12, 31), Date.new(2013, 1, 1)..Date.new(2013, 12, 31), ] } let(:generated_on) { Date.yesterday } let(:accounts) { [ number: 1500, description: "Customer ledger", ] } let(:vouchers) { [ { creditor: false, type: :invoice, number: 1, booked_on: Date.new(2011, 9, 3), description: "Invoice 1", voucher_lines: [ { account_number: 1500, amount: 512.0, booked_on: Date.new(2011, 9, 3), description: "Item 1", dimensions: { 6 => 1 } }, { account_number: 3100, amount: -512.0, booked_on: Date.new(2011, 9, 3), description: "Item 1", dimensions: { 6 => 1 } }, ] }, { creditor: true, type: :payment, number: 2, booked_on: Date.new(2012, 8, 31), description: "Payout 1", voucher_lines: [ { account_number: 2400, amount: 256.0, booked_on: Date.new(2012, 8, 31), description: "Payout line 1" }, { account_number: 1970, amount: -256.0, booked_on: Date.new(2012, 8, 31), description: "Payout line 2" }, ] } ] } let(:dimensions) { [ { number: 6, description: "Project", objects: [ { number: 1, description: "Education" } ] } ] } class TestDataSource attr_accessor :program, :program_version, :generated_on, :company_name, :accounts, :balance_account_numbers, :closing_account_numbers, :vouchers, :financial_years, :dimensions # vouchers is not part of the expected interface so making it private. # # Sie::Document uses #each_voucher so that you can build documents for huge sets of vouchers # by loading them in batches. private :vouchers def initialize(hash) hash.each do |k, v| public_send("#{k}=", v) end end def each_voucher(&block) vouchers.each(&block) end def balance_before(account_number, date) if account_number == 9999 # So we can test empty balances. nil else # Faking a fetch based on date and number. account_number.to_i + (date.mday * 100).to_f end end end let(:doc) { data_source = TestDataSource.new( accounts: accounts, vouchers: vouchers, program: "Foonomic", program_version: "3.11", generated_on: generated_on, company_name: "Foocorp", financial_years: financial_years, balance_account_numbers: [ 1500, 2400, 9999 ], closing_account_numbers: [ 3100, 9999 ], dimensions: dimensions ) Sie::Document.new(data_source) } let(:sie_file) { Sie::Parser.new.parse(doc.render) } it "adds a header" do expect(entry_attribute("flagga", "x")).to eq("0") expect(entry_attribute("program", "programnamn")).to eq("Foonomic") expect(entry_attribute("program", "version")).to eq("3.11") expect(entry_attribute("format", "PC8")).to eq("PC8") expect(entry_attribute("gen", "datum")).to eq(generated_on.strftime("%Y%m%d")) expect(entry_attribute("sietyp", "typnr")).to eq("4") expect(entry_attribute("fnamn", "foretagsnamn")).to eq("Foocorp") end it "has accounting years" do expect(indexed_entry_attribute("rar", 0, "arsnr")).to eq("0") expect(indexed_entry_attribute("rar", 0, "start")).to eq("20130101") expect(indexed_entry_attribute("rar", 0, "slut")).to eq("20131231") expect(indexed_entry_attribute("rar", 1, "arsnr")).to eq("-1") expect(indexed_entry_attribute("rar", 1, "start")).to eq("20120101") expect(indexed_entry_attribute("rar", 1, "slut")).to eq("20121231") expect(indexed_entry_attribute("rar", 2, "arsnr")).to eq("-2") expect(indexed_entry_attribute("rar", 2, "start")).to eq("20110101") expect(indexed_entry_attribute("rar", 2, "slut")).to eq("20111231") end it "has accounts" do expect(indexed_entry_attributes("konto", 0)).to eq("kontonr" => "1500", "kontonamn" => "Customer ledger") end it "has dimensions" do expect(indexed_entry_attributes("dim", 0)).to eq("dimensionsnr" => "6", "namn" => "Project") end it "has objects" do expect(indexed_entry_attributes("objekt", 0)).to eq("dimensionsnr" => "6", "objektnr" => "1", "objektnamn" => "Education") end it "has balances brought forward (ingående balans)" do expect(indexed_entry_attributes("ib", 0)).not_to eq("arsnr" => "0", "konto" => "9999", "saldo" => "") expect(indexed_entry_attributes("ib", 0)).to eq("arsnr" => "0", "konto" => "1500", "saldo" => "1600.0") expect(indexed_entry_attributes("ib", 1)).to eq("arsnr" => "0", "konto" => "2400", "saldo" => "2500.0") expect(indexed_entry_attributes("ib", 2)).to eq("arsnr" => "-1", "konto" => "1500", "saldo" => "1600.0") expect(indexed_entry_attributes("ib", 3)).to eq("arsnr" => "-1", "konto" => "2400", "saldo" => "2500.0") expect(indexed_entry_attributes("ib", 4)).to eq("arsnr" => "-2", "konto" => "1500", "saldo" => "1600.0") expect(indexed_entry_attributes("ib", 5)).to eq("arsnr" => "-2", "konto" => "2400", "saldo" => "2500.0") end