# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2020 eGlobalTech, Inc., all rights reserved # # Licensed under the BSD-3 license (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License in the root of the project or at # # http://egt-labs.com/mu/LICENSE.html # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module MU # Methods and structures for parsing Mu's configuration files. See also {MU::Config::BasketofKittens}. class Config # Accessor for our Basket of Kittens schema definition, with various # cloud-specific details merged so we can generate documentation for them. def self.docSchema docschema = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(@@schema)) only_children = {} MU::Cloud.resource_types.each_pair { |classname, attrs| MU::Cloud.supportedClouds.each { |cloud| begin require "mu/clouds/#{cloud.downcase}/#{attrs[:cfg_name]}" rescue LoadError next end res_class = Object.const_get("MU").const_get("Cloud").const_get(cloud).const_get(classname) _required, res_schema = res_class.schema(self) docschema["properties"][attrs[:cfg_plural]]["items"]["description"] ||= "" docschema["properties"][attrs[:cfg_plural]]["items"]["description"] += "\n#\n# `#{cloud}`: "+res_class.quality res_schema.each { |key, cfg| if !docschema["properties"][attrs[:cfg_plural]]["items"]["properties"][key] only_children[attrs[:cfg_plural]] ||= {} only_children[attrs[:cfg_plural]][key] ||= {} only_children[attrs[:cfg_plural]][key][cloud] = cfg end } } } # recursively chase down description fields in arrays and objects of our # schema and prepend stuff to them for documentation def self.prepend_descriptions(prefix, cfg) cfg["prefix"] = prefix if cfg["type"] == "array" and cfg["items"] cfg["items"] = prepend_descriptions(prefix, cfg["items"]) elsif cfg["type"] == "object" and cfg["properties"] cfg["properties"].keys.each { |key| cfg["properties"][key] = prepend_descriptions(prefix, cfg["properties"][key]) } end cfg end MU::Cloud.resource_types.each_pair { |classname, attrs| MU::Cloud.supportedClouds.each { |cloud| res_class = nil begin res_class = Object.const_get("MU").const_get("Cloud").const_get(cloud).const_get(classname) rescue MU::Cloud::MuCloudResourceNotImplemented next end required, res_schema = res_class.schema(self) next if required.size == 0 and res_schema.size == 0 res_schema.each { |key, cfg| cfg["description"] ||= "" if !cfg["description"].empty? cfg["description"] = "\n# +"+cloud.upcase+"+: "+cfg["description"] end if docschema["properties"][attrs[:cfg_plural]]["items"]["properties"][key] schemaMerge(docschema["properties"][attrs[:cfg_plural]]["items"]["properties"][key], cfg, cloud) docschema["properties"][attrs[:cfg_plural]]["items"]["properties"][key]["description"] ||= "" docschema["properties"][attrs[:cfg_plural]]["items"]["properties"][key]["description"] += "\n"+(cfg["description"].match(/^#/) ? "" : "# ")+cfg["description"] MU.log "Munging #{cloud}-specific #{classname.to_s} schema into BasketofKittens => #{attrs[:cfg_plural]} => #{key}", MU::DEBUG, details: docschema["properties"][attrs[:cfg_plural]]["items"]["properties"][key] else if only_children[attrs[:cfg_plural]][key] prefix = only_children[attrs[:cfg_plural]][key].keys.map{ |x| x.upcase }.join(" & ")+" ONLY" cfg["description"].gsub!(/^\n#/, '') # so we don't leave the description blank in the "optional parameters" section cfg = prepend_descriptions(prefix, cfg) end docschema["properties"][attrs[:cfg_plural]]["items"]["properties"][key] = cfg end docschema["properties"][attrs[:cfg_plural]]["items"]["properties"][key]["clouds"] = {} docschema["properties"][attrs[:cfg_plural]]["items"]["properties"][key]["clouds"][cloud] = cfg } docschema['required'].concat(required) docschema['required'].uniq! } } docschema end # Output the dependencies of this BoK stack as a directed acyclic graph. # Very useful for debugging. def visualizeDependencies # GraphViz won't like MU::Config::Tail, pare down to plain Strings config = MU::Config.stripConfig(@config) begin g = GraphViz.new(:G, :type => :digraph) # Generate a GraphViz node for each resource in this stack nodes = {} MU::Cloud.resource_types.each_pair { |classname, attrs| nodes[attrs[:cfg_name]] = {} if config.has_key?