module AridCache class CacheProxy attr_accessor :object, :key, :opts, :blueprint, :cached, :cache_key, :block, :records, :combined_options, :klass # AridCache::CacheProxy::Result # # This struct is stored in the cache and stores information we need # to re-query for results. Result =, :klass, :count) do def has_count? !count.nil? end def has_ids? !ids.nil? end def klass=(value) self['klass'] = value.is_a?(Class) ? : end def klass self['klass'].constantize unless self['klass'].nil? end end # # Managing your caches # def self.clear_caches Rails.cache.delete_matched(%r[arid-cache-.*]) end def self.clear_class_caches(object) key = (object.is_a?(Class) ? object : object.class).name.downcase + '-' Rails.cache.delete_matched(%r[arid-cache-#{key}.*]) end def self.clear_instance_caches(object) key = (object.is_a?(Class) ? object : object.class).name.pluralize.downcase Rails.cache.delete_matched(%r[arid-cache-#{key}.*]) end # # Fetching results # def self.fetch_count(object, key, opts, &block), key, opts, &block).fetch_count end def self.fetch(object, key, opts, &block), key, opts, &block).fetch end def initialize(object, key, opts, &block) self.object = object self.key = key self.opts = opts.symbolize_keys || {} self.blueprint =, key) self.block = block self.records = nil # The options from the blueprint merged with the options for this call self.combined_options = self.blueprint.nil? ? self.opts : self.blueprint.opts.merge(self.opts) self.cache_key = object.arid_cache_key(key, opts_for_cache_key) self.cached =, opts_for_cache) end def fetch_count if refresh_cache? execute_count elsif cached.is_a?(AridCache::CacheProxy::Result) cached.has_count? ? cached.count : execute_count elsif cached.is_a?(Fixnum) cached elsif cached.respond_to?(:count) cached.count else cached # what else can we do? return it end end def fetch if refresh_cache? execute_find elsif cached.is_a?(AridCache::CacheProxy::Result) if cached.has_ids? self.klass = cached.klass || object_base_class fetch_from_cache else execute_find end else cached # some base type, return it end end private def fetch_from_cache if paginate? fetch_and_paginate elsif limit_or_offset? fetch_and_limit else klass.find(cached.ids, opts_for_find) end end def fetch_and_paginate if combined_options.include?(:order) # order and paginate in the database klass.paginate(cached.ids, opts_for_find.merge(opts_for_paginate)) else # paginate in memory paged_ids = cached.ids.paginate(opts_for_paginate) paged_ids.replace(klass.find(paged_ids, opts_for_find(paged_ids))) end end def fetch_and_limit if combined_options.include?(:order) klass.find(cached.ids, opts_for_find) else offset, limit = combined_options.delete(:offset) || 0, combined_options.delete(:limit) || cached.count ids = cached.ids[offset, limit] klass.find(ids, opts_for_find(ids)) end end def paginate? combined_options.include?(:page) end def limit_or_offset? combined_options.include?(:limit) || combined_options.include?(:offset) end def refresh_cache? cached.nil? || opts[:force] end def get_records block = block || (blueprint && blueprint.proc) self.records = block.nil? ? object.instance_eval(key) : object.instance_eval(&block) end def execute_find get_records cached = if !records.is_a?(Enumerable) || (!records.empty? && !records.first.is_a?(::ActiveRecord::Base)) cached = records # some base type, cache it as itself else cached.ids = records.collect(&:id) cached.count = records.size if records.respond_to?(:proxy_reflection) # association proxy cached.klass = records.proxy_reflection.klass elsif !records.empty? cached.klass = records.first.class else cached.klass = object_base_class end end Rails.cache.write(cache_key, cached, opts_for_cache) self.cached = cached return_records(records) end # Convert records to an array before calling paginate. If we don't do this # and the result is a named scope, paginate will trigger an additional query # to load the page rather than just using the records we have already fetched. # # If we are not paginating and the options include :limit (and optionally :offset) # apply the limit and offset to the records before returning them. # # Otherwise we have an issue where all the records are returned the first time # the collection is loaded, but on subsequent calls the options_for_find are # included and you get different results. Note that with options like :order # this cannot be helped. We don't want to modify the query that generates the # collection because the idea is to allow getting different perspectives of the # cached collection without relying on modifying the collection as a whole. # # If you do want a specialized, modified, or subset of the collection it's best # to define it in a block and have a new cache for it: # # model.my_special_collection { the_collection(:order => 'new order', :limit => 10) } def return_records(records) if opts.include?(:page) records = records.respond_to?(:to_a) ? records.to_a : records records.respond_to?(:paginate) ? records.paginate(opts_for_paginate) : records elsif opts.include?(:limit) records = records.respond_to?(:to_a) ? records.to_a : records offset = opts[:offset] || 0 records[offset, opts[:limit]] else records end end def execute_count get_records cached = # Just get the count if we can. # # Because of how AssociationProxy works, if we even look at it, it'll # trigger the query. So don't look. # # Association proxy or named scope. Check for an association first, because # it doesn't trigger the select if it's actually named scope. Calling respond_to? # on an association proxy will hower trigger a select because it loads up the target # and passes the respond_to? on to it. if records.respond_to?(:proxy_reflection) || records.respond_to?(:proxy_options) cached.count = records.count # just get the count cached.klass = object_base_class elsif records.is_a?(Enumerable) && (records.empty? || records.first.is_a?(::ActiveRecord::Base)) cached.ids = records.collect(&:id) # get everything now that we have it cached.count = records.size cached.klass = records.empty? ? object_base_class : records.first.class else cached = records # some base type, cache it as itself end Rails.cache.write(cache_key, cached, opts_for_cache) self.cached = cached cached.respond_to?(:count) ? cached.count : cached end OPTIONS_FOR_PAGINATE = [:page, :per_page, :total_entries] # Filter options for paginate, if *klass* is set, we get the :per_page value from it. def opts_for_paginate paginate_opts = combined_options.reject { |k,v| !OPTIONS_FOR_PAGINATE.include?(k) } paginate_opts[:per_page] = klass.per_page if klass && !paginate_opts.include?(:per_page) paginate_opts end OPTIONS_FOR_FIND = [ :conditions, :include, :joins, :limit, :offset, :order, :select, :readonly, :group, :having, :from, :lock ] # Preserve the original order of the results if no :order option is specified. # # @arg ids array of ids to order by unless an :order option is specified. If not # specified, cached.ids is used. def opts_for_find(ids=nil) ids ||= cached.ids find_opts = combined_options.reject { |k,v| !OPTIONS_FOR_FIND.include?(k) } find_opts[:order] = preserve_order(ids) unless find_opts.include?(:order) find_opts end OPTIONS_FOR_CACHE = [ :expires_in ] def opts_for_cache combined_options.reject { |k,v| !OPTIONS_FOR_CACHE.include?(k) } end OPTIONS_FOR_CACHE_KEY = [ :auto_expire ] def opts_for_cache_key combined_options.reject { |k,v| !OPTIONS_FOR_CACHE_KEY.include?(k) } end def object_base_class #:nodoc: object.is_a?(Class) ? object : object.class end # Generate an ORDER BY clause that preserves the ordering of the ids in *ids*. # # The method we use depends on the database adapter because only MySQL # supports the ORDER BY FIELD() function. For other databases we use # a CASE statement. # # TODO: is it quicker to sort in memory? def preserve_order(ids) if ::ActiveRecord::Base.is_mysql_adapter? "FIELD(id,#{ids.join(',')})" else order = '' ids.each_index { |i| order << "WHEN id=#{ids[i]} THEN #{i+1} " } "CASE " + order + " END" end end end end