require 'http_router' unless defined?(HttpRouter) class HttpRouter def rewrite_partial_path_info(env, request); end def rewrite_path_info(env, request); end def process_destination_path(path, env) Thread.current['padrino.instance'].instance_eval do request.route_obj = path.route @_response_buffer = nil @route = path.route @params ||= {} @params.update(env['router.params']) @block_params = if match_data = env['router.request'].extra_env['router.regex_match'] params_list = match_data.to_a params_list.shift @params[:captures] = params_list params_list else env['router.request'].params end # Provide access to the current controller to the request # Now we can eval route, but because we have "throw halt" we need to be # (en)sure to reset old layout and run controller after filters. original_params = @params parent_layout = @layout successful = false begin filter! :before (@route.before_filters - settings.filters[:before]).each { |block| instance_eval(&block) } @layout = path.route.use_layout if path.route.use_layout @route.custom_conditions.each { |block| pass if block.bind(self).call == false } halt_response = catch(:halt) { route_eval { @route.dest[self, @block_params] } } @_response_buffer = halt_response.is_a?(Array) ? halt_response.last : halt_response successful = true halt halt_response ensure (@route.after_filters - settings.filters[:after]).each { |block| instance_eval(&block) } if successful @layout = parent_layout @params = original_params end end end class Route VALID_HTTP_VERBS.replace %w[GET POST PUT PATCH DELETE HEAD OPTIONS LINK UNLINK] attr_accessor :use_layout, :controller, :action, :cache, :cache_key, :cache_expires, :parent def before_filters(&block) @_before_filters ||= [] @_before_filters << block if block_given? @_before_filters end def after_filters(&block) @_after_filters ||= [] @_after_filters << block if block_given? @_after_filters end def custom_conditions(&block) @_custom_conditions ||= [] @_custom_conditions << block if block_given? @_custom_conditions end def significant_variable_names @significant_variable_names ||= if @original_path.is_a?(String) @original_path.scan(/(^|[^\\])[:\*]([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/).map{|p| p.last.to_sym} elsif @original_path.is_a?(Regexp) and @original_path.respond_to?(:named_captures) else [] end end def to(dest = nil, &dest_block) @dest = dest || dest_block || raise("you didn't specify a destination") @router.current_order ||= 0 @order = @router.current_order @router.current_order += 1 if @dest.respond_to?(:url_mount=) urlmount =, @default_values || {}) # TODO url mount should accept nil here. urlmount.url_mount = @router.url_mount if @router.url_mount @dest.url_mount = urlmount end self end attr_accessor :order end attr_accessor :current_order def sort! @routes.sort!{ |a, b| a.order <=> b.order } end class Node::Glob def to_code id = root.next_counter "request.params << (globbed_params#{id} = []) until request.path.empty? globbed_params#{id} << request.path.shift #{super} end request.path[0,0] = globbed_params#{id} request.params.pop" end end class Node::SpanningRegex def to_code params_count = @ordered_indicies.size whole_path_var = "whole_path#{root.next_counter}" "#{whole_path_var} = request.joined_path if match = #{@matcher.inspect}.match(#{whole_path_var}) and match.begin(0).zero? _#{whole_path_var} = request.path.dup " << param_capturing_code << " remaining_path = #{whole_path_var}[match[0].size + (#{whole_path_var}[match[0].size] == ?/ ? 1 : 0), #{whole_path_var}.size] request.path = remaining_path.split('/') #{node_to_code} request.path = _#{whole_path_var} request.params.slice!(#{-params_count}, #{params_count}) end " end end # Monkey patching the Request class. Using Rack::Utils.unescape rather than # URI.unescape which can't handle utf-8 chars class Request def initialize(path, rack_request) @rack_request = rack_request @path = path.split(/\//).map{|part| Rack::Utils.unescape(part) } @path.shift if @path.first == '' @path.push('') if path[-1] == ?/ @extra_env = {} @params = [] @acceptable_methods = end end class Node::Path def to_code path_ivar = inject_root_ivar(self) "#{"if !callback && request.path.size == 1 && request.path.first == '' && (request.rack_request.head? || request.rack_request.get?) && request.rack_request.path_info[-1] == ?/ catch(:pass) do response = response.redirect(request.rack_request.path_info[0, request.rack_request.path_info.size - 1], 302) return response.finish end end" if router.redirect_trailing_slash?} #{"if request.#{router.ignore_trailing_slash? ? 'path_finished?' : 'path.empty?'}" unless route.match_partially} catch(:pass) do if callback request.called = true, #{path_ivar})) else env = request.rack_request.dup.env env['router.request'] = request env['router.params'] ||= {} #{"env['router.params'].merge!(Hash[#{param_names.inspect}.zip(request.params)])" if dynamic?} env['router.params'] = env['router.params'].with_indifferent_access @router.rewrite#{"_partial" if route.match_partially}_path_info(env, request) response = @router.process_destination_path(#{path_ivar}, env) return response unless router.pass_on_response(response) end end #{"end" unless route.match_partially}" end end end