#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: utf-8 require "bundler" Bundler.setup $:.unshift(File.expand_path("../../../lib", __FILE__)) require 'amqp' puts "=> Exchange#initialize example that uses a block" puts AMQP.start(:host => 'localhost') do |connection| AMQP::Channel.new do |channel, open_ok| puts "Channel ##{channel.id} is now open!" AMQP::Exchange.new(channel, :direct, "amqpgem.examples.xchange1", :auto_delete => true) do |exchange| puts "#{exchange.name} is ready to go" end AMQP::Exchange.new(channel, :direct, "amqpgem.examples.xchange1", :auto_delete => true) do |exchange, declare_ok| puts "#{exchange.name} is ready to go. AMQP method: #{declare_ok.inspect}" end channel.direct("amqpgem.examples.xchange2", :auto_delete => true) do |exchange, declare_ok| puts "#{exchange.name} is ready to go. AMQP method: #{declare_ok.inspect}" end end show_stopper = Proc.new do $stdout.puts "Stopping..." connection.close { EM.stop { exit } } end Signal.trap "INT", show_stopper EM.add_timer(2, show_stopper) end