require 'rubygems' require 'tempfile' require 'minitest/autorun' require 'mocha/setup' $:.unshift File.expand_path("../../lib") require 'backburner' require File.expand_path('../helpers/templogger', __FILE__) # Configure Backburner Backburner.configure do |config| config.beanstalk_url = "beanstalk://localhost" config.tube_namespace = "demo.test" end ## Kernel Extensions require 'stringio' module Kernel # Redirect standard out, standard error and the buffered logger for sprinkle to StringIO # capture_stdout { any_commands; you_want } => "all output from the commands" def capture_stdout if ENV['DEBUG'] # Skip if debug mode yield "" end out = $stdout = out $stderr = out yield return out.string ensure $stdout = STDOUT $stderr = STDERR end end class User attr_accessor :id, :name def initialize(id, name) @id, @name = id, name end end class MiniTest::Spec class << self alias :should :it alias :context :describe end alias :assert_no_match :refute_match alias :assert_not_nil :refute_nil alias :assert_not_equal :refute_equal # assert_same_elements([:a, :b, :c], [:c, :a, :b]) => passes def assert_same_elements(a1, a2, msg = nil) [:select, :inject, :size].each do |m| [a1, a2].each {|a| assert_respond_to(a, m, "Are you sure that #{a.inspect} is an array? It doesn't respond to #{m}.") } end assert a1h = a1.inject({}) { |h,e| h[e] ||= { |i| i == e }.size; h } assert a2h = a2.inject({}) { |h,e| h[e] ||= { |i| i == e }.size; h } assert_equal(a1h, a2h, msg) end # assert_contains(['a', '1'], /\d/) => passes # assert_contains(['a', '1'], 'a') => passes # assert_contains(['a', '1'], /not there/) => fails def assert_contains(collection, x, extra_msg = "") collection = [collection] unless collection.is_a?(Array) msg = "#{x.inspect} not found in #{collection.to_a.inspect} #{extra_msg}" case x when Regexp assert(collection.detect { |e| e =~ x }, msg) else assert(collection.include?(x), msg) end end # silenced(5) { ... } def silenced(time=3, &block) Timeout::timeout(time) { capture_stdout(&block) } end # pop_one_job(tube_name) def pop_one_job(tube_name=Backburner.configuration.primary_queue) connection = Backburner::Worker.connection tube_name = [Backburner.configuration.tube_namespace, tube_name].join(".")!(tube_name) silenced(3) { @res = connection.tubes.reserve } return @res, JSON.parse(@res.body) end # clear_jobs!('foo') def clear_jobs!(*tube_names) tube_names.each do |tube_name| expanded_name = [Backburner.configuration.tube_namespace, tube_name].join(".") Backburner::Worker.connection.tubes.find(expanded_name).clear end end end # MiniTest::Spec