# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- =begin Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Takashi SUGA You may use and/or modify this file according to the license described in the LICENSE.txt file included in this archive. =end module When module Locale # from https://raw.github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/master/rails/locale/eu.yml Locale_eu = {"date"=> {"abbr_day_names"=> ["Igan", "Astel", "Astear", "Asteaz", "Oste", "Osti", "Lar"], "abbr_month_names"=> [nil, "Urt", "Ots", "Mar", "Api", "Mai", "Eka", "Uzt", "Abu", "Ira", "Urr", "Aza", "Aben"], "day_names"=> ["Igandea", "Astelehena", "Asteartea", "Asteazkena", "Osteguna", "Ostirala", "Larunbata"], "formats"=> {"default"=>"%Y/%m/%e", "long"=>"%Y(e)ko %Bk %e", "short"=>"%b %e"}, "month_names"=> [nil, "Urtarrila", "Otsaila", "Martxoa", "Apirila", "Maiatza", "Ekaina", "Uztaila", "Abuztua", "Iraila", "Urria", "Azaroa", "Abendua"], "order"=>[:year, :month, :day]}, "time"=> {"am"=>"am", "formats"=> {"default"=>"%A, %Y(e)ko %Bren %e %H:%M:%S %z", "long"=>"%Y(e)ko %Bren %e, %H:%M", "short"=>"%b %e, %H:%M", "time"=>"%H:%M:%S %z"}, "pm"=>"pm"}, "datetime"=> {"distance_in_words"=> {"about_x_hours"=> {"one"=>"ordu bat inguru", "other"=>"%{count} ordu inguru"}, "about_x_months"=> {"one"=>"hilabete bat inguru", "other"=>"%{count} hilabete inguru"}, "about_x_years"=> {"one"=>"urte bat inguru", "other"=>"%{count} urte inguru"}, "almost_x_years"=>{"one"=>"ia urte bat", "other"=>"ia %{count} urte"}, "half_a_minute"=>"minutu erdi", "less_than_x_minutes"=> {"one"=>"1 minutu bat baino gutxiago", "other"=>"%{count} minutu baino gutxiago"}, "less_than_x_seconds"=> {"one"=>"segundu bat baino gutxiago", "other"=>"%{count} segundu baino gutxiago"}, "over_x_years"=> {"one"=>"urte bat baino gehiago", "other"=>"%{count} urte baino gehiago"}, "x_days"=>{"one"=>"egun bat", "other"=>"%{count} egun"}, "x_minutes"=>{"one"=>"minutu bat", "other"=>"%{count} minutu"}, "x_months"=>{"one"=>"hilabete bat", "other"=>"%{count} hilabete"}, "x_seconds"=>{"one"=>"segundu bat", "other"=>"%{count} segundu"}}, "prompts"=> {"day"=>"Egun", "hour"=>"Ordu", "minute"=>"Minutu", "month"=>"Hilabete", "second"=>"Segundu", "year"=>"Urte"}}} end end