module MegaBar module ApplicationHelper def sortable(column, title=nil) #422pm. return title if !params[:id].blank? title ||= column.titleize css_class = column == sort_column(@mega_class, @mega_model_properties, params) ? 'current ' + sort_direction(params, @mega_model_properties) : nil direction = column == sort_column(@mega_class, @mega_model_properties, params) && sort_direction(params, @mega_model_properties) == 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc' hsh = {sort: column, direction: direction} action = !['show', 'index'].include?(@mega_rout[:action]) ? "/#{@mega_rout[:action]}" : '' path = url_for([*@nested_instance_variables, @kontroller_inst.pluralize.to_sym ]) + action + '?' + hsh.to_param link_to title, path, class: css_class # link_to title, hsh, class: css_class #link_to best_in_place sort_column, title, {:sort => column, :direction => direction, controller: @kontroller_path}, class: css_class end def param_from_tablename(model_props, tablename) # used in data_display stuff. but might could be replaced with env[:mega_env] stuff # if tablename starts with the module from the model_props, then chop it. # else just use it and hope for the best. # Joining to foreign modules not supported and what will happen is forms won't save if the table # additional possible logic: # else if you can find that the table couldn't be namespaced, then use that # elseif theres a module out there for it use it #todo: # else use as is.... prefix = model_props.modyule.nil? || model_props.modyule.empty? ? '8675309' : model_props.modyule.split('::').map { | m | m.underscore }.join('_') + '_' tablename.start_with?(prefix) ? tablename[prefix.size..-1].singularize : tablename.singularize end def link_path(action = nil, id = nil) # application helper param_hash = {} @nested_ids.each do |param| param_hash = param_hash.merge(param) end param_hash = param_hash.merge(params.dup) param_hash[:action] = action param_hash[:id] = id url_for(param_hash) end def pre_render end def filter_contains filterr = text_field_tag(param_from_tablename(@mega_model_properties, @displayable_field[:field].tablename) + "[" + @displayable_field[:field].field + "___filter]", '', size: 15 ) end def model_display_help_links links = [] links << ['/mega-bar/model_displays/' + @mega_display[:model_display].id.to_s + '?return_to=' + request.env['PATH_INFO'], 'Field Displays for the "' + @mega_display[:model_display].header.to_s + '" model display'] # links << ['/mega-bar/model_displays/' + @mega_display[:model_display].id.to_s + '/edit' , 'Edit Model Display']{ |l| link_to l[1], l[0]}.join(' | ') end def model_display_collection_help_links links = [] links << ['/mega-bar/model-display-collections/' + @mega_display[:collection_settings].id.to_s + '/edit?return_to=' + request.env['PATH_INFO'], 'Pagination Settings']{ |l| link_to l[1], l[0]}.join(' | ') end def block_help_links links = [] # links << ['/mega-bar/blocks/' + + '?return_to=' + request.env['PATH_INFO'], 'Model Displays for the "' + + '" Block'] if # links << ['/mega-bar/blocks/' + + '/edit', 'Edit Block']{ |l| link_to l[1], l[0]}.join(' | ') end def layout_help_links links = [] links << ['/mega-bar/pages/' + @mega_page[:page_id].to_s + '/layouts/' + + '?return_to=' + request.env['PATH_INFO'], 'Layout Settings'] unless @mega_page.blank? # links << ['/mega-bar/layouts/' + + '/edit', 'Edit Layout']{ |l| link_to l[1], l[0]}.join(' | ') end def page_help_links links = [] links << ['/mega-bar/pages/' + @mega_page[:page_id].to_s + '?return_to=' + request.env['PATH_INFO'], 'Layouts on the "' + @mega_page[:name] + '" Page'] links << ['/mega-bar/pages/' + @mega_page[:page_id].to_s + '/edit/', 'Edit Page']{ |l| link_to l[1], l[0]}.join(' | ') end def field_help_links(field) links = [] links << ['/mega-bar/models/' + field[:field].model_id.to_s + '/fields/' + field[:field].id.to_s + '?return_to=' + request.env['PATH_INFO'], 'Field'] links << ['/mega-bar/field_displays/' + field[:field_display].id.to_s, 'Field Display']{ |l| link_to l[1], l[0]}.join(' | ') end def data_display_help_links(field) links = [] links << [MegaBar::Engine.routes.url_for(controller: field[:data_format].controller_name, action: 'edit', id: field[:data_format].id, only_path: true) + '?return_to=' + request.env['PATH_INFO'], field[:field_display].format.capitalize + ' settings' ] # links << [MegaBar::Engine.routes.url_for(controller: '/mega_bar/' + field[:field_display].format.pluralize, action: 'edit', id: field[:data_format].id, :only_path=> true), 'Edit ' + field[:field_display].format.capitalize]{ |l| link_to l[1], l[0]}.join(' | ') end def reorder_up(field, direction) return '' if @mega_display[:displayable_fields].first[:field_display].position == field[:field_display].position links = [] arrow = direction == 'left' ? '<-' : '^' links << ["/mega-bar/field_displays/move/#{field[:field_display].id}?method=move_higher&return_to=" + request.env['PATH_INFO'], arrow]{ |l| link_to l[1], l[0], {data: { turbolinks: false }, class: 'admin_links'}}.join(' | ') end def reorder_down(field, direction) return '' if @mega_display[:displayable_fields].last[:field_display].position == field[:field_display].position links = [] arrow = direction == 'right' ? '->' : 'v' links << ["/mega-bar/field_displays/move/#{field[:field_display].id}?method=move_lower&return_to=" + request.env['PATH_INFO'] , arrow]{ |l| link_to l[1], l[0], {data: { turbolinks: false }, class: 'admin_links'}}.join(' | ') end def data_format_locals(mega_record, displayable_field, value=nil, mega_bar=nil?) local = {obj: mega_record, displayable_field: displayable_field, field: displayable_field[:field], field_display: displayable_field[:field_display], options: displayable_field[:options], mega_bar: mega_bar, value: value } local[displayable_field[:data_format]'::', '_').sub('megabar_', '').to_sym] = displayable_field[:data_format] local end def block_action_interpreter(block) case block.actions when 'show' "(used on show)" when 'sine' "(used on all displays)" when "current" "(uses current action)" else 'not sure when this block would be used' end end def layout_settings_header(layout = nil) if layout.present? "