module ActiveRecord module Persistence module ClassMethods def delete(id_or_array) # CPK if self.composite? id_or_array = if id_or_array.is_a?(CompositePrimaryKeys::CompositeKeys) [id_or_array] else Array(id_or_array) end id_or_array.each do |id| # Is the passed in id actually a record? id = id.kind_of?(::ActiveRecord::Base) ? : id where(cpk_id_predicate(self.arel_table, self.primary_key, id)).delete_all end else where(primary_key => id_or_array).delete_all end end def _update_record(values, constraints) # :nodoc: # CPK if self.composite? && constraints[primary_key] primary_key_values = constraints.delete(primary_key) primary_key.each_with_index do |key, i| constraints[key] = primary_key_values[i] end end constraints = _substitute_values(constraints).map { |attr, bind| attr.eq(bind) } um = arel_table.where( constraints.reduce(&:and) ).compile_update(_substitute_values(values), primary_key) connection.update(um, "#{self} Update") end def _delete_record(constraints) # :nodoc: # CPK if self.composite? && constraints[primary_key] primary_key_values = constraints.delete(primary_key) primary_key.each_with_index do |key, i| constraints[key] = primary_key_values[i] end end constraints = _substitute_values(constraints).map { |attr, bind| attr.eq(bind) } dm = dm.from(arel_table) dm.wheres = constraints connection.delete(dm, "#{self} Destroy") end end def _create_record(attribute_names = self.attribute_names) attribute_names &= self.class.column_names attributes_values = attributes_with_values_for_create(attribute_names) new_id = self.class._insert_record(attributes_values) # CPK if self.composite? # Merge together the specified id with the new id (specified id gets precedence) = {|id1, id2| (id1 || id2)} else ||= new_id if self.class.primary_key end @new_record = false yield(self) if block_given? id end end end