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  1. Checklist of the most important security countermeasures when designing, testing, and releasing your API

    6,022 398 Built by @netcode @Maikuolan @marcossffilho @7snovic @flibustier 5,990 stars this week
  2. 100 days of algorithms

    Jupyter Notebook 4,490 429 Built by @coells @crowchirp 3,977 stars this week
  3. 📝 the simplest and smallest (1kB) WYSIWYG text editor for web, with no dependencies

    JavaScript 3,657 110 Built by @jaredreich @SidKwok @DylanPiercey 3,623 stars this week
  4. A set of best practices for JavaScript projects

    JavaScript 7,276 503 Built by @vpanjganj @Mohamed3on @yeskunall @CapacitorSet @InamTaj 3,263 stars this week
  5. Android智能下拉刷新框架,支持越界回弹,集成了几十种炫酷的Header和 Footer。 RefreshLayout,OverScroll

    Java 3,213 467 Built by @scwang90 2,186 stars this week
  6. 🌈 React for CLIs

    JavaScript 2,090 28 Built by @vadimdemedes @sindresorhus @DuncanMacWeb @brigand @kt3k 1,686 stars this week
  7. ⚡️ GitHub for iOS. Built with React Native.

    JavaScript 1,344 66 Built by @housseindjirdeh @alejandronanez @gejose @hosmelq @patw0929 1,326 stars this week
  8. An open autonomous driving platform

    C++ 3,828 763 Built by @lianglia-apollo @wanglei828 @startcode @ycool @siyangy 1,193 stars this week
  9. A tool to identify bundle duplication across splits.

    JavaScript 1,278 26 Built by @samccone @susielu @paulirish @TheLarkInn @ndelangen 1,225 stars this week
  10. A collection of small bash scripts for heavy terminal users

    Shell 2,919 165 Built by @alexanderepstein @linyostorovovoltos @chadfurman @charlesarnaudo @charles-cooper 1,126 stars this week
  11. ⚛️📄🚀 Blazing fast static site generator for React

    JavaScript 11,589 677 Built by @KyleAMathews @0x80 @benstepp @fk @gesposito 1,114 stars this week
  12. An interactive REPL for Go that allows you to drop into your code at any point.

    Go 1,423 17 Built by @d4l3k @mattn @benhamill 1,108 stars this week
  13. A progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

    JavaScript 59,984 8,360 Built by @yyx990803 @defcc @kazupon @posva @javoski 979 stars this week
  14. Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning

    C++ 63,595 30,894 Built by @tensorflower-gardener @vrv @caisq @benoitsteiner @martinwicke 790 stars this week
  15. 🔗 Some useful websites for programmers.

    18,358 1,618 Built by @sdmg15 @ityler @rachmadaniHaryono @douglasg14b @Jimbo1167 931 stars this week
  16. GPU Accelerated JavaScript

    JavaScript 1,951 68 Built by @PicoCreator @fuzzie360 @robertleeplummerjr @abhisheksoni27 @sawman 958 stars this week
  17. Generate musical patterns with JavaScript and export as MIDI files using Node.js!

    JavaScript 1,061 72 Built by @walmik @ChrisAntaki @planetcohen @patrickshaughnessy @asafdav2 909 stars this week
  18. 👨‍💻 A tiny component that renders a terminal

    JavaScript 873 25 Built by @nitin42 @jcgertig @CVarisco @crowchirp 822 stars this week
  19. TensorFlow Neural Machine Translation Tutorial

    Python 798 101 Built by @oahziur @lmthang @ebrevdo @a-googler 781 stars this week
  20. A cheatsheet of modern C++ language and library features.

    3,236 195 Built by @AnthonyCalandra @tupaschoal @mknejp @aluaces @Doerge 797 stars this week
  21. The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL

    TypeScript 782 45 Built by @timsuchanek @nikolasburk @marktani @xuorig @mairatma 773 stars this week
  22. Globe wireframe visualizations in Golang

    Go 1,288 37 Built by @mmcloughlin 735 stars this week
  23. Messaging APIs for multi-platform

    JavaScript 674 38 Built by @chentsulin @tw0517tw @kpman @xxhomey19 @evenchange4 653 stars this week
  24. Practical Node.js, 1st and 2nd Editions [Apress]

    JavaScript 929 258 Built by @azat-co 638 stars this week
  25. XRay is a tool for recon, mapping and OSINT gathering from public networks.

    Go 620 68 Built by @evilsocket @stefanoj3 @t94j0 @m3liot @xpn 619 stars this week
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