# Rack::Component
Like a React.js component, a `Rack::Component` implements a `render` method that
takes input data and returns what to display. You can use Components instead of
Controllers, Views, Templates, and Helpers, in any Rack app.
## Install
Add `rack-component` to your Gemfile and run `bundle install`:
gem 'rack-component'
## Quickstart with Sinatra
# config.ru
require 'sinatra'
require 'rack/component'
class Hello < Rack::Component
render do |env|
Hello, #{h env[:name]}
get '/hello/:name' do
Hello.call(name: params[:name])
run Sinatra::Application
**Note that Rack::Component does not escape strings by default**. To escape
strings, you can either use the `#h` helper like in the example above, or you
can configure your components to render a template that escapes automatically.
See the [Recipes](#recipes) section for details.
## Table of Contents
* [Getting Started](#getting-started)
* [Components as plain functions](#components-as-plain-functions)
* [Components as Rack::Components](#components-as-rackcomponents)
* [Components if you hate inheritance](#components-if-you-hate-inheritance)
* [Recipes](#recipes)
* [Render one component inside another](#render-one-component-inside-another)
* [Render a template that escapes output by default via Tilt](#render-a-template-that-escapes-output-by-default-via-tilt)
* [Render an HTML list from an array](#render-an-html-list-from-an-array)
* [Render a Rack::Component from a Rails controller](#render-a-rackcomponent-from-a-rails-controller)
* [Mount a Rack::Component as a Rack app](#mount-a-rackcomponent-as-a-rack-app)
* [Build an entire App out of Rack::Components](#build-an-entire-app-out-of-rackcomponents)
* [Define `#render` at the instance level instead of via `render do`](#define-render-at-the-instance-level-instead-of-via-render-do)
* [API Reference](#api-reference)
* [Performance](#performance)
* [Compatibility](#compatibility)
* [Anybody using this in production?](#anybody-using-this-in-production)
* [Ruby reference](#ruby-reference)
* [Development](#development)
* [Contributing](#contributing)
* [License](#license)
## Getting Started
### Components as plain functions
The simplest component is just a lambda that takes an `env` parameter:
Greeter = lambda do |env|
"Hi, #{env[:name]}.
Greeter.call(name: 'Mina') #=> 'Hi, Mina.
### Components as Rack::Components
Upgrade your lambda to a `Rack::Component` when it needs HTML escaping, instance
methods, or state:
require 'rack/component'
class FormalGreeter < Rack::Component
render do |env|
"Hi, #{h title} #{h env[:name]}.
# +env+ is available in instance methods too
def title
env[:title] || "Queen"
FormalGreeter.call(name: 'Franklin') #=> "Hi, Queen Franklin.
title: 'Captain',
name: 'Kirk '
) #=> Hi, Captain Kirk <kirk@starfleet.gov>.
#### Components if you hate inheritance
Instead of inheriting from `Rack::Component`, you can `extend` its methods:
class SoloComponent
extend Rack::Component::Methods
render { "Family is complicated" }
## Recipes
### Render one component inside another
You can nest Rack::Components as if they were [React Children][jsx children] by
calling them with a block.
Layout.call(title: 'Home') do
Here's a more fully fleshed example:
require 'rack/component'
# let's say this is a Sinatra app:
get '/posts/:id' do
PostPage.call(id: params[:id])
# Fetch a post from the database and render it inside a Layout
class PostPage < Rack::Component
render do |env|
post = Post.find env[:id]
# Nest a PostContent instance inside a Layout instance,
# with some arbitrary HTML too
Layout.call(title: post.title) do
#{PostContent.call(title: post.title, body: post.body)}
class Layout < Rack::Component
# The +render+ macro supports Ruby's keyword arguments, and, like any other
# Ruby function, can accept a block via the & operator.
# Here, :title is a required key in +env+, and &child is just a regular Ruby
# block that could be named anything.
render do |title:, **, &child|
#{h title}
class PostContent < Rack::Component
render do |title:, body:, **|
#{h title}
#{h body}
### Render a template that escapes output by default via Tilt
If you add [Tilt][tilt] and `erubi` to your Gemfile, you can use the `render`
macro with an automatically-escaped template instead of a block.
# Gemfile
gem 'tilt'
gem 'erubi'
gem 'rack-component'
# my_component.rb
class TemplateComponent < Rack::Component
render erb: <<~ERB
Hello, <%= name %>
def name
env[:name] || 'Someone'
TemplateComponent.call #=> Hello, Someone
TemplateComponent.call(name: 'Spock<>') #=> Hello, Spock<>
Rack::Component passes `{ escape_html: true }` to Tilt by default, which enables
automatic escaping in ERB (via erubi) Haml, and Markdown. To disable automatic
escaping, or to pass other tilt options, use an `opts: {}` key in `render`:
class OptionsComponent < Rack::Component
render opts: { escape_html: false, trim: false }, erb: <<~ERB
Hi there, <%= {env[:name] %>
<%== yield %>
Template components support using the `yield` keyword to render child
components, but note the double-equals `<%==` in the example above. If your
component escapes HTML, and you're yielding to a component that renders HTML,
you probably want to disable escaping via `==`, just for the `<%== yield %>`
call. This is safe, as long as the component you're yielding to uses escaping.
Using `erb` as a key for the inline template is a shorthand, which also works
with `haml` and `markdown`. But you can also specify `engine` and `template`
require 'haml'
class HamlComponent < Rack::Component
# Note the special HEREDOC syntax for inline Haml templates! Without the
# single-quotes, Ruby will interpret #{strings} before Haml does.
render engine: 'haml', template: <<~'HAML'
%h1 Hi #{env[:name]}.
