var React = require('react'); var Mui = require('material-ui'); var Paper = Mui.Paper; var Dom = require('../../../../node_modules/material-ui/src/js/utils/dom'); var KeyLine = require('../../../../node_modules/material-ui/src/js/utils/key-line'); var MenuItem = require('./menu-item.jsx'); var ConfigField = require('../ConfigField'); var Menu = React.createClass({ propTypes: { autoWidth: React.PropTypes.bool, onItemTap: React.PropTypes.func, onItemClick: React.PropTypes.func, onToggleClick: React.PropTypes.func, menuItems: React.PropTypes.array.isRequired, selectedIndex: React.PropTypes.number, hideable: React.PropTypes.bool, visible: React.PropTypes.bool, zDepth: React.PropTypes.number }, getInitialState: function() { return { hasToUpdateValues: false } }, getDefaultProps: function() { return { autoWidth: true, hideable: false, visible: true, zDepth: 1 }; }, componentDidMount: function() { var el = this.getDOMNode(); //Set the menu with //this._setKeyWidth(el); var menuWidth = document.getElementsByClassName('resources-panel')[0].offsetWidth / 2.4; //Update the menu width = menuWidth + 'px'; //Save the initial menu height and item height for later this._initialMenuHeight = el.offsetHeight + KeyLine.Desktop.GUTTER_LESS; this._itemHeight = el.offsetHeight / (this.props.menuItems.length); //Show or Hide the menu according to visibility this._renderVisibility(); }, componentDidUpdate: function(prevProps, prevState) { this.updateHeight(this.props.menuItems.length); if (this.props.visible !== prevProps.visible) this._renderVisibility(); }, updateHeight: function(numItems) { if(this.props.visible) { // Compute new height this._initialMenuHeight = this._itemHeight * numItems + KeyLine.Desktop.GUTTER_LESS; // Update menu height this.getDOMNode().style.height = this._initialMenuHeight + 'px'; } }, render: function() { var classes = 'mui-menu'; if(this.props.hideable) { classes += ' mui-menu-hideable'; } if(this.props.visible) { classes += ' mui-visible'; } return ( {this._getChildren()} ); }, _getChildren: function() { var children = [], menuItem, itemComponent, isSelected; for (var i=0; i < this.props.menuItems.length; i++) { menuItem = this.props.menuItems[i]; isSelected = i === this.props.selectedIndex; var { icon, data, attribute, number, toggle, onClick, ...other } = menuItem; var menuContent; if(this.props.configMenu) { var lastItem = i === this.props.menuItems.length - 1; menuContent = ( ); } else { menuContent = menuItem.text; } itemComponent = ( {menuContent} ); children.push(itemComponent); } this._numItems = children.length; return children; }, _setKeyWidth: function(el) { var menuWidth = this.props.autoWidth ? KeyLine.getIncrementalDim(el.offsetWidth) + 'px' : '100%'; //Update the menu width Dom.withoutTransition(el, function() { = menuWidth; }); }, _renderVisibility: function() { var el; if (this.props.hideable) { el = this.getDOMNode(); var innerContainer = this.refs.paperContainer.getInnerContainer().getDOMNode(); if (this.props.visible) { //Open the menu = this._initialMenuHeight + 'px'; //This is to account for fast clicks if (this.props.visible) { = 'visible'; } } else { //Close the menu = '0px'; //Set the overflow to hidden so that animation works properly = 'hidden'; } } }, handleInputChange: function(id, value) { this.props.onInputChange(id, value); }, _onItemTap: function(e, index, action) { // if(action === 'delete' || action === 'add') { this.setState({hasToUpdateValues: true}); // } if (this.props.onItemTap) this.props.onItemTap(e, index, this.props.menuItems[index], action); }, handleUpdatedValues: function() { this.setState({hasToUpdateValues: false}); } }); module.exports = Menu;