require 'optparse' require 'set' #Parses command line arguments for Brakeman module Brakeman::Options class << self #Parse argument array def parse args get_options args end #Parse arguments and remove them from the array as they are matched def parse! args get_options args, true end #Return hash of options and the parser def get_options args, destructive = false options = {} parser = create_option_parser options if destructive parser.parse! args else parser.parse args end if options[:previous_results_json] and options[:output_files] options[:comparison_output_file] = options[:output_files].shift end return options, parser end def create_option_parser options do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: brakeman [options] rails/root/path" opts.on "-n", "--no-threads", "Run checks and file parsing sequentially" do options[:parallel_checks] = false end opts.on "--[no-]progress", "Show progress reports" do |progress| options[:report_progress] = progress end opts.on "-p", "--path PATH", "Specify path to Rails application" do |path| options[:app_path] = path end opts.on "-q", "--[no-]quiet", "Suppress informational messages" do |quiet| options[:quiet] = quiet end opts.on( "-z", "--[no-]exit-on-warn", "Exit code is non-zero if warnings found (Default)") do |exit_on_warn| options[:exit_on_warn] = exit_on_warn end opts.on "--[no-]exit-on-error", "Exit code is non-zero if errors raised (Default)" do |exit_on_error| options[:exit_on_error] = exit_on_error end opts.on "--ensure-latest", "Fail when Brakeman is outdated" do options[:ensure_latest] = true end opts.on "--ensure-ignore-notes", "Fail when an ignored warnings does not include a note" do options[:ensure_ignore_notes] = true end opts.on "-3", "--rails3", "Force Rails 3 mode" do options[:rails3] = true end opts.on "-4", "--rails4", "Force Rails 4 mode" do options[:rails3] = true options[:rails4] = true end opts.on "-5", "--rails5", "Force Rails 5 mode" do options[:rails3] = true options[:rails4] = true options[:rails5] = true end opts.on "-6", "--rails6", "Force Rails 6 mode" do options[:rails3] = true options[:rails4] = true options[:rails5] = true options[:rails6] = true end opts.on "-7", "--rails7", "Force Rails 7 mode" do options[:rails3] = true options[:rails4] = true options[:rails5] = true options[:rails6] = true options[:rails7] = true end opts.on "-8", "--rails8", "Force Rails 8 mode" do options[:rails3] = true options[:rails4] = true options[:rails5] = true options[:rails6] = true options[:rails7] = true options[:rails8] = true end opts.separator "" opts.separator "Scanning options:" opts.on "-A", "--run-all-checks", "Run all default and optional checks" do options[:run_all_checks] = true end opts.on "-a", "--[no-]assume-routes", "Assume all controller methods are actions (Default)" do |assume| options[:assume_all_routes] = assume end opts.on "-e", "--escape-html", "Escape HTML by default" do options[:escape_html] = true end opts.on "--faster", "Faster, but less accurate scan" do options[:ignore_ifs] = true options[:skip_libs] = true options[:disable_constant_tracking] = true end opts.on "--ignore-model-output", "Consider model attributes XSS-safe" do options[:ignore_model_output] = true end opts.on "--ignore-protected", "Consider models with attr_protected safe" do options[:ignore_attr_protected] = true end opts.on "--[no-]index-libs", "Add libraries to call index (Default)" do |index| options[:index_libs] = index end opts.on "--interprocedural", "Process method calls to known methods" do options[:interprocedural] = true end opts.on "--no-branching", "Disable flow sensitivity on conditionals" do options[:ignore_ifs] = true end opts.on "--branch-limit LIMIT", Integer, "Limit depth of values in branches (-1 for no limit)" do |limit| options[:branch_limit] = limit end opts.on "--parser-timeout SECONDS", Integer, "Set parse timeout (Default: 10)" do |timeout| options[:parser_timeout] = timeout