require "totrello/version" require 'trello_creator' require 'to_do_find' module Totrello class Trelloize @trello @directory def initialize(directory) begin @trello = @directory = directory rescue error_data = "It looks like you're missing some details:\n\n\n" error_data += " You must define TRELLO_DEVELOPER_PUBLIC_KEY & TRELLO_MEMBER_TOKEN\n" error_data += " \nYou can generate the TRELLO_DEVELOPER_PUBLIC_KEY at:\n" error_data += " \n\n" error_data += " \nYou can generate the TRELLO_MEMBER_TOKEN at:\n " error_data += "\n[TRELLO_DEVELOPER_PUBLIC_KEY]&name=ToTrelloGem&expiration=never&response_type=token&scope=read,write\n" #raise error_data) end #find_todo_items end def find_todo_items puts 'Finding your todo items... This should take a minute...' todo = todos = puts "Woot! We've got'em" puts 'Generating your board' board_name = todos[:directory].nil? ? todos[:directory] : @directory.split('/').last puts "Creating the board: #{board_name}" begin board = @trello.find_board(board_name) rescue board = @trello.create_board(board_name, 'Auto Generated by ToTrello Gem') end puts "Created or found a board with the ID: #{board}" puts 'Talking to Trello, this is the longest part...' todos[:todo_list].each do |tdl| tdl[:todos].each do |td| puts gen_description(tdl[:file], td) @trello.create_card(board,td, gen_description(tdl[:file],td),'To Do') unless td == '' end end puts "And you're ready to go!" end def test_find_todo_items todo = todos = todos[:todo_list].each do |tdl| tdl[:todos].each do |td| puts gen_description(tdl[:file], td) end end end def gen_description(file, todo) out = "TODO item found by ToTrello\n" out += "Filename: #{file}\n" out += "Action item: #{todo[:todo]}\n" out += "Location (at or near) line: #{todo[:location]}\n" end end end