module Fastlane module Actions class LastGitCommitAction < Action def Actions.last_git_commit_dict end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description "Return last git commit hash, abbreviated commit hash, commit message and author" end def self.return_value "Returns the following dict: {commit_hash: \"commit hash\", abbreviated_commit_hash: \"abbreviated commit hash\" author: \"Author\", author_email: \"author email\", message: \"commit message\"}" end def self.return_type :hash_of_strings end def "ngutman" end def self.is_supported?(platform) true end def self.example_code [ 'commit = last_git_commit crashlytics(notes: commit[:message]) # message of commit author = commit[:author] # author of the commit author_email = commit[:author_email] # email of the author of the commit hash = commit[:commit_hash] # long sha of commit short_hash = commit[:abbreviated_commit_hash] # short sha of commit' ] end def self.category :source_control end def self.sample_return_value { message: "message", author: "author", author_email: "author_email", commit_hash: "commit_hash", abbreviated_commit_hash: "short_hash" } end end end end