Feature: must_receive So that I can write accurate specifications As an RSpec user I want to be able to use #must_receive instead of #should_receive Scenario: #must_receive when expectation is met Given a file named "must_receive_met_spec.rb" with: """ require 'rspec' require 'rspec/must' describe Object do it 'receives a message' do o = double('object') o.must_receive :class o.class end end """ When I run `rspec must_receive_met_spec.rb` Then the example must pass Scenario: #must_receive when expectation is not met Given a file named "must_receive_not-met_spec.rb" with: """ require 'rspec' require 'rspec/must' describe Object do it 'receives a message' do o = double('object') o.must_receive :class end end """ When I run `rspec must_receive_not-met_spec.rb` Then the example must fail And the output must contain "received: 0 times"