class Standard # @!group PlanarSurface # If construction properties can be found based on the template, # the standards intended surface type, the standards construction type, # the climate zone, and the occupancy type, # create a construction that meets those properties and assign it to this surface. # 90.1-2007, 90.1-2010, 90.1-2013 # # @param planar_surface [OpenStudio::Model:PlanarSurface] surface object # @param climate_zone [String] ASHRAE climate zone, e.g. 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' # @param previous_construction_map [Hash] a hash where the keys are an array of inputs # [template, climate_zone, intended_surface_type, standards_construction_type, occ_type] # and the values are the constructions. If supplied, constructions will be pulled # from this hash if already created to avoid creating duplicate constructions. # @return [Hash] returns a hash where the key is an array of inputs # [template, climate_zone, intended_surface_type, standards_construction_type, occ_type] # and the value is the newly created construction. # This can be used to avoid creating duplicate constructions. # @todo Align the standard construction enumerations in the # spreadsheet with the enumerations in OpenStudio (follow CBECC-Com). def planar_surface_apply_standard_construction(planar_surface, climate_zone, previous_construction_map = {}, wwr_building_type = nil, wwr_info = {}, surface_category) # Skip surfaces not in a space return previous_construction_map if space = if surface_category == 'ExteriorSubSurface' surface_type = planar_surface.subSurfaceType else surface_type = planar_surface.surfaceType end # Skip surfaces that don't have a construction # return previous_construction_map if if ! construction = else # Get appropriate default construction if not defined inside surface object construction = nil space_type = space.spaceType.get if space.defaultConstructionSet.is_initialized cons_set = space.defaultConstructionSet.get construction = get_default_surface_cons_from_surface_type(surface_category, surface_type, cons_set) end if construction.nil? && space_type.defaultConstructionSet.is_initialized cons_set = space_type.defaultConstructionSet.get construction = get_default_surface_cons_from_surface_type(surface_category, surface_type, cons_set) end if construction.nil? && space.buildingStory.get.defaultConstructionSet.is_initialized cons_set = space.buildingStory.get.defaultConstructionSet.get construction = get_default_surface_cons_from_surface_type(surface_category, surface_type, cons_set) end if construction.nil? && space.model.building.get.defaultConstructionSet.is_initialized cons_set = space.model.building.get.defaultConstructionSet.get construction = get_default_surface_cons_from_surface_type(surface_category, surface_type, cons_set) end return previous_construction_map if construction.nil? end # Determine if residential or nonresidential # based on the space type. occ_type = 'Nonresidential' if space_residential?(space) occ_type = 'Residential' end # Get the climate zone set climate_zone_set = model_find_climate_zone_set(planar_surface.model, climate_zone) # Get the intended surface type standards_info = construction.standardsInformation surf_type = standards_info.intendedSurfaceType if surf_type.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.PlanarSurface', "Could not determine the intended surface type for #{} from #{}. This surface will not have the standard applied.") return previous_construction_map end surf_type = surf_type.get # Get the standards type, which is based on different fields # if is intended for a window, a skylight, or something else. # Mapping is between standards-defined enumerations and the # enumerations available in OpenStudio. stds_type = nil # Windows and Glass Doors if surf_type == 'ExteriorWindow' || surf_type == 'GlassDoor' stds_type = standards_info.fenestrationFrameType if stds_type.is_initialized stds_type = stds_type.get if !wwr_building_type.nil? stds_type = 'Any Vertical Glazing' end case stds_type when 'Metal Framing', 'Metal Framing with Thermal Break' stds_type = 'Metal framing (all other)' when 'Non-Metal Framing' stds_type = 'Nonmetal framing (all)' when 'Any Vertical Glazing' stds_type = 'Any Vertical Glazing' else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.PlanarSurface', "The standards fenestration frame type #{stds_type} cannot be used on #{surf_type} in #{}. This surface will not have the standard applied.") return previous_construction_map end else if !wwr_building_type.nil? stds_type = 'Any Vertical Glazing' else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.PlanarSurface', "Could not determine the standards fenestration frame type for #{} from #{}. This surface will not have the standard applied.") return previous_construction_map end end # Skylights elsif surf_type == 'Skylight' stds_type = standards_info.fenestrationType if stds_type.is_initialized stds_type = stds_type.get case stds_type when 'Glass Skylight with Curb' stds_type = 'Glass with Curb' when 'Plastic Skylight with Curb' stds_type = 'Plastic with Curb' when 'Plastic Skylight without Curb', 'Glass Skylight without