o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry :@compressedF:@expires_in0:@created_atf1402568624.208686: @value"¤1{I" class:EFI"BundledAsset;FI"logical_path;FI"moment-timezone.js;TI" pathname;FI"`/Users/damien/projects/moment-timezonejs-rails/vendor/assets/javascripts/moment-timezone.js;TI"content_type;FI"application/javascript;FI" mtime;FI"2014-06-12T19:24:32+10:00;FI" length;FiÁ/I" digest;F"%2eb20aea6c266032cfd449effe8b69b7I" source;FI"Á/// moment-timezone.js // version : 0.0.6 // author : Tim Wood // license : MIT // github.com/timrwood/moment-timezone (function () { var VERSION = "0.0.6"; function onload(moment) { var oldZoneName = moment.fn.zoneName, oldZoneAbbr = moment.fn.zoneAbbr, defaultRule, rules = {}, ruleSets = {}, zones = {}, zoneSets = {}, links = {}, TIME_RULE_WALL_CLOCK = 0, TIME_RULE_UTC = 1, TIME_RULE_STANDARD = 2, DAY_RULE_DAY_OF_MONTH = 7, DAY_RULE_LAST_WEEKDAY = 8; if (moment.tz !== undefined) { // Do not load moment-timezone a second time. return moment; } // converts time in the HH:mm:ss format to absolute number of minutes function parseMinutes (input) { input = input + ''; var output = input.split(':'), sign = ~input.indexOf('-') ? -1 : 1, hour = Math.abs(+output[0]), minute = parseInt(output[1], 10) || 0, second = parseInt(output[2], 10) || 0; return sign * ((hour * 60) + (minute) + (second / 60)); } /************************************ Rules ************************************/ function Rule (name, startYear, endYear, month, day, dayRule, time, timeRule, offset, letters) { this.name = name; this.startYear = +startYear; this.endYear = +endYear; this.month = +month; this.day = +day; this.dayRule = +dayRule; this.time = parseMinutes(time); this.timeRule = +timeRule; this.offset = parseMinutes(offset); this.letters = letters || ''; this.date = memoize(this.date); this.weekdayAfter = memoize(this.weekdayAfter); this.lastWeekday = memoize(this.lastWeekday); } Rule.prototype = { contains : function (year) { return (year >= this.startYear && year <= this.endYear); }, start : function (year) { year = Math.min(Math.max(year, this.startYear), this.endYear); return moment.utc([year, this.month, this.date(year), 0, this.time]); }, date : function (year) { if (this.dayRule === DAY_RULE_DAY_OF_MONTH) { return this.day; } else if (this.dayRule === DAY_RULE_LAST_WEEKDAY) { return this.lastWeekday(year); } return this.weekdayAfter(year); }, weekdayAfter : function (year) { var day = this.day, firstDayOfWeek = moment([year, this.month, 1]).day(), output = this.dayRule + 1 - firstDayOfWeek; while (output < day) { output += 7; } return output; }, lastWeekday : function (year) { var day = this.day, dow = day % 7, lastDowOfMonth = moment([year, this.month + 1, 1]).day(), daysInMonth = moment([year, this.month, 1]).daysInMonth(), output = daysInMonth + (dow - (lastDowOfMonth - 1)) - (~~(day / 7) * 7); if (dow >= lastDowOfMonth) { output -= 7; } return output; } }; /************************************ Rule Year ************************************/ function RuleYear (year, rule) { this.rule = rule; this.start = rule.start(year); } RuleYear.prototype = { equals : function (other) { if (!other || other.rule !== this.rule) { return false; } return Math.abs(other.start - this.start) < 86400000; // 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } }; function sortRuleYears (a, b) { if (a.isLast) { return -1; } if (b.isLast) { return 1; } return b.start - a.start; } /************************************ Rule Sets ************************************/ function RuleSet (name) { this.name = name; this.rules = []; this.lastYearRule = memoize(this.lastYearRule); } RuleSet.prototype = { add : function (rule) { this.rules.push(rule); }, ruleYears : function (mom, lastZone) { var i, j, year = mom.year(), rule, lastZoneRule, rules = []; for (i = 0; i < this.rules.length; i++) { rule = this.rules[i]; if (rule.contains(year)) { rules.push(new RuleYear(year, rule)); } else if (rule.contains(year + 1)) { rules.push(new RuleYear(year + 1, rule)); } } rules.push(new RuleYear(year - 1, this.lastYearRule(year - 1))); if (lastZone) { lastZoneRule = new RuleYear(year - 1, lastZone.lastRule()); lastZoneRule.start = lastZone.until.clone().utc(); lastZoneRule.isLast = lastZone.ruleSet !