### * front-end js helpers * 0.3.3.alpha / 2010-2011 * Karpunin Dmitry / Evrone.com * koderfunk_at_gmail_dot_com ### @DEBUG_MODE ?= false @TEST_MODE ?= false @LOG_TODO ?= true @cout = => args = _.toArray(arguments) method = if args[0] in ['log', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'assert', 'clear'] then args.shift() else 'log' if @DEBUG_MODE and console? method = console[method] if method.apply? method.apply(console, args) else method(args) return args[0] @_cout = => console.log(arguments) if console? arguments[0] @deprecate = (subject, instead = null) => @cout 'error', "`#{subject}` DEPRECATED!#{if instead then " Use instead `#{instead}`" else ''}" @todo = (subject, location = null, numberOrString = null) => if @LOG_TODO @cout 'warn', "TODO: #{subject}#{if location then " ### #{location}" else ''}#{if numberOrString then (if _.isNumber(numberOrString) then ":#{numberOrString}" else " > #{numberOrString}") else ''}" @args = (a) -> @deprecate 'arg()', '_.toArray()' r = [] Array::push.apply(r, a) if a.length > 0 r @logicalXOR = (a, b) -> ( a and not b ) or ( not a and b ) @bound = (number, min, max) -> Math.max(min, Math.min(max, number)) @getParams = -> q = location.search.substring(1).split('&') r = {} for e in q t = e.split('=') r[decodeURIComponent(t[0])] = decodeURIComponent(t[1]) r @respondFormat = (url, format = null) -> aq = url.split('?') ah = aq[0].split('#') ad = ah[0].split('.') currentFormat = if ad.length > 1 and not /\//.test(ad[ad.length - 1]) then ad.pop() else '' return currentFormat unless format? return url if format is currentFormat ad.push format if format ah[0] = ad.join('.') aq[0] = ah.join('#') aq.join('?') ########### Deprecated ########### # Helper function to get a value from a object as a property or as a function. @getValue = (object, prop) -> @deprecate "getValue()", "_.result()" return null unless object and object[prop] return if _.isFunction(object[prop]) then object[prop]() else object[prop] @isset = (obj) => @deprecate 'isset(obj)', '_.isUndefined(obj) OR "obj isnt undefined" OR "obj?' obj isnt undefined @isString = (v) => @deprecate 'isString(v)', '_.isString(v)' _.isString v @isNumber = (v) => @deprecate 'isNumber(v)', '_.isNumber(v)' not isNaN(parseInt(v)) @isJQ = (obj) -> @deprecate 'isJQ(obj)', 'obj instanceof jQuery' _.isObject(obj) and _.isString(obj.jquery) @uniq = (arrOrString) -> @deprecate 'uniq(a)', '_.uniq(a)' isStr = _.isString(arrOrString) return arrOrString unless isStr or _.isArray(arrOrString) r = [] r.push(e) for e in arrOrString when not _.include(r, e) if isStr then r.join('') else r @regexpSpace = /^\s*$/ @regexpTrim = /^\s*(.*?)\s*$/ @strTrim = (s) => @deprecate "strTrim(s)", "_.trim(s)" s.match(@regexpTrim)[1] @rails_data = {} @rails_scope = (controller_name, action_name, scopedCloasure = null, scopedCloasureArguments...) => @deprecate 'rails_scope' return false if _.isString(controller_name) and controller_name isnt @rails_data['controller_name'] return false if _.isString(action_name) and action_name isnt @rails_data['action_name'] if _.isFunction(scopedCloasure) arguments[2] scopedCloasureArguments... true $ => @rails_data = $('body').data()