Curb' stds_type = 'Without Curb' else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.PlanarSurface', "The standards fenestration type #{stds_type} cannot be used on #{surf_type} in #{}. This surface will not have the standard applied.") return previous_construction_map end else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.PlanarSurface', "Could not determine the standards fenestration type for #{} from #{}. This surface will not have the standard applied.") return previous_construction_map end # Exterior Doors elsif surf_type == 'ExteriorDoor' stds_type = standards_info.standardsConstructionType if stds_type.is_initialized stds_type = stds_type.get case stds_type when 'RollUp', 'Rollup', 'NonSwinging', 'Nonswinging' stds_type = 'NonSwinging' else stds_type = 'Swinging' end else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.PlanarSurface', "Could not determine the standards construction type for exterior door #{}. This door will not have the standard applied.") return previous_construction_map end # All other surface types else stds_type = standards_info.standardsConstructionType if stds_type.is_initialized stds_type = stds_type.get else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.PlanarSurface', "Could not determine the standards construction type for #{}. This surface will not have the standard applied.") return previous_construction_map end end # Check if the construction type was already created. # If yes, use that construction. If no, make a new one. # for multi-building type - search for the surface wwr type surface_std_wwr_type = wwr_building_type new_construction = nil type = [template, climate_zone, surf_type, stds_type, occ_type] # Only apply the surface_std_wwr_type update when wwr_building_type has Truthy values if !wwr_building_type.nil? && (surf_type == 'ExteriorWindow' || surf_type == 'GlassDoor') space = if space.hasAdditionalProperties && space.additionalProperties.hasFeature('building_type_for_wwr') surface_std_wwr_type = space.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsString('building_type_for_wwr').get end type.push(surface_std_wwr_type) end if previous_construction_map[type] new_construction = previous_construction_map[type] else new_construction = model_find_and_add_construction(planar_surface.model, climate_zone_set, surf_type, stds_type, occ_type, wwr_building_type: surface_std_wwr_type, wwr_info: wwr_info) if !new_construction == false previous_construction_map[type] = new_construction end end # Assign the new construction to the surface if new_construction planar_surface.setConstruction(new_construction) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.standards.PlanarSurface', "Set the construction for #{} to #{}.") else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.PlanarSurface', "Could not generate a standard construction for #{}.") return previous_construction_map end return previous_construction_map end # Get appropriate construction object based on type of surface or subsurface # @author: Doug Maddox, PNNL # @param: surface_category [string] type of surface: this is not an OpenStudio string # @param: surface_type [string] SubSurfaceType: this is an OpenStudio string # @param: cons_set [object] DefaultSubSurfaceConstructions object # @return: [object] Construction object def get_default_surface_cons_from_surface_type(surface_category, surface_type, cons_set) # Get DefaultSurfaceContstructions or DefaultSubSurfaceConstructions object if surface_category == 'ExteriorSurface' cons_list = cons_set.defaultExteriorSurfaceConstructions.get elsif surface_category == 'GroundSurface' cons_list = cons_set.defaultGroundContactSurfaceConstructions.get elsif surface_category == 'ExteriorSubSurface' cons_list = cons_set.defaultExteriorSubSurfaceConstructions.get else cons_list = nil end cons = nil case surface_type when 'FixedWindow' if cons_list.fixedWindowConstruction.is_initialized cons = cons_list.fixedWindowConstruction.get end when 'OperableWindow' if cons_list.operableWindowConstruction.is_initialized cons = cons_list.operableWindowConstruction.get end when 'Door' if cons_list.doorConstruction.is_initialized cons = cons_list.doorConstruction.get end when 'GlassDoor' if cons_list.glassDoorConstruction.is_initialized cons = cons_list.glassDoorConstruction.get end when 'OverheadDoor' if cons_list.overheadDoorConstruction.is_initialized cons = cons_list.overheadDoorConstruction.get end when 'Skylight' if cons_list.skylightConstruction.is_initialized cons = cons_list.skylightConstruction.get end when 'TubularDaylightDome' if cons_list.tubularDaylightDomeConstruction.is_initialized cons = cons_list.tubularDaylightDomeConstruction.get end when 'TubularDaylightDiffuser' if cons_list.tubularDaylightDiffuserConstruction.is_initialized cons = cons_list.tubularDaylightDiffuserConstruction.get end when 'Floor' if cons_list.floorConstruction.is_initialized cons = cons_list.floorConstruction.get end when 'Wall' if cons_list.wallConstruction.is_initialized cons = cons_list.wallConstruction.get end when 'Roof' if cons_list.roofConstruction.is_initialized cons = cons_list.roofConstruction.get end end return cons end end