--- http_interactions: - request: method: get uri: http://lx2.loc.gov:210/LCDB?maximumRecords=10&recordSchema=mods&query=bath.lccn=2012532441&version=1.1&operation=searchRetrieve body: encoding: US-ASCII string: '' headers: accept: - ! '*/*' user-agent: - Ruby response: status: code: 200 message: OK headers: content-length: - '4266' server: - Metaproxy/1.5.3 connection: - Keep-Alive content-type: - text/xml body: encoding: US-ASCII string: ! "\n1.11modsxml\n \ \n The \n data journalism handbook\n \ \n \n How journalists can use data to improve the news\n \ \n \n Gray, Jonathan.\n \ \n \n Bounegru, Liliana.\n \ \n \n Chambers, Lucy.\n \ \n \n European Journalism Centre\n \n \n Open Knowledge Foundation\n \n text\n \ \n \n cau\n \ \n \n Sebastopol, CA\n \ \n O'Reilly Media\n 2012\n \ 1st ed.\n monographic\n \n \ \n eng\n \ \n \n
\n \ xvii, 220 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm.\n
\n \ With The Data Journalism Handbook, you'll explore the potential, limits, and applied use of this new and fascinating field. This handbook has attracted scores of contributors since the European Journalism Centre and the Open Knowledge Foundation launched the project at MozFest 2011. Through a collection of tips and techniques form leading journalists, professors, software developers, and data analysts, you'll learn how data can be wither the source of data journalism or a tool with which the story is told--or both.\n \ In the newsroom -- Case studies -- Getting data -- Understanding data -- Delivering data.\n edited by Jonathan Gray, Liliana Bounegru, and Lucy Chambers.\n \ \"A project of the European Journalism Centre and the Open Knowledge Foundation.\"--T.p. verso.\n \"Strata: making data work\"--Cover p. [4].\n \n Journalism\n \ Data processing\n \n \n \ Data mining\n \n \n \ Information visualization\n \n PN4784.E5 D36 2012\n 070.4/30285\n \n http://datajournalismhandbook.org/1.0/en/\n \ \n 9781449330064 (pbk.)\n \ 1449330061 (pbk.)\n 2012532441\n ocn781679351\n \ \n aacr\n BTCTA\n 130808\n 20130923143859.0\n \ 17845092\n Converted from MARCXML to MODS version 3.4 using MARC21slim2MODS3-4.xsl\n\t\t\t\t(Revision 1.94 2014/02/21)\n \n eng\n \n \ \n
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