(attrs[:cfg_plural]) and config[attrs[:cfg_plural]] config[attrs[:cfg_plural]].each { |resource| nodes[attrs[:cfg_name]][resource['name']] = g.add_nodes("#{classname}: #{resource['name']}") } end } # Now add edges corresponding to the dependencies they list MU::Cloud.resource_types.values.each { |attrs| if config.has_key?(attrs[:cfg_plural]) and config[attrs[:cfg_plural]] config[attrs[:cfg_plural]].each { |resource| if resource.has_key?("dependencies") me = nodes[attrs[:cfg_name]][resource['name']] resource["dependencies"].each { |dep| parent = nodes[dep['type']][dep['name']] g.add_edges(me, parent) } end } end } # Spew some output? MU.log "Emitting dependency graph as /tmp/#{config['appname']}.jpg", MU::NOTICE g.output(:jpg => "/tmp/#{config['appname']}.jpg") rescue StandardError => e MU.log "Failed to generate GraphViz dependency tree: #{e.inspect}. This should only matter to developers.", MU::WARN, details: e.backtrace end end # Generate a documentation-friendly dummy Ruby class for our mu.yaml main # config. def self.emitConfigAsRuby example = %Q{--- public_address: mu_admin_email: egtlabs@eglobaltech.com mu_admin_name: Joe Schmoe mommacat_port: 2260 banner: My Example Mu Master mu_repository: git://github.com/cloudamatic/mu.git repos: - https://github.com/cloudamatic/mu_demo_platform allow_invade_foreign_vpcs: true ansible_dir: aws: egtdev: region: us-east-1 log_bucket_name: egt-mu-log-bucket default: true name: egtdev personal: region: us-east-2 log_bucket_name: my-mu-log-bucket name: personal google: egtlabs: project: egt-labs-admin credentials_file: /opt/mu/etc/google.json region: us-east4 log_bucket_name: hexabucket-761234 default: true } mu_yaml_schema = eval(%Q{ $NOOP = true load "#{MU.myRoot}/bin/mu-configure" $CONFIGURABLES }) return if mu_yaml_schema.nil? or !mu_yaml_schema.is_a?(Hash) muyamlpath = "#{MU.myRoot}/modules/mu/mu.yaml.rb" MU.log "Converting mu.yaml schema to Ruby objects in #{muyamlpath}" muyaml_rb = File.new(muyamlpath, File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR, 0644) muyaml_rb.puts "# Configuration schema for mu.yaml. See also {https://github.com/cloudamatic/mu/wiki/Configuration the Mu wiki}." muyaml_rb.puts "#" muyaml_rb.puts "# Example:" muyaml_rb.puts "#" muyaml_rb.puts "#
      example.split(/\n/).each { |line|
        muyaml_rb.puts "#      "+line+"    " # markdooooown
      muyaml_rb.puts "# 
" muyaml_rb.puts "module MuYAML" muyaml_rb.puts "\t# The configuration file format for Mu's main config file." MU::Config.printMuYamlSchema(muyaml_rb, [], { "subtree" => mu_yaml_schema }) muyaml_rb.puts "end" muyaml_rb.close end # Take the schema we've defined and create a dummy Ruby class tree out of # it, basically so we can leverage Yard to document it. def self.emitSchemaAsRuby kittenpath = "#{MU.myRoot}/modules/mu/kittens.rb" MU.log "Converting Basket of Kittens schema to Ruby objects in #{kittenpath}" kitten_rb = File.new(kittenpath, File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR, 0644) kitten_rb.puts "### THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED, DO NOT EDIT ###" kitten_rb.puts "#" kitten_rb.puts "#" kitten_rb.puts "#" kitten_rb.puts "module MU" kitten_rb.puts "class Config" kitten_rb.puts "\t# The configuration file format for Mu application stacks." self.printSchema(kitten_rb, ["BasketofKittens"], MU::Config.docSchema) kitten_rb.puts "end" kitten_rb.puts "end" kitten_rb.close end # Emit our Basket of Kittens schema in a format that YARD can comprehend # and turn into documentation. def self.printSchema(kitten_rb, class_hierarchy, schema, in_array = false, required = false, prefix: nil) return if schema.nil? if schema["type"] == "object" printme = [] if !schema["properties"].nil? # order sub-elements by whether they're required, so we can use YARD's # grouping tags on them if !schema["required"].nil? and schema["required"].size > 0 prop_list = schema["properties"].keys.sort_by { |name| schema["required"].include?