== this; rules.push(lastZoneRule); } rules.sort(sortRuleYears); return rules; }, rule : function (mom, offset, lastZone) { var rules = this.ruleYears(mom, lastZone), lastOffset = 0, rule, lastZoneOffset, lastZoneOffsetAbs, lastRule, i; if (lastZone) { lastZoneOffset = lastZone.offset + lastZone.lastRule().offset; lastZoneOffsetAbs = Math.abs(lastZoneOffset) * 90000; } // make sure to include the previous rule's offset for (i = rules.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { lastRule = rule; rule = rules[i]; if (rule.equals(lastRule)) { continue; } if (lastZone && !rule.isLast && Math.abs(rule.start - lastZone.until) <= lastZoneOffsetAbs) { lastOffset += lastZoneOffset - offset; } if (rule.rule.timeRule === TIME_RULE_STANDARD) { lastOffset = offset; } if (rule.rule.timeRule !== TIME_RULE_UTC) { rule.start.add('m', -lastOffset); } lastOffset = rule.rule.offset + offset; } for (i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) { rule = rules[i]; if (mom >= rule.start && !rule.isLast) { return rule.rule; } } return defaultRule; }, lastYearRule : function (year) { var i, rule, start, bestRule = defaultRule, largest = -1e30; for (i = 0; i < this.rules.length; i++) { rule = this.rules[i]; if (year >= rule.startYear) { start = rule.start(year); if (start > largest) { largest = start; bestRule = rule; } } } return bestRule; } }; /************************************ Zone ************************************/ function Zone (name, offset, ruleSet, letters, until, untilOffset) { var i, untilArray = typeof until === 'string' ? until.split('_') : [9999]; this.name = name; this.offset = parseMinutes(offset); this.ruleSet = ruleSet; this.letters = letters; this.lastRule = memoize(this.lastRule); for (i = 0; i < untilArray.length; i++) { untilArray[i] = +untilArray[i]; } this.until = moment.utc(untilArray).subtract('m', parseMinutes(untilOffset)); } Zone.prototype = { rule : function (mom, lastZone) { return this.ruleSet.rule(mom, this.offset, lastZone); }, lastRule : function () { return this.rule(this.until); }, format : function (rule) { return this.letters.replace("%s", rule.letters); } }; /************************************ Zone Set ************************************/ function sortZones (a, b) { return a.until - b.until; } function ZoneSet (name) { this.name = normalizeName(name); this.displayName = name; this.zones = []; this.zoneAndRule = memoize(this.zoneAndRule, function (mom) { return +mom; }); } ZoneSet.prototype = { zoneAndRule : function (mom) { var i, zone, lastZone; mom = mom.clone().utc(); for (i = 0; i < this.zones.length; i++) { zone = this.zones[i]; if (mom < zone.until) { break; } lastZone = zone; } return [zone, zone.rule(mom, lastZone)]; }, add : function (zone) { this.zones.push(zone); this.zones.sort(sortZones); }, format : function (mom) { var zoneAndRule = this.zoneAndRule(mom); return zoneAndRule[0].format(zoneAndRule[1]); }, offset : function (mom) { var zoneAndRule = this.zoneAndRule(mom); return -(zoneAndRule[0].offset + zoneAndRule[1].offset); } }; /************************************ Global Methods ************************************/ function memoize (fn, keyFn) { var cache = {}; return function (first) { var key = keyFn ? keyFn.apply(this, arguments) : first; return key in cache ? cache[key] : (cache[key] = fn.apply(this, arguments)); }; } function addRules (rules) { var i, j, rule; for (i in rules) { rule = rules[i]; for (j = 0; j < rule.length; j++) { addRule(i + '\t' + rule[j]); } } } function addRule (ruleString) { // don't duplicate rules if (rules[ruleString]) { return rules[ruleString]; } var p = ruleString.split(/\s/), name = normalizeName(p[0]), rule = new Rule(name, p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7], p[8], p[9], p[10]); // cache the rule so we don't add it again rules[ruleString] = rule; // add to the ruleset getRuleSet(name).add(rule); return rule; } function normalizeName (name) { return (name || '').toLowerCase().replace(/\//g, '_'); } function addZones (zones) { var i, j, zone; for (i in zones) { zone = zones[i]; for (j = 0; j < zone.length; j++) { addZone(i + '\t' + zone[j]); } } } function addLinks (linksToAdd) { var i; for (i in linksToAdd) { links[normalizeName(i)] = normalizeName(linksToAdd[i]); } } function addZone (zoneString) { // don't duplicate zones if (zones[zoneString]) { return zones[zoneString]; } var p = zoneString.split(/\s/), name = normalizeName(p[0]), zone = new Zone(name, p[1], getRuleSet(p[2]), p[3], p[4], p[5]); // cache the zone so we don't add it again zones[zoneString] = zone; // add to the zoneset getZoneSet(p[0]).add(zone); return zone; } function getRuleSet (name) { name = normalizeName(name); if (!ruleSets[name]) { ruleSets[name] = new RuleSet(name); } return ruleSets[name]; } function getZoneSet (name) { var machineName = normalizeName(name); if (links[machineName]) { machineName = links[machineName]; } if (!zoneSets[machineName]) { zoneSets[machineName] = new ZoneSet(name); } return zoneSets[machineName]; } function add (data) { if (!data) { return; } if (data.zones) { addZones(data.zones); } if (data.rules) { addRules(data.rules); } if (data.links) { addLinks(data.links); } } // overwrite moment.updateOffset moment.updateOffset = function (mom, keepTime) { var offset; if (mom._z) { offset = mom._z.offset(mom); if (Math.abs(offset) < 16) { offset = offset / 60; } mom.zone(offset, keepTime); } }; function getZoneSets() { var sets = [], zoneName; for (zoneName in zoneSets) { sets.push(zoneSets[zoneName]); } return sets; } moment.fn.tz = function (name) { if (name) { this._z = getZoneSet(name); if (this._z) { moment.updateOffset(this); } return this; } if (this._z) { return this._z.displayName; } }; moment.fn.zoneName = function () { if (this._z) { return this._z.format(this); } return oldZoneName.call(this); }; moment.fn.zoneAbbr = function () { if (this._z) { return this._z.format(this); } return oldZoneAbbr.call(this); }; // Make sure moment's clone includes the newly added properties moment.momentProperties._z = null; moment.tz = function () { var args = [], i, len = arguments.length - 1; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { args[i] = arguments[i]; } var m = moment.apply(null, args); var preTzOffset = m.zone(); m.tz(arguments[len]); return m.add('minutes', m.zone() - preTzOffset); }; moment.tz.add = add; moment.tz.addRule = addRule; moment.tz.addZone = addZone; moment.tz.zones = getZoneSets; moment.tz.version = VERSION; moment.tz.zoneExists = function (name) { return getZoneSet(name).zones.length > 0; }; // add default rule defaultRule = addRule("- 0 9999 0 0 0 0 0 0"); return moment; } if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define("moment-timezone", ["moment"], onload); } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = onload(require('moment')); } else if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.moment) { onload(window.moment); } }).apply(this); ;FI"required_assets_digest;F"%79942ad9f1282e56063865786ebd9689I" _version;F"%ffd318ca8b794f42f5029101c2cf5d91