module Flammarion # Raised when flammarion cannot find any way to display an engraving. # On Linux, Flammarion will first try to launch Electron using the command # +electron+. If that fails, it will try common aliases of Google Chrome. If # none of them execute succesfully, it will raise this error. On Windows, it # will try to launch Google Chrome from Program Files (x86). If chrome has # been installed somewhere else, the user can set the environment variable # FLAMMARION_REVELATOR_PATH to point to +chrome.exe+. # @see # @see class SetupError < StandardError; end # @api private # @todo This all needs a lot of clean up module Revelator CHROME_PATH = ENV["FLAMMARION_REVELATOR_PATH"] || 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe' def open_a_window_on_windows(options) file_path = File.absolute_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..")) file_path = `cygpath -w '#{file_path}'`.strip if RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"] == "cygwin" resource = %[file\://#{file_path}/html/build/index.html] resource = "http://localhost:4567/" if ENV["FLAMMARION_DEVELOPMENT"] == "true" chrome_path = CHROME_PATH chrome_path = `cygpath -u '#{CHROME_PATH}'`.strip if RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"] == "cygwin" raise"Cannot find #{chrome_path}. You need to install Google Chrome or set the environment variable FLAMMARION_REVELATOR_PATH to point to chrome.exe") unless File.exist?(chrome_path) Process.detach(spawn(chrome_path, %[--app=#{resource}?path=#{@window_id}&port=#{server.port}&title="#{options[:title] || "Flammarion%20Engraving"}"])) end def open_a_window(options = {}) return open_a_window_on_windows(options) if RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"] =~ /cygwin|mswin|mingw/ developmentMode = system("lsof -i:#{4567}", out: '/dev/null') and File.exist?("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../html/source/index.html.slim") host = "file://#{File.dirname(File.absolute_path(__FILE__))}/../html/build/index.html" host = "http://localhost:4567/" if developmentMode @expect_title = options[:title] || "Flammarion-#{rand.to_s[2..-1]}" if which('electron') then Process.detach(spawn("electron #{File.dirname(File.absolute_path(__FILE__))}/../../electron '#{host}?path=#{@window_id}&port=#{server.port}&title=#{@expect_title}'")) return end %w[google-chrome google-chrome-stable chromium chromium-browser chrome].each do |executable| next unless which(executable), @chrome.out, @chrome.err, @chrome.thread = Open3.popen3("#{executable} --app='#{host}?path=#{@window_id}&port=#{server.port}&title=#{@expect_title}'") break if end raise"You must have either electron or google-chrome installed and accesible via your path.") unless end private def which(cmd) exts = ENV['PATHEXT'] ? ENV['PATHEXT'].split(';') : [''] ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path| exts.each do |ext| exe = File.join(path, "#{cmd}#{ext}") return exe if File.executable?(exe) && ! end end return nil end end end