(name) ? 0 : 1 } else prop_list = schema["properties"].keys end req = false printme << "# @!group Optional parameters" if schema["required"].nil? or schema["required"].size == 0 prop_list.each { |name| prop = schema["properties"][name] if class_hierarchy.size == 1 _shortclass, cfg_name, cfg_plural, _classname = MU::Cloud.getResourceNames(name) if cfg_name example_path = MU.myRoot+"/modules/mu/config/"+cfg_name+".yml" if File.exist?(example_path) example = "#\n# Examples:\n#\n" # XXX these variables are all parameters from the BoKs in # modules/tests. A really clever implementation would read # and parse them to get default values, perhaps, instead of # hard-coding them here. instance_type = "t2.medium" db_size = "db.t2.medium" vpc_name = "some_vpc" logs_name = "some_loggroup" queues_name = "some_queue" server_pools_name = "some_server_pool" ["simple", "complex"].each { |complexity| erb = ERB.new(File.read(example_path), nil, "<>") example += "# !!!yaml\n" example += "# ---\n" example += "# appname: #{complexity}\n" example += "# #{cfg_plural}:\n" firstline = true erb.result(binding).split(/\n/).each { |l| l.chomp! l.sub!(/#.*/, "") if !l.match(/#(?:INTERNET|NAT|DENY)/) next if l.empty? or l.match(/^\s+$/) if firstline l = "- "+l firstline = false else l = " "+l end example += "# "+l+" "+"\n" } example += "#  \n#\n" if complexity == "simple" } schema["properties"][name]["items"]["description"] ||= "" if !schema["properties"][name]["items"]["description"].empty? schema["properties"][name]["items"]["description"] += "\n" end schema["properties"][name]["items"]["description"] += example end end end if !schema["required"].nil? and schema["required"].include?(name) printme << "# @!group Required parameters" if !req req = true else if req printme << "# @!endgroup" printme << "# @!group Optional parameters" end req = false end printme << self.printSchema(kitten_rb, class_hierarchy+ [name], prop, false, req, prefix: schema["prefix"]) } printme << "# @!endgroup" end tabs = 1 class_hierarchy.each { |classname| if classname == class_hierarchy.last and !schema['description'].nil? kitten_rb.puts ["\t"].cycle(tabs).to_a.join('') + "# #{schema['description']}\n" end kitten_rb.puts ["\t"].cycle(tabs).to_a.join('') + "class #{classname}" tabs = tabs + 1 } printme.each { |lines| if !lines.nil? and lines.is_a?(String) lines.lines.each { |line| kitten_rb.puts ["\t"].cycle(tabs).to_a.join('') + line } end } i = class_hierarchy.size until i == 0 do tabs = tabs - 1 kitten_rb.puts ["\t"].cycle(tabs).to_a.join('') + "end" i -= 1 end # And now that we've dealt with our children, pass our own rendered # commentary back up to our caller. name = class_hierarchy.last if in_array type = "Array<#{class_hierarchy.join("::")}>" else type = class_hierarchy.join("::") end docstring = "\n" docstring = docstring + "# **REQUIRED**\n" if required docstring = docstring + "# **"+schema["prefix"]+"**\n" if schema["prefix"] docstring = docstring + "# #{schema['description'].gsub(/\n/, "\n#")}\n" if !schema['description'].nil? docstring = docstring + "#\n" docstring = docstring + "# @return [#{type}]\n" docstring = docstring + "# @see #{class_hierarchy.join("::")}\n" docstring = docstring + "attr_accessor :#{name}" return docstring elsif schema["type"] == "array" return self.printSchema(kitten_rb, class_hierarchy, schema['items'], true, required, prefix: prefix) else name = class_hierarchy.last if schema['type'].nil? MU.log "Couldn't determine schema type in #{class_hierarchy.join(" => ")}", MU::WARN, details: schema return nil end if in_array type = "Array<#{schema['type'].capitalize}>" else type = schema['type'].capitalize end docstring = "\n" prefixes = [] prefixes << "# **REQUIRED**" if required and schema['default'].nil? prefixes << "# **"+schema["prefix"]+"**" if schema["prefix"] prefixes << "# **Default: `#{schema['default']}`**" if !schema['default'].nil? if !schema['enum'].nil? and !schema["enum"].empty? prefixes << "# **Must be one of: `#{schema['enum'].join(', ')}`**" elsif !schema['pattern'].nil? # XXX