module Itsf module Backend module Generators class HomeControllerGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase desc 'Generates a backend engine home controller for the given engine (i.e. MyEngine). Use the --skip-namespace option, if you are using a nested namespace and get a doubled top namespace.' source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) def test p class_name p class_path p file_path p human_name p i18n_scope # p indent p index_helper # p inside_template p inside_template? # p module_namespacing p mountable_engine? p namespace p namespaced? # p namespaced_class_path # p namespaced_file_path # p namespaced_path p plural_file_name p plural_name p plural_table_name p pluralize_table_names? p regular_class_path p route_url p singular_name p singular_table_name p table_name # p template p uncountable? # p wrap_with_namespace p controller_namespace p controller_base_path p home_controller_file_path p home_controller_file_name end def generate_controller template 'home_controller.rb', File.join(home_controller_file_path, home_controller_file_name) end def generate_routes route end private def routes_source'../templates', __FILE__), 'routes.source')) end def controller_namespace namespace end def controller_base_path File.join(*%w(app controllers)) end def home_controller_file_path File.join(controller_base_path, file_path) end def home_controller_file_name 'home_controller.rb' end end end end end