module HydraulicBrake # Sends out the notice to Airbrake class Sender NOTICES_URI = '/notifier_api/v2/notices/'.freeze HTTP_ERRORS = [Timeout::Error, Errno::EINVAL, Errno::ECONNRESET, EOFError, Net::HTTPBadResponse, Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, Net::ProtocolError, Errno::ECONNREFUSED].freeze def initialize(options = {}) [ :proxy_host, :proxy_port, :proxy_user, :proxy_pass, :protocol, :host, :port, :secure, :use_system_ssl_cert_chain, :http_open_timeout, :http_read_timeout ].each do |option| instance_variable_set("@#{option}", options[option]) end end # Sends the notice data off to Airbrake for processing. # # @param [Notice] notice The notice to be sent off def send_to_airbrake(notice) data = notice.to_xml http = setup_http_connection response = begin, data, HEADERS) rescue *HTTP_ERRORS => e log :level => :error, :message => "Unable to contact the Airbrake server. HTTP Error=#{e}" nil end case response when Net::HTTPSuccess then log :level => :info, :message => success_message_from_response(response) error_id_from_response(response) else log :level => :error, :message => "Failure: #{response.class}", :response => response, :notice => notice end rescue => e log :level => :error, :message => "[HydraulicBrake::Sender#send_to_airbrake] Cannot send notification. Error: #{e.class}" + " - #{e.message}\nBacktrace:\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n\t")}" nil end attr_reader :proxy_host, :proxy_port, :proxy_user, :proxy_pass, :protocol, :host, :port, :secure, :use_system_ssl_cert_chain, :http_open_timeout, :http_read_timeout alias_method :secure?, :secure alias_method :use_system_ssl_cert_chain?, :use_system_ssl_cert_chain private def success_message_from_response(response) error_url = error_url_from_response(response) if error_url "Success: sent error to Airbrake: #{error_url}" else "Success: sent error to Airbrake" end end def error_id_from_response(response) if response && response.respond_to?(:body) error_id = response.body.match(%r{]*>(.*?)}) return error_id[1] if error_id end nil rescue nil end def error_url_from_response(response) if response && response.respond_to?(:body) error_url = response.body.match(%r{]*>(.*?)}) return error_url[1] if error_url end nil rescue nil end def url URI.parse("#{protocol}://#{host}:#{port}").merge(NOTICES_URI) end def log(opts = {}) logger.send opts[:level], LOG_PREFIX + opts[:message] HydraulicBrake.report_environment_info HydraulicBrake.report_response_body(opts[:response].body) if opts[:response] && opts[:response].respond_to?(:body) HydraulicBrake.report_notice(opts[:notice]) if opts[:notice] end def logger HydraulicBrake.logger end def setup_http_connection http = Net::HTTP::Proxy(proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_user, proxy_pass). new(, url.port) http.read_timeout = http_read_timeout http.open_timeout = http_open_timeout if secure? http.use_ssl = true http.ca_file = HydraulicBrake.configuration.ca_bundle_path http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER else http.use_ssl = false end http rescue => e log :level => :error, :message => "[HydraulicBrake::Sender#setup_http_connection] Failure initializing the HTTP connection.\n" + "Error: #{e.class} - #{e.message}\nBacktrace:\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n\t")}" raise e end end end