require Gem::Specification.find_by_name("navi_client").gem_dir+"/lib/client" require 'concurrent' module NaviClient ## # This class represents the client for cloud version. # In cloud version, all the content will be saved and also being used from the s3 # class Cloud include Concurrent::Async include Client attr_reader :id def initialize(sso_web_url = "http://localhost:3008/") super() # client-id used to track the process @id = SecureRandom.uuid # flag to print Ruby library debug info (very detailed) @net_imap_debug = false # flag to mark email as read after gets downloaded. @mark_as_read = false # flag to turn on/off debug mode. @debug = false @logger = nil # sso_web (authentication) config. @sso_web_url = sso_web_url # authentication token received from sso_web used to authenticate the request to database_api @token = nil # client_type @client_type = "cloud" @download_path = config[:s3_download_folder] + '/' # set email_address of current_user for s3 folder name @current_user_email = nil end def override_logger(logger) @logger = logger end # # login # # login to the navi-cloud and get the authentication token # def login(session_token) @token = session_token end def set_current_user_email(email) @current_user_email = email end ## # send bulk request to navi-ai service with list of input files downloaded from imap server. # def send_request(in_filenames = []) unless in_filenames.blank? download_path = config['s3_download_folder'] + "/" + @current_user_email filepath = download_path + "/inputs/" + ( * 1000).to_s filename = upload_to_s3(filepath, in_filenames.join("\n")) HTTPService::NaviAI.start(filepath: filename, client_id: @id, client_type: @client_type, token: @token) end end ## # Downloads the email content from imap-server and save it to the download_path # def download(message, custom_uid) download_path = config[:s3_download_folder] + "/" + @current_user_email if ['text/plain', 'text/html'].include? message.mime_type h = out_file = download_path + "/" + message.mime_type + "/"+custom_uid s3_filepath = upload_to_s3(out_file, encrypt(message.decoded)) key = message.mime_type.split("/").join("_") h[key] = s3_filepath return h end end ## # save data to download_path with file named by filename params. # Input is hashmap, and it save the hashmap as yml format. # def save(data={}, filename) download_path = config[:s3_download_folder] + "/" + @current_user_email filepath = download_path + "/" + filename + ".yml" return upload_to_s3(filepath, data.to_yaml) end ## # Helper function to upload the content to the s3 def upload_to_s3(file_path, content) credentials =[:aws_key], config[:aws_secret]) s3 = credentials, region: config[:aws_region]) obj = s3.put_object({ body: content, bucket: config[:s3_bucket], key: file_path }) return file_path if obj.successful? return "" end def config YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join("config/navi_client.yml")).with_indifferent_access end end end