# =========================================================================== # Project: Abbot - SproutCore Build Tools # Copyright: ©2009 Apple Inc. # portions copyright @2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. # and contributors # =========================================================================== require "sproutcore/builders/base" require 'fileutils' module SC # This build is used to process a single javascript file. It will # substitute any calls to sc_super and sc_static() (or static_url()). It # does NOT product a combined JavaScript for production. See the # Builder::CombinedJavaScript for more. class Builder::JavaScript < Builder::Base def readlines(src_path) if File.exist?(src_path) && !File.directory?(src_path) File.read(src_path) else "" end end def writelines(dst_path, lines) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(dst_path)) File.open(dst_path, 'w') do |f| f.write lines end end def build(dst_path) lines = "" target_name = entry.target[:target_name].to_s.sub(/^\//,'') if entry[:lazy_instantiation] && entry[:notify_onload] lines << "; if ((typeof SC !== 'undefined') && SC && !SC.LAZY_INSTANTIATION) { SC.LAZY_INSTANTIATION = {}; } if(!SC.LAZY_INSTANTIATION['#{target_name}']) { SC.LAZY_INSTANTIATION['#{target_name}'] = []; } SC.LAZY_INSTANTIATION['#{target_name}'].push( ( function() { " end lines << rewrite_inline_code(readlines(entry[:source_path])) # Try to load dependencies if we're not combining javascript. if entry[:notify_onload] lines << "; if ((typeof SC !== 'undefined') && SC && SC.scriptDidLoad) SC.scriptDidLoad('#{target_name}');" end if entry[:lazy_instantiation] && entry[:notify_onload] lines << " } ) ); " end writelines dst_path, lines end # Returns true if the current entry is a localized strings file. These # files receive some specialized processing to allow for server-side only # strings. -- You can name a string key beginning with "@@" and it will # be removed. def localized_strings? @lstrings ||= entry[:localized] && entry[:filename] =~ /strings.js$/ end # Rewrites inline content for a single line def rewrite_inline_code(code) # Fors strings file, remove server-side keys (i.e '@@foo' = 'bar') if localized_strings? code.gsub!(/["']@@.*["']\s*?:\s*?["'].*["']\s*,\s*$/,'') # Otherwise process sc_super else code.gsub!(/sc_super\(\s*\)/, 'arguments.callee.base.apply(this,arguments)') code.gsub!(/sc_super\((.+?)\)/) do SC.logger.warn "\nWARNING: Calling sc_super() with arguments is DEPRECATED. Please use sc_super() only.\n\n" "arguments.callee.base.apply(this, #{$1})" end end # and finally rewrite static_url replace_static_url(code) code end end end