unquoted regex chars confuse the hell out of YARD. How do we # quote {}[] etc in YARD-speak? prefixes << "# **Must match pattern `#{schema['pattern'].gsub(/\n/, "\n#")}`**" end if prefixes.size > 0 docstring += prefixes.join(",\n") if schema['description'] and schema['description'].size > 1 docstring += " - " end docstring += "\n" end docstring = docstring + "# #{schema['description'].gsub(/\n/, "\n#")}\n" if !schema['description'].nil? docstring = docstring + "#\n" docstring = docstring + "# @return [#{type}]\n" docstring = docstring + "attr_accessor :#{name}" return docstring end end # Emit our mu.yaml schema in a format that YARD can comprehend and turn into # documentation. def self.printMuYamlSchema(muyaml_rb, class_hierarchy, schema, in_array = false, required = false) return if schema.nil? if schema["subtree"] printme = Array.new # order sub-elements by whether they're required, so we can use YARD's # grouping tags on them have_required = schema["subtree"].keys.any? { |k| schema["subtree"][k]["required"] } prop_list = schema["subtree"].keys.sort { |a, b| if schema["subtree"][a]["required"] and !schema["subtree"][b]["required"] -1 elsif !schema["subtree"][a]["required"] and schema["subtree"][b]["required"] 1 else a <=> b end } req = false printme << "# @!group Optional parameters" if !have_required prop_list.each { |name| prop = schema["subtree"][name] if prop["required"] printme << "# @!group Required parameters" if !req req = true else if req printme << "# @!endgroup" printme << "# @!group Optional parameters" end req = false end printme << self.printMuYamlSchema(muyaml_rb, class_hierarchy+ [name], prop, false, req) } printme << "# @!endgroup" desc = (schema['desc'] || schema['title']) tabs = 1 class_hierarchy.each { |classname| if classname == class_hierarchy.last and desc muyaml_rb.puts ["\t"].cycle(tabs).to_a.join('') + "# #{desc}\n" end muyaml_rb.puts ["\t"].cycle(tabs).to_a.join('') + "class #{classname}" tabs = tabs + 1 } printme.each { |lines| if !lines.nil? and lines.is_a?(String) lines.lines.each { |line| muyaml_rb.puts ["\t"].cycle(tabs).to_a.join('') + line } end } # class_hierarchy.each { |classname| # tabs = tabs - 1 # muyaml_rb.puts ["\t"].cycle(tabs).to_a.join('') + "end" # } i = class_hierarchy.size until i == 0 do tabs = tabs - 1 muyaml_rb.puts ["\t"].cycle(tabs).to_a.join('') + "end" i -= 1 end # And now that we've dealt with our children, pass our own rendered # commentary back up to our caller. name = class_hierarchy.last if in_array type = "Array<#{class_hierarchy.join("::")}>" else type = class_hierarchy.join("::") end docstring = "\n" docstring = docstring + "# **REQUIRED**\n" if required # docstring = docstring + "# **"+schema["prefix"]+"**\n" if schema["prefix"] docstring = docstring + "# #{desc.gsub(/\n/, "\n#")}\n" if desc docstring = docstring + "#\n" docstring = docstring + "# @return [#{type}]\n" docstring = docstring + "# @see #{class_hierarchy.join("::")}\n" docstring = docstring + "attr_accessor :#{name}" return docstring else in_array = schema["array"] name = class_hierarchy.last type = if schema['boolean'] "Boolean" else "String" end if in_array type = "Array<#{type}>" end docstring = "\n" prefixes = [] prefixes << "# **REQUIRED**" if schema["required"] and schema['default'].nil? # prefixes << "# **"+schema["prefix"]+"**" if schema["prefix"] prefixes << "# **Default: `#{schema['default']}`**" if !schema['default'].nil? if !schema['pattern'].nil? # XXX unquoted regex chars confuse the hell out of YARD. How do we # quote {}[] etc in YARD-speak? prefixes << "# **Must match pattern `#{schema['pattern'].to_s.gsub(/\n/, "\n#")}`**" end desc = (schema['desc'] || schema['title']) if prefixes.size > 0 docstring += prefixes.join(",\n") if desc and desc.size > 1 docstring += " - " end docstring += "\n" end docstring = docstring + "# #{desc.gsub(/\n/, "\n#")}\n" if !desc.nil? docstring = docstring + "#\n" docstring = docstring + "# @return [#{type}]\n" docstring = docstring + "attr_accessor :#{name}" return docstring end end end #class end #module