--- :name: us_core_organization :class_name: USCorev501OrganizationSequence :version: v5.0.1 :reformatted_version: v501 :resource: Organization :profile_url: http://hl7.org/fhir/us/core/StructureDefinition/us-core-organization :profile_name: US Core Organization Profile :profile_version: 5.0.1 :title: Organization :short_description: Verify support for the server capabilities required by the US Core Organization Profile. :interactions: - :code: create :expectation: MAY - :code: search-type :expectation: SHALL - :code: read :expectation: SHALL - :code: vread :expectation: SHOULD - :code: update :expectation: MAY - :code: patch :expectation: MAY - :code: delete :expectation: MAY - :code: history-instance :expectation: SHOULD - :code: history-type :expectation: MAY :operations: [] :searches: - :names: - name :expectation: SHALL :names_not_must_support_or_mandatory: [] :must_support_or_mandatory: true - :names: - address :expectation: SHALL :names_not_must_support_or_mandatory: [] :must_support_or_mandatory: true :search_definitions: :name: :paths: - name - alias :full_paths: - Organization.name - Organization.alias :comparators: {} :values: [] :type: string :contains_multiple: false :multiple_or: MAY :address: :paths: - address :full_paths: - Organization.address :comparators: {} :values: [] :type: Address :contains_multiple: true :multiple_or: MAY :include_params: [] :revincludes: [] :required_concepts: [] :must_supports: :extensions: [] :slices: - :name: Organization.identifier:NPI :path: identifier :discriminator: :type: patternIdentifier :path: '' :system: http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/us-npi :elements: - :path: identifier - :path: identifier.system - :path: identifier.value - :path: active - :path: name - :path: telecom - :path: telecom.system - :path: telecom.value - :path: address - :path: address.line - :path: address.city - :path: address.state - :path: address.postalCode - :path: address.country :mandatory_elements: - Organization.active - Organization.name :bindings: - :type: code :strength: required :system: http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/identifier-use :path: identifier.use - :type: code :strength: required :system: http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/contact-point-system :path: telecom.system - :type: code :strength: required :system: http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/contact-point-use :path: telecom.use - :type: code :strength: required :system: http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/address-use :path: address.use - :type: code :strength: required :system: http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/address-type :path: address.type :references: - :path: Organization.identifier.assigner :profiles: - http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Organization - :path: Organization.partOf :profiles: - http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Organization - :path: Organization.endpoint :profiles: - http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Endpoint :tests: - :id: us_core_v501_organization_read_test :file_name: organization_read_test.rb - :id: us_core_v501_organization_name_search_test :file_name: organization_name_search_test.rb - :id: us_core_v501_organization_address_search_test :file_name: organization_address_search_test.rb - :id: us_core_v501_organization_validation_test :file_name: organization_validation_test.rb - :id: us_core_v501_organization_must_support_test :file_name: organization_must_support_test.rb :id: us_core_v501_organization :file_name: organization_group.rb :delayed_references: []