Capistrano::Configuration.instance.load do #require 'FileUtils' # ========================================================================= # These variables MUST be set in the client capfiles. If they are not set, # the deploy will fail with an error. # ========================================================================= _cset(:db_type) { abort "Please specify the Drupal database type (:db_type)." } _cset(:db_name) { abort "Please specify the Drupal database name (:db_name)." } _cset(:db_username) { abort "Please specify the Drupal database username (:db_username)." } _cset(:db_password) { abort "Please specify the Drupal database password (:db_password)." } _cset(:profile) { abort "Please specify the Drupal install profile (:profile)." } _cset(:site) { abort "Please specify the Drupal site (:site)." } _cset(:sitemail) { abort "Please specify the Drupal site mail (:sitemail)." } _cset(:adminpass) { abort "Please specify the Drupal admin password (:adminpass)." } _cset(:sitesubdir) { abort "Please specify the Drupal site subdir (:sitesubdir)." } # FIXME: files folder needs to be symlinked ?? _cset(:baseline) { abort "Please specify the Baseline feature (:baseline)." } # ========================================================================= # These variables may be set in the client capfile if their default values # are not sufficient. # ========================================================================= set :scm, :git set :deploy_via, :remote_cache set :drupal_version, '7' set :keep_releases, 5 set :use_sudo, false set :domain, 'default' set :db_host, 'localhost' set :drupal_path, 'drupal' set :srv_usr, 'www-data' set :enable_robots, false ssh_options[:forward_agent] = true #ssh_options[:verbose] = :debug #FIXME # ========================================================================= # These variables should NOT be changed unless you are very confident in # what you are doing. Make sure you understand all the implications of your # changes if you do decide to muck with these! # ========================================================================= _cset :settings, 'settings.php' _cset :files, 'files' _cset :dbbackups, 'db_backups' _cset :shared_children, [domain, File.join(domain, files)] _cset :drush_path, '' _cset(:shared_settings) { File.join(shared_path, domain, settings) } _cset(:shared_files) { File.join(shared_path, domain, files) } _cset(:dbbackups_path) { File.join(deploy_to, dbbackups, domain) } _cset(:drush) { "drush -r #{current_path}" + (domain == 'default' ? '' : " -l #{domain}") } # FIXME: not in use? _cset(:release_settings) { File.join(release_path, drupal_path, 'sites', domain, settings) } _cset(:release_files) { File.join(release_path, drupal_path, 'sites', domain, files) } _cset(:release_domain) { File.join(release_path, drupal_path, 'sites', domain) } _cset(:previous_release_settings) { releases.length > 1 ? File.join(previous_release, drupal_path, 'sites', domain, settings) : nil } _cset(:previous_release_files) { releases.length > 1 ? File.join(previous_release, drupal_path, 'sites', domain, files) : nil } _cset(:previous_release_domain) { releases.length > 1 ? File.join(previous_release, drupal_path, 'sites', domain) : nil } # ========================================================================= # Extra dependecy checks # ========================================================================= depend :local, :command, "drush" depend :remote, :command, "#{drush_path}drush" # ========================================================================= # Overwrites to the DEPLOY tasks in the capistrano library. # ========================================================================= namespace :deploy do desc <<-DESC Deploys your Drupal site. It supposes that the Setup task was already executed. This overrides the default Capistrano Deploy task to handle database operations and backups, all of them via Drush. DESC task :default do update manage.dbdump_previous cleanup end after "deploy", "drush:update" desc "Setup a drupal site from scratch" task :cold do transaction do setup update_code symlink end end after "deploy:cold", "drush:si" desc "Deploys latest code and rebuild the database" task :rebuild do update_code symlink