require 'httpclient' require 'cgi' require 'multi_json' # not sure why we need to require the entire 'helpers' # when all we want is sanitize_helper, but I think we do: require 'action_view/helpers' #require 'action_view/helpers/sanitize_helper' require 'http_client_patch/include_client' module BentoSearch # # # # # Configuration :api_key STRONGLY recommended, or google will severely # rate-limit you. # # == Custom Data # GBS API's "viewability" value is stored at item.custom_data[:viewability] # PARTIAL, ALL_PAGES, NO_PAGES or UNKNOWN. # # # #link_is_fulltext? is also set appropriately. # # You may want to use a custom decorator to display the viewability # status somehow (in display_format? In an other_link?). See wiki # for info on decorators. class GoogleBooksEngine include BentoSearch::SearchEngine include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper extend HTTPClientPatch::IncludeClient include_http_client # gives us a #http_client with persistent class-level class_attribute :base_url self.base_url = "" def search_implementation(arguments) query_url = args_to_search_url(arguments) results = begin response = http_client.get(query_url ) json = MultiJson.load( response.body ) # Can't rescue everything, or we catch VCR errors, making # things confusing. rescue TimeoutError, HTTPClient::TimeoutError, HTTPClient::ConfigurationError, HTTPClient::BadResponseError => e results.error ||= {} results.error[:exception] = e end # Trap json parse error, but also check for bad http # status, or error reported in the json. In any of those cases # return results obj with error status. # if ( response.nil? || json.nil? || (! HTTP::Status.successful? response.status) || (json && json["error"])) results.error ||= {} results.error[:status] = response.status if response if json && json["error"] && json["error"]["errors"] && json["error"]["errors"].kind_of?(Array) results.error[:message] = json["error"]["errors"].first.values.join(", ") end results.error[:error_info] = json["error"] if json && json.respond_to?("[]") # escape early! return results end results.total_items = json["totalItems"] (json["items"] || []).each do |item_response| v_info = item_response["volumeInfo"] || {} item = results << item item.title = v_info["title"] item.subtitle = v_info["subtitle"] item.publisher = v_info["publisher"] # previewLink gives you your search results highlighted, preferable # if it exists. = v_info["previewLink"] || v_info["canonicalVolumeLink"] item.abstract = sanitize v_info["description"] item.year = get_year v_info["publishedDate"] # sometimes we have yyyy-mm, but we need a date to make a ruby Date, # we'll just say the 1st. item.publication_date = case v_info["publishedDate"] when /(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)/ then Date.parse "#{$1}-#{$2}-01" when /(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/ then Date.parse v_info["published_date"] else nil end item.format = if v_info["printType"] == "MAGAZINE" :serial else "Book" end item.language_code = v_info["language"] (v_info["authors"] || []).each do |author_name| item.authors << => author_name) end # Find ISBN's, prefer ISBN-13 item.isbn = (v_info["industryIdentifiers"] || []).find {|node| node["type"] == "ISBN_13"}.try {|node| node["identifier"]} unless item.isbn # Look for ISBN-10 okay item.isbn = (v_info["industryIdentifiers"] || []).find {|node| node["type"] == "ISBN_10"}.try {|node| node["identifier"]} end # only VERY occasionally does a GBS hit have an OCLC number, but let's look # just in case. item.oclcnum = (v_info["industryIdentifiers"] || []). find {|node| node["type"] == "OTHER" && node["identifier"].starts_with?("OCLC:") }. try do |node| node =~ /OCLC:(.*)/ ? $1 : nil end # save viewability status in custom_data. PARTIAL, ALL_PAGES, NO_PAGES or UNKNOWN. # item.custom_data[:viewability] = item_response["accessInfo"].try {|h| h["viewability"]} item.link_is_fulltext = (item.custom_data[:viewability] == "ALL_PAGES") if item.custom_data[:viewability] end return results end ########### # BentoBox::SearchEngine API ########### def max_per_page 100 end def search_field_definitions { nil => {:semantic => :general}, "intitle" => {:semantic => :title}, "inauthor" => {:semantic => :author}, "inpublisher" => {:semantic => :publisher}, "subject" => {:semantic => :subject}, "isbn" => {:semantic => :isbn} } end def sort_definitions { "relevance" => {:implementation => nil}, # default "date_desc" => {:implementation => "newest"} } end protected ############# # Our own implementation code ############## # takes a normalized #search arguments hash from SearchEngine # turns it into a URL for Google API. Factored out to make testing # possible. def args_to_search_url(arguments) query = if arguments[:search_field] fielded_query(arguments[:query], arguments[:search_field]) else arguments[:query] end query_url = base_url + "volumes?q=#{CGI.escape query}" if configuration.api_key query_url += "&key=#{configuration.api_key}" end if arguments[:per_page] query_url += "&maxResults=#{arguments[:per_page]}" end if arguments[:start] query_url += "&startIndex=#{arguments[:start]}" end if arguments[:sort] && (defn = sort_definitions[arguments[:sort]]) && (value = defn[:implementation]) query_url += "&orderBy=#{CGI.escape(value)}" end return query_url end # If they ask for a :intitle, we're # actually gonna do like google's own form does, # and change it to . Internal # phrases will be respected. def fielded_query(query, field) tokens = query.split(%r{\s|("[^"]+")}).delete_if {|a| a.blank?} return tokens.collect {|token| "#{field}:#{token}"}.join(" ") end def get_year(iso8601) return nil if iso8601.blank? if iso8601 =~ /^(\d{4})/ return $1.to_i end return nil end end end