# Static Loader contains constants, basic data types and other types required for the system # to boot. # module Puppet::Pops module Loader class StaticLoader < Loader attr_reader :loaded def initialize @loaded = {} create_logging_functions() create_built_in_types() create_resource_type_references() end def load_typed(typed_name) load_constant(typed_name) end def get_entry(typed_name) load_constant(typed_name) end def find(name) # There is nothing to search for, everything this loader knows about is already available nil end def parent nil # at top of the hierarchy end def to_s() "(StaticLoader)" end def loaded_entry(typed_name, _) @loaded[typed_name] end private def load_constant(typed_name) @loaded[typed_name] end # Creates a function for each of the specified log levels # def create_logging_functions() Puppet::Util::Log.levels.each do |level| fc = Puppet::Functions.create_function(level) do # create empty dispatcher to stop it from complaining about missing method since # an override of :call is made instead of using dispatch. dispatch(:log) { } # Logs per the specified level, outputs formatted information for arrays, hashes etc. # Overrides the implementation in Function that uses dispatching. This is not needed here # since it accepts 0-n Object. # define_method(:call) do |scope, *vals| # NOTE: 3x, does this: vals.join(" ") # New implementation uses the evaluator to get proper formatting per type # TODO: uses a fake scope (nil) - fix when :scopes are available via settings mapped = vals.map {|v| Puppet::Pops::Evaluator::EvaluatorImpl.new.string(v, nil) } # Bypass Puppet. call since it picks up source from "self" which is not applicable in the 4x # Function API. # TODO: When a function can obtain the file, line, pos of the call merge those in (3x supports # options :file, :line. (These were never output when calling the 3x logging functions since # 3x scope does not know about the calling location at that detailed level, nor do they # appear in a report to stdout/error when included). Now, the output simply uses scope (like 3x) # as this is good enough, but does not reflect the true call-stack, but is a rough estimate # of where the logging call originates from). # Puppet::Util::Log.create({:level => level, :source => scope, :message => mapped.join(" ")}) end end typed_name = TypedName.new(:function, level) # TODO:closure scope is fake (an empty hash) - waiting for new global scope to be available via lookup of :scopes func = fc.new({},self) @loaded[ typed_name ] = NamedEntry.new(typed_name, func, __FILE__) end end def create_built_in_types origin_uri = URI("puppet:Puppet-Type-System/Static-Loader") type_map = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeParser.type_map type_map.each do |name, type| typed_name = TypedName.new(:type, name) @loaded[ typed_name ] = NamedEntry.new(typed_name, type, origin_uri)#__FILE__) end end def create_resource_type_references() # These needs to be done quickly and we do not want to scan the file system for these # We are also not interested in their definition only that they exist. # These types are in all environments. # %w{ Auegas Component Computer Cron Exec File Filebucket Group Host Interface K5login Macauthorization Mailalias Maillist Mcx Mount Nagios_command Nagios_contact Nagios_contactgroup Nagios_host Nagios_hostdependency Nagios_hostescalation Nagios_hostgroup Nagios_hostextinfo Nagios_service Nagios_servicedependency Nagios_serviceescalation Nagios_serviceextinfo Nagios_servicegroup Nagios_timeperiod Notify Package Resources Router Schedule Scheduled_task Selboolean Selmodule Service Ssh_authorized_key Sshkey Stage Tidy User Vlan Whit Yumrepo Zfs Zone Zpool }.each { |name| create_resource_type_reference(name) } if Puppet[:app_management] create_resource_type_reference('Node') end end def create_resource_type_reference(name) typed_name = TypedName.new(:type, name.downcase) type = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.resource(name) @loaded[ typed_name ] = NamedEntry.new(typed_name, type, __FILE__) end end end end