end opts.on "--[no-]prism", "Use the Prism parser" do |use_prism| if use_prism min_prism_version = '1.0.0' begin gem 'prism', ">=#{min_prism_version}" require 'prism' rescue Gem::MissingSpecVersionError, Gem::MissingSpecError, Gem::LoadError => e $stderr.puts "Please install `prism` version #{min_prism_version} or newer:" raise e end end options[:use_prism] = use_prism end opts.on "-r", "--report-direct", "Only report direct use of untrusted data" do |option| options[:check_arguments] = !option end opts.on "-s", "--safe-methods meth1,meth2,etc", Array, "Set methods as safe for unescaped output in views" do |methods| options[:safe_methods] ||= options[:safe_methods].merge {|e| e.to_sym } end opts.on "--sql-safe-methods meth1,meth2,etc", Array, "Do not warn of SQL if the input is wrapped in a safe method" do |methods| options[:sql_safe_methods] ||= options[:sql_safe_methods].merge {|e| e.to_sym } end opts.on "--url-safe-methods method1,method2,etc", Array, "Do not warn of XSS if the link_to href parameter is wrapped in a safe method" do |methods| options[:url_safe_methods] ||= options[:url_safe_methods].merge {|e| e.to_sym } end opts.on "--skip-files file1,path2,etc", Array, "Skip processing of these files/directories. Directories are application relative and must end in \"#{File::SEPARATOR}\"" do |files| options[:skip_files] ||= options[:skip_files].merge files end opts.on "--only-files file1,path2,etc", Array, "Process only these files/directories. Directories are application relative and must end in \"#{File::SEPARATOR}\"" do |files| options[:only_files] ||= options[:only_files].merge files end opts.on "--[no-]skip-vendor", "Skip processing vendor directory (Default)" do |skip| options[:skip_vendor] = skip end opts.on "--skip-libs", "Skip processing lib directory" do options[:skip_libs] = true end opts.on "--add-libs-path path1,path2,etc", Array, "An application relative lib directory (ex. app/mailers) to process" do |paths| options[:additional_libs_path] ||= options[:additional_libs_path].merge paths end opts.on "--add-engines-path path1,path2,etc", Array, "Include these engines in the scan" do |paths| options[:engine_paths] ||= options[:engine_paths].merge paths end opts.on '--[no-]follow-symlinks', 'Follow symbolic links for directions' do |follow_symlinks| options[:follow_symlinks] = follow_symlinks end opts.on "-E", "--enable Check1,Check2,etc", Array, "Enable the specified checks" do |checks|! do |check| if check.start_with? "Check" check else "Check#{check}" end end options[:enable_checks] ||= options[:enable_checks].merge checks end opts.on "-t", "--test Check1,Check2,etc", Array, "Only run the specified checks" do |checks| checks.each_with_index do |s, index| if s[0,5] != "Check" checks[index] = "Check#{s}" end end options[:run_checks] ||= options[:run_checks].merge checks end opts.on "-x", "--except Check1,Check2,etc", Array, "Skip the specified checks" do |skip| skip.each do |s| if s[0,5] != "Check" s = "Check#{s}" end options[:skip_checks] ||= options[:skip_checks] << s end end opts.on "--add-checks-path path1,path2,etc", Array, "A directory containing additional out-of-tree checks to run" do |paths| options[:additional_checks_path] ||= options[:additional_checks_path].merge {|p| File.expand_path p} end opts.separator "" opts.separator "Output options:" opts.on "-d", "--debug", "Lots of output" do options[:debug] = true end opts.on "--timing", "Measure time for scan steps" do options[:show_timing] = true end opts.on "-f", "--format TYPE", [:pdf, :text, :html, :csv, :tabs, :json, :markdown, :codeclimate, :cc, :plain, :table, :junit, :sarif, :sonar, :github], "Specify output formats. Default is text" do |type| type = "s" if type == :text options[:output_format] = :"to_#{type}" end opts.on "--css-file CSSFile", "Specify CSS to use for HTML output" do |file| options[:html_style] = File.expand_path file end opts.on "-i IGNOREFILE", "--ignore-config IGNOREFILE", "Use configuration to ignore warnings" do |file| options[:ignore_file] = file end opts.on "-I", "--interactive-ignore", "Interactively ignore warnings" do options[:interactive_ignore] = true end opts.on "--show-ignored", "Show files that are usually ignored by the ignore configuration file" do options[:show_ignored] = true end opts.on "-l", "--[no-]combine-locations", "Combine warning locations (Default)" do |combine| options[:combine_locations] = combine end opts.on "--[no-]highlights", "Highlight user input in report" do |highlight| options[:highlight_user_input] = highlight end opts.on "--[no-]color", "Use ANSI colors in report (Default)" do |color| if color options[:output_color] = :force else options[:output_color] = color end end opts.on "-m", "--routes", "Report controller information" do options[:report_routes] = true end opts.on "--message-limit LENGTH", "Limit message length in HTML report" do |limit| options[:message_limit] = limit.to_i end opts.on "--[no-]pager", "Use pager for output to terminal (Default)" do |pager| options[:pager] = pager end opts.on "--table-width WIDTH", "Limit table width in text report" do |width| options[:table_width] = width.to_i end opts.on "-o", "--output FILE", "Specify files for output. Defaults to stdout. Multiple '-o's allowed" do |file| options[:output_files] ||= [] options[:output_files].push(file) end opts.on "--[no-]separate-models", "Warn on each model without attr_accessible (Default)" do |separate| options[:collapse_mass_assignment] = !separate end opts.on "--[no-]summary", "Only output summary of warnings" do |summary_only| if summary_only options[:summary_only] = :summary_only else options[:summary_only] = :no_summary end end opts.on "--absolute-paths", "Output absolute file paths in reports" do options[:absolute_paths] = true end opts.on "--github-repo USER/REPO[/PATH][@REF]", "Output links to GitHub in markdown and HTML reports using specified repo" do |repo| options[:github_repo] = repo end opts.on "--text-fields field1,field2,etc.", Array, "Specify fields for text report format" do |format| valid_options = [:category, :category_id, :check, :code, :confidence, :cwe, :file, :fingerprint, :line, :link, :message, :render_path] options[:text_fields] = if options[:text_fields] == [:all] options[:text_fields] = valid_options else invalid_options = (options[:text_fields] - valid_options) unless invalid_options.empty? raise OptionParser::ParseError, "\nInvalid format options: #{invalid_options.inspect}" end end end opts.on "-w", "--confidence-level LEVEL", ["1", "2", "3"], "Set minimal confidence level (1 - 3)" do |level| options[:min_confidence] = 3 - level.to_i end opts.on "--compare FILE", "Compare the results of a previous Brakeman scan (only JSON is supported)" do |file| options[:previous_results_json] = File.expand_path(file) end opts.separator "" opts.separator "Configuration files:" opts.on "-c", "--config-file FILE", "Use specified configuration file" do |file| options[:config_file] = File.expand_path(file) end opts.on "-C", "--create-config [FILE]", "Output configuration file based on options" do |file| if file options[:create_config] = file else options[:create_config] = true end end opts.on "--allow-check-paths-in-config", "Allow loading checks from configuration file (Unsafe)" do options[:allow_check_paths_in_config] = true end opts.separator "" opts.on "-k", "--checks", "List all available vulnerability checks" do options[:list_checks] = true end opts.on "--optional-checks", "List optional checks" do options[:list_optional_checks] = true end opts.on "-v", "--version", "Show Brakeman version" do options[:show_version] = true end opts.on "--force-scan", "Scan application even if rails is not detected" do options[:force_scan] = true end opts.on_tail "-h", "--help", "Display this message" do options[:show_help] = true end end end end end