module SccManager # adapted from def self.get_scc_data(base_url, rest_url, login, password) if SETTINGS[:katello][:cdn_proxy] && SETTINGS[:katello][:cdn_proxy][:host] proxy_config = SETTINGS[:katello][:cdn_proxy] uri = URI('') uri.scheme = URI.parse(proxy_config[:host]).scheme = URI.parse(proxy_config[:host]).host uri.port = proxy_config[:port].try(:to_s) uri.user = proxy_config[:user] uri.password = proxy_config[:password] if uri.user.present? RestClient.proxy = uri.to_s end url = base_url + rest_url auth_header = { Authorization: 'Basic ' + Base64.encode64("#{login}:#{password}").chomp, Accept: 'application/' } results = [] loop do response = RestClient.get url, auth_header raise 'Connection to SUSE costomer center failed.' unless response.code == 200 links = (response.headers[:link] || '').split(', ').map do |link| href, rel = /<(.*?)>; rel="(\w+)"/.match(link).captures [rel.to_sym, href] end links = Hash[*links.flatten] results += JSON.parse response url = links[:next] break unless url end results ensure RestClient.proxy = '' end # Cope for the very weird structure of SCC output def self.sanitize_products(products, result = {}) products.reduce(result) do |res, product| sanitize_products(product['extensions'].tap do |extensions| product['extensions'] = { |extension| { 'id' => extension['id'] } } res[product['id']] = product.merge(result.fetch(product['id'], {})) res[product['id']]['extensions'] |= product['extensions'] end, res) end end end