it "has balances carried forward (utgående balans)" do expect(indexed_entry_attributes("ub", 0)).not_to eq("arsnr" => "0", "konto" => "9999", "saldo" => "") expect(indexed_entry_attributes("ub", 0)).to eq("arsnr" => "0", "konto" => "1500", "saldo" => "4600.0") expect(indexed_entry_attributes("ub", 1)).to eq("arsnr" => "0", "konto" => "2400", "saldo" => "5500.0") expect(indexed_entry_attributes("ub", 2)).to eq("arsnr" => "-1", "konto" => "1500", "saldo" => "4600.0") expect(indexed_entry_attributes("ub", 3)).to eq("arsnr" => "-1", "konto" => "2400", "saldo" => "5500.0") expect(indexed_entry_attributes("ub", 4)).to eq("arsnr" => "-2", "konto" => "1500", "saldo" => "4600.0") expect(indexed_entry_attributes("ub", 5)).to eq("arsnr" => "-2", "konto" => "2400", "saldo" => "5500.0") end it "has closing account balances (saldo för resultatkonto)" do expect(indexed_entry_attributes("res", 0)).not_to eq("ars" => "0", "konto" => "9999", "saldo" => "") expect(indexed_entry_attributes("res", 0)).to eq("ars" => "0", "konto" => "3100", "saldo" => "6200.0") expect(indexed_entry_attributes("res", 1)).to eq("ars" => "-1", "konto" => "3100", "saldo" => "6200.0") expect(indexed_entry_attributes("res", 2)).to eq("ars" => "-2", "konto" => "3100", "saldo" => "6200.0") end it "has vouchers" do expect(indexed_entry("ver", 0).attributes).to eq( "serie" => "KF", "vernr" => "1", "verdatum" => "20110903", "vertext" => "Invoice 1" ) expect(indexed_voucher_entries(0)[0].attributes).to eq( "kontonr" => "1500", "belopp" => "512.0", "transdat" => "20110903", "transtext" => "Item 1", "objektlista" => [{"dimensionsnr" => "6", "objektnr" => "1"}] ) expect(indexed_voucher_entries(0)[1].attributes).to eq( "kontonr" => "3100", "belopp" => "-512.0", "transdat" => "20110903", "transtext" => "Item 1", "objektlista" => [{"dimensionsnr" => "6", "objektnr" => "1"}] ) expect(indexed_entry("ver", 1).attributes).to eq( "serie" => "KB", "vernr" => "2", "verdatum" => "20120831", "vertext" => "Payout 1" ) expect(indexed_voucher_entries(1)[0].attributes).to eq( "kontonr" => "2400", "belopp" => "256.0", "transdat" => "20120831", "transtext" => "Payout line 1", "objektlista" => [] ) expect(indexed_voucher_entries(1)[1].attributes).to eq( "kontonr" => "1970", "belopp" => "-256.0", "transdat" => "20120831", "transtext" => "Payout line 2", "objektlista" => [] ) end context "with really long descriptions" do let(:accounts) { [ number: 1500, description: "k" * 101 # Make sure that the description exceeds the limit (100 chars). ] } let(:vouchers) { [ build_voucher( description: "d" * 101, voucher_lines: [ build_voucher_line(description: "v" * 101), build_voucher_line(description: "Payout line 2"), ] ) ] } it "truncates the descriptions" do expect(indexed_entry_attributes("konto", 0)).to eq("kontonr" => "1500", "kontonamn" => "k" * 100) expect(indexed_entry("ver", 0).attributes["vertext"]).to eq("d" * 100) expect(indexed_voucher_entries(0)[0].attributes["transtext"]).to eq("v" * 100) end end context "with a zeroed single voucher line" do let(:vouchers) { [ build_voucher(voucher_lines: [ build_voucher_line(amount: 0) ]) ] } it "ensures there are at least two lines" do expect(indexed_voucher_entries(0).size).to eq(2) end end context "with a series defined" do let(:vouchers) { [ build_voucher(series: "X"), ] } it "reads the series from the voucher" do expect(indexed_entry("ver", 0).attributes["serie"]).to eq("X") end end private def build_voucher(attributes) defaults = { creditor: true, type: :payment, number: 1, booked_on: Date.today, description: "A voucher", voucher_lines: [ build_voucher_line, build_voucher_line, ], } defaults.merge(attributes) end def build_voucher_line(attributes = {}) defaults = { account_number: 1234, amount: 1, booked_on: Date.today, description: "A voucher line" } defaults.merge(attributes) end def entry_attribute(label, attribute) indexed_entry_attribute(label, 0, attribute) end def indexed_entry_attribute(label, index, attribute) indexed_entry_attributes(label, index).fetch(attribute) do raise "Unknown attribute #{ attribute } in #{ entry.attributes.keys.inspect }" end end def indexed_entry_attributes(label, index) indexed_entry(label, index).attributes end def indexed_voucher_entries(index) indexed_entry("ver", index).entries end def indexed_entry(label, index) sie_file.entries_with_label(label)[index] or raise "No entry with label #{ label.inspect } found!" end end