require 'mock_redis/assertions' require 'mock_redis/utility_methods' class MockRedis module ListMethods include Assertions include UtilityMethods def blmove(source, destination, wherefrom, whereto, options = {}) options = { :timeout => options } if options.is_a?(Integer) timeout = options.is_a?(Hash) && options[:timeout] || 0 assert_valid_timeout(timeout) if llen(source) > 0 lmove(source, destination, wherefrom, whereto) elsif timeout > 0 nil else raise MockRedis::WouldBlock, "Can't block forever" end end def blpop(*args) lists, timeout = extract_timeout(args) nonempty_list = first_nonempty_list(lists) if nonempty_list [nonempty_list, lpop(nonempty_list)] elsif timeout > 0 nil else raise MockRedis::WouldBlock, "Can't block forever" end end def brpop(*args) lists, timeout = extract_timeout(args) nonempty_list = first_nonempty_list(lists) if nonempty_list [nonempty_list, rpop(nonempty_list)] elsif timeout > 0 nil else raise MockRedis::WouldBlock, "Can't block forever" end end def brpoplpush(source, destination, timeout: 0) assert_valid_timeout(timeout) if llen(source) > 0 rpoplpush(source, destination) elsif timeout > 0 nil else raise MockRedis::WouldBlock, "Can't block forever" end end def lindex(key, index) with_list_at(key) { |l| l[index.to_i] } end def linsert(key, position, pivot, value) unless %w[before after].include?(position.to_s) raise Error.command_error('ERR syntax error', self) end assert_listy(key) return 0 unless data[key] pivot_position = (0..llen(key) - 1).find do |i| data[key][i] == pivot.to_s end return -1 unless pivot_position insertion_index = if position.to_s == 'before' pivot_position else pivot_position + 1 end data[key].insert(insertion_index, value.to_s) llen(key) end def llen(key) with_list_at(key, &:length) end def lmove(source, destination, wherefrom, whereto) assert_listy(source) assert_listy(destination) wherefrom = wherefrom.to_s.downcase whereto = whereto.to_s.downcase assert_where_field(wherefrom, 'where_source') assert_where_field(whereto, 'where_destination') value = wherefrom == 'left' ? lpop(source) : rpop(source) (whereto == 'left' ? lpush(destination, value) : rpush(destination, value)) unless value.nil? value end def lpop(key, count = nil) return with_list_at(key, &:shift) if count.nil? record_count = llen(key) return nil if [record_count, count] { with_list_at(key, &:shift) } end def lpush(key, values) values = [values] unless values.is_a?(Array) assert_has_args(values, 'lpush') with_list_at(key) { |l| values.each { |v| l.unshift(v.to_s) } } llen(key) end def lpushx(key, value) value = [value] unless value.is_a?(Array) if value.empty? raise Error.command_error("ERR wrong number of arguments for 'lpushx' command", self) end assert_listy(key) return 0 unless list_at?(key) lpush(key, value) end def lrange(key, start, stop) start = start.to_i with_list_at(key) { |l| start < l.size ? l[[start, -l.length].max..stop.to_i] : [] } end def lrem(key, count, value) count = Integer(count) value = value.to_s with_list_at(key) do |list| indices_with_value = (0..(llen(key) - 1)).find_all do |i| list[i] == value end indices_to_delete = if count == 0 indices_with_value.reverse elsif count > 0 indices_with_value.take(count).reverse else indices_with_value.reverse.take(-count) end indices_to_delete.each { |i| list.delete_at(i) }.length end end def lset(key, index, value) assert_listy(key) unless list_at?(key) raise Error.command_error('ERR no such key', self) end index = index.to_i unless (0...llen(key)).cover?(index) raise Error.command_error('ERR index out of range', self) end data[key][index] = value.to_s 'OK' end def ltrim(key, start, stop) with_list_at(key) do |list| list&.replace(list[[start.to_i, -list.length].max..stop.to_i] || []) 'OK' end end def rpop(key, count = nil) return with_list_at(key) { |list| list&.pop } if count.nil? record_count = llen(key) return nil if [record_count, count] { with_list_at(key, &:pop) } end def rpoplpush(source, destination) value = rpop(source) lpush(destination, value) unless value.nil? value end def rpush(key, values) values = [values] unless values.is_a?(Array) assert_has_args(values, 'rpush') with_list_at(key) { |l| values.each { |v| l.push(v.to_s) } } llen(key) end def rpushx(key, value) value = [value] unless value.is_a?(Array) if value.empty? raise Error.command_error("ERR wrong number of arguments for 'rpushx' command", self) end assert_listy(key) return 0 unless list_at?(key) rpush(key, value) end private def list_at?(key) data[key] && listy?(key) end def with_list_at(key, &blk) with_thing_at(key, :assert_listy, proc { [] }, &blk) end def listy?(key) data[key].nil? || data[key].is_a?(Array) end def assert_listy(key) unless listy?(key) # Not the most helpful error, but it's what redis-rb barfs up raise Error.wrong_type_error(self) end end def assert_where_field(where, argument_name) unless %w[left right].include?(where) raise ArgumentError, "#{argument_name} must be 'LEFT' or 'RIGHT'" end end def first_nonempty_list(keys) keys.find { |k| llen(k) > 0 } end end end