o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry :@compressedF:@expires_in0:@created_atf1339771359.977772: @value{ I" length:EFi4I" digest; F"%9f1f94f656e768387a73125c58a9650bI" source; FI"4 /* * AutoSuggest * Copyright 2009-2010 Drew Wilson * www.drewwilson.com * code.drewwilson.com/entry/autosuggest-jquery-plugin * * Version 1.4 - Updated: Mar. 23, 2010 * * This Plug-In will auto-complete or auto-suggest completed search queries * for you as you type. You can add multiple selections and remove them on * the fly. It supports keybord navigation (UP + DOWN + RETURN), as well * as multiple AutoSuggest fields on the same page. * * Inspied by the Autocomplete plugin by: J�rn Zaefferer * and the Facelist plugin by: Ian Tearle (iantearle.com) * * This AutoSuggest jQuery plug-in is dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html */ (function($){ $.fn.autoSuggest = function(data, options) { var defaults = { asHtmlID: false, startText: "Enter Name Here", emptyText: "No Results Found", preFill: {}, limitText: "No More Selections Are Allowed", selectedItemProp: "value", //name of object property selectedValuesProp: "value", //name of object property searchObjProps: "value", //comma separated list of object property names queryParam: "q", retrieveLimit: false, //number for 'limit' param on ajax request extraParams: "", matchCase: false, minChars: 1, keyDelay: 400, resultsHighlight: true, neverSubmit: false, selectionLimit: false, showResultList: true, start: function(){}, selectionClick: function(elem){}, selectionAdded: function(elem){}, selectionRemoved: function(elem){ elem.remove(); }, formatList: false, //callback function beforeRetrieve: function(string){ return string; }, retrieveComplete: function(data){ return data; }, resultClick: function(data){}, resultsComplete: function(){} }; var opts = $.extend(defaults, options); var d_type = "object"; var d_count = 0; if(typeof data == "string") { d_type = "string"; var req_string = data; } else { var org_data = data; for (k in data) if (data.hasOwnProperty(k)) d_count++; } if((d_type == "object" && d_count > 0) || d_type == "string"){ return this.each(function(x){ if(!opts.asHtmlID){ x = x+""+Math.floor(Math.random()*100); //this ensures there will be unique IDs on the page if autoSuggest() is called multiple times var x_id = "as-input-"+x; } else { x = opts.asHtmlID; var x_id = x; } opts.start.call(this); var input = $(this); input.attr("autocomplete","off").addClass("as-input").attr("id",x_id).val(opts.startText); var input_focus = false; // Setup basic elements and render them to the DOM input.wrap('').wrap('
  • '); var selections_holder = $("#as-selections-"+x); var org_li = $("#as-original-"+x); var results_holder = $('
    ').hide(); var results_ul = $(''); var values_input = $(''); var prefill_value = ""; if(typeof opts.preFill == "string"){ var vals = opts.preFill.split(","); for(var i=0; i < vals.length; i++){ var v_data = {}; v_data[opts.selectedValuesProp] = vals[i]; if(vals[i] != ""){ add_selected_item(v_data, "000"+i); } } prefill_value = opts.preFill; } else { prefill_value = ""; var prefill_count = 0; for (k in opts.preFill) if (opts.preFill.hasOwnProperty(k)) prefill_count++; if(prefill_count > 0){ for(var i=0; i < prefill_count; i++){ var new_v = opts.preFill[i][opts.selectedValuesProp]; if(new_v == undefined){ new_v = ""; } prefill_value = prefill_value+new_v+","; if(new_v != ""){ add_selected_item(opts.preFill[i], "000"+i); } } } } if(prefill_value != ""){ input.val(""); var lastChar = prefill_value.substring(prefill_value.length-1); if(lastChar != ","){ prefill_value = prefill_value+","; } values_input.val(","+prefill_value); $("li.as-selection-item", selections_holder).addClass("blur").removeClass("selected"); } input.after(values_input); selections_holder.click(function(){ input_focus = true; input.focus(); }).mousedown(function(){ input_focus = false; }).after(results_holder); var timeout = null; var prev = ""; var totalSelections = 0; var tab_press = false; // Handle input field events input.focus(function(){ if($(this).val() == opts.startText && values_input.val() == ""){ $(this).val(""); } else if(input_focus){ $("li.as-selection-item", selections_holder).removeClass("blur"); if($(this).val() != ""){ results_ul.css("width",selections_holder.outerWidth()); results_holder.show(); } } input_focus = true; return true; }).blur(function(){ if($(this).val() == "" && values_input.val() == "" && prefill_value == ""){ $(this).val(opts.startText); } else if(input_focus){ $("li.as-selection-item", selections_holder).addClass("blur").removeClass("selected"); results_holder.hide(); } }).keydown(function(e) { // track last key pressed lastKeyPressCode = e.keyCode; first_focus = false; switch(e.keyCode) { case 38: // up e.preventDefault(); moveSelection("up"); break; case 40: // down e.preventDefault(); moveSelection("down"); break; case 8: // delete if(input.val() == ""){ var last = values_input.val().split(","); last = last[last.length - 2]; selections_holder.children().not(org_li.prev()).removeClass("selected"); if(org_li.prev().hasClass("selected")){ values_input.val(values_input.val().replace(","+last+",",",")); opts.selectionRemoved.call(this, org_li.prev()); } else { opts.selectionClick.call(this, org_li.prev()); org_li.prev().addClass("selected"); } } if(input.val().length == 1){ results_holder.hide(); prev = ""; } if($(":visible",results_holder).length > 0){ if (timeout){ clearTimeout(timeout); } timeout = setTimeout(function(){ keyChange(); }, opts.keyDelay); } break; case 9: case 188: // tab or comma tab_press = true; var i_input = input.val().replace(/(,)/g, ""); if(i_input != "" && values_input.val().search(","+i_input+",") < 0 && i_input.length >= opts.minChars){ e.preventDefault(); var n_data = {}; n_data[opts.selectedItemProp] = i_input; n_data[opts.selectedValuesProp] = i_input; var lis = $("li", selections_holder).length; add_selected_item(n_data, "00"+(lis+1)); input.val(""); } case 13: // return tab_press = false; var active = $("li.active:first", results_holder); if(active.length > 0){ active.click(); results_holder.hide(); } if(opts.neverSubmit || active.length > 0){ e.preventDefault(); } break; default: if(opts.showResultList){ if(opts.selectionLimit && $("li.as-selection-item", selections_holder).length >= opts.selectionLimit){ results_ul.html('
  • '+opts.limitText+'
  • '); results_holder.show(); } else { if (timeout){ clearTimeout(timeout); } timeout = setTimeout(function(){ keyChange(); }, opts.keyDelay); } } break; } }); function keyChange() { // ignore if the following keys are pressed: [del] [shift] [capslock] if( lastKeyPressCode == 46 || (lastKeyPressCode > 8 && lastKeyPressCode < 32) ){ return results_holder.hide(); } var string = input.val().replace(/[\\]+|[\/]+/g,""); if (string == prev) return; prev = string; if (string.length >= opts.minChars) { selections_holder.addClass("loading"); if(d_type == "string"){ var limit = ""; if(opts.retrieveLimit){ limit = "&limit="+encodeURIComponent(opts.retrieveLimit); } if(opts.beforeRetrieve){ string = opts.beforeRetrieve.call(this, string); } $.getJSON(req_string+"?"+opts.queryParam+"="+encodeURIComponent(string)+limit+opts.extraParams, function(data){ d_count = 0; var new_data = opts.retrieveComplete.call(this, data); for (k in new_data) if (new_data.hasOwnProperty(k)) d_count++; processData(new_data, string); }); } else { if(opts.beforeRetrieve){ string = opts.beforeRetrieve.call(this, string); } processData(org_data, string); } } else { selections_holder.removeClass("loading"); results_holder.hide(); } } var num_count = 0; function processData(data, query){ if (!opts.matchCase){ query = query.toLowerCase(); } var matchCount = 0; results_holder.html(results_ul.html("")).hide(); for(var i=0;i').click(function(){ var raw_data = $(this).data("data"); var number = raw_data.num; if($("#as-selection-"+number, selections_holder).length <= 0 && !tab_press){ var data = raw_data.attributes; input.val("").focus(); prev = ""; add_selected_item(data, number); opts.resultClick.call(this, raw_data); results_holder.hide(); } tab_press = false; }).mousedown(function(){ input_focus = false; }).mouseover(function(){ $("li", results_ul).removeClass("active"); $(this).addClass("active"); }).data("data",{attributes: data[num], num: num_count}); var this_data = $.extend({},data[num]); if (!opts.matchCase){ var regx = new RegExp("(?![^&;]+;)(?!<[^<>]*)(" + query + ")(?![^<>]*>)(?![^&;]+;)", "gi"); } else { var regx = new RegExp("(?![^&;]+;)(?!<[^<>]*)(" + query + ")(?![^<>]*>)(?![^&;]+;)", "g"); } if(opts.resultsHighlight){ this_data[opts.selectedItemProp] = this_data[opts.selectedItemProp].replace(regx,"$1"); } if(!opts.formatList){ formatted = formatted.html(this_data[opts.selectedItemProp]); } else { formatted = opts.formatList.call(this, this_data, formatted); } results_ul.append(formatted); delete this_data; matchCount++; if(opts.retrieveLimit && opts.retrieveLimit == matchCount ){ break; } } } selections_holder.removeClass("loading"); if(matchCount <= 0){ results_ul.html('
  • '+opts.emptyText+'
  • '); } results_ul.css("width", selections_holder.outerWidth()); results_holder.show(); opts.resultsComplete.call(this); } function add_selected_item(data, num){ values_input.val(values_input.val()+data[opts.selectedValuesProp]+","); var item = $('
  • ').click(function(){ opts.selectionClick.call(this, $(this)); selections_holder.children().removeClass("selected"); $(this).addClass("selected"); }).mousedown(function(){ input_focus = false; }); var close = $('×').click(function(){ values_input.val(values_input.val().replace(","+data[opts.selectedValuesProp]+",",",")); opts.selectionRemoved.call(this, item); input_focus = true; input.focus(); return false; }); org_li.before(item.html(data[opts.selectedItemProp]).prepend(close)); opts.selectionAdded.call(this, org_li.prev()); } function moveSelection(direction){ if($(":visible",results_holder).length > 0){ var lis = $("li", results_holder); if(direction == "down"){ var start = lis.eq(0); } else { var start = lis.filter(":last"); } var active = $("li.active:first", results_holder); if(active.length > 0){ if(direction == "down"){ start = active.next(); } else { start = active.prev(); } } lis.removeClass("active"); start.addClass("active"); } } }); } } })(jQuery); ; TI" _version; F"%faa95be6238110330358518613f6cadf