Using a template instead of raw string interpolation is a safer default, but it
can make it less convenient to do logic while rendering. Feel free to override
your Component's `#initialize` method and do logic there:
class EscapedPostView < Rack::Component
def initialize(env)
@post = Post.find(env[:id])
# calling `super` will populate the instance-level `env` hash, making
# `env` available outside this method. But it's fine to skip it.
render erb: <<~ERB
<%= @post.title %>
<%= @post.body %>
### Render an HTML list from an array
[JSX Lists][jsx lists] use JavaScript's `map` function. Rack::Component does
likewise, only you need to call `join` on the array:
require 'rack/component'
class PostsList < Rack::Component
render do
This is a list of posts
def render_items
env[:posts].map { |post|
}.join # unlike JSX, you need to call `join` on your array
posts = [{ name: 'First Post', id: 1 }, { name: 'Second', id: 2 }]
PostsList.call(posts: posts) #=> This is a list of posts
### Render a Rack::Component from a Rails controller
# app/controllers/posts_controller.rb
class PostsController < ApplicationController
def index
render json: PostsList.call(params)
# app/components/posts_list.rb
class PostsList < Rack::Component
def render
### Mount a Rack::Component as a Rack app
Because Rack::Components have the same signature as Rack app, you can mount them
anywhere you can mount a Rack app. It's up to you to return a valid rack tuple,
# config.ru
require 'rack/component'
class Posts < Rack::Component
def render
[status, headers, [body]]
def status
def headers
{ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }
def body
run Posts
### Build an entire App out of Rack::Components
In real life, maybe don't do this. Use [Roda] or [Sinatra] for routing, and use
Rack::Component instead of Controllers, Views, and templates. But to see an
entire app built only out of Rack::Components, see
[the example spec](https://github.com/chrisfrank/rack-component/blob/master/spec/raw_rack_example_spec.rb).
### Define `#render` at the instance level instead of via `render do`
The class-level `render` macro exists to make using templates easy, and to lean
on Ruby's keyword arguments as a limited imitation of React's `defaultProps` and
`PropTypes`. But you can define render at the instance level instead.
# these two components render identical output
class MacroComponent < Rack::Component
render do |name:, dept: 'Engineering'|
"#{name} - #{dept}"
class ExplicitComponent < Rack::Component
def initialize(name:, dept: 'Engineering')
@name = name
@dept = dept
# calling `super` will populate the instance-level `env` hash, making
# `env` available outside this method. But it's fine to skip it.
def render
"#{@name} - #{@dept}"
## API Reference
The full API reference is available here:
## Performance
Run `ruby spec/benchmarks.rb` to see what to expect in your environment. These
results are from a 2015 iMac:
$ ruby spec/benchmarks.rb
Warming up --------------------------------------
stdlib ERB 2.682k i/100ms
Tilt ERB 15.958k i/100ms
Bare lambda 77.124k i/100ms
RC [def render] 64.905k i/100ms
RC [render do] 57.725k i/100ms
RC [render erb:] 15.595k i/100ms
Calculating -------------------------------------
stdlib ERB 27.423k (± 1.8%) i/s - 139.464k in 5.087391s
Tilt ERB 169.351k (± 2.2%) i/s - 861.732k in 5.090920s
Bare lambda 929.473k (± 3.0%) i/s - 4.705M in 5.065991s
RC [def render] 775.176k (± 1.1%) i/s - 3.894M in 5.024347s
RC [render do] 686.653k (± 2.3%) i/s - 3.464M in 5.046728s
RC [render erb:] 165.113k (± 1.7%) i/s - 826.535k in 5.007444s
Every component in the benchmark is configured to escape HTML when rendering.
When rendering via a block, Rack::Component is about 25x faster than ERB and 4x
faster than Tilt. When rendering a template via Tilt, it (unsurprisingly)
performs roughly at tilt-speed.
## Compatibility
When not rendering Tilt templates, Rack::Component has zero dependencies,
and will work in any Rack app. It should even work _outside_ a Rack app, because
it's not actually dependent on Rack. I packaged it under the Rack namespace
because it follows the Rack `call` specification, and because that's where I
use and test it.
When using Tilt templates, you will need `tilt` and a templating gem in your
gem 'tilt'
gem 'erubi' # or gem 'haml', etc
gem 'rack-component'
## Anybody using this in production?
* [future.com](https://www.future.com/)
* [Seattle & King County Homelessness Response System](https://hrs.kc.future.com/)
## Ruby reference
Where React uses [JSX] to make components more ergonomic, Rack::Component leans
heavily on some features built into the Ruby language, specifically:
* [Heredocs]
* [String Interpolation]
* [Calling methods with a block][ruby blocks]
## Development
After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run
`rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive
prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To
release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run
`bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push
git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to
## Contributing
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
## License
[spec]: https://github.com/chrisfrank/rack-component/blob/master/spec/rack/component_spec.rb
[jsx]: https://reactjs.org/docs/introducing-jsx.html
[jsx children]: https://reactjs.org/docs/composition-vs-inheritance.html
[jsx lists]: https://reactjs.org/docs/lists-and-keys.html
[heredocs]: https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.5.0/doc/syntax/literals_rdoc.html#label-Here+Documents
[string interpolation]: http://ruby-for-beginners.rubymonstas.org/bonus/string_interpolation.html
[ruby blocks]: https://mixandgo.com/learn/mastering-ruby-blocks-in-less-than-5-minutes
[roda]: http://roda.jeremyevans.net
[sinatra]: http://sinatrarb.com
[tilt]: https://github.com/rtomayko/tilt