### Html2Pdf - Changelogs
#### 0.1.1
- Remove 'ghostscript' from the required software in error message
#### 0.1.0
- Use the [Semantic Versioning][] release scheme
- Update the gemspec and README.md file
- Fix styles with rubocop
#### 0.0.1 - 0.0.7
- Old releases that does not follow [Semantic Versioning][]
- Implement features and fix a few bugs along the way.
[agile_utils]: https://github.com/agilecreativity/agile_utils
[code_lister]: https://github.com/agilecreativity/code_lister
[gemnasium]: https://gemnasium.com/agilecreativity/html2pdf
[codeclimate]: https://codeclimate.com/github/agilecreativity/html2pdf
[minitest]: https://github.com/seattlerb/minitest
[Semantic Versioning]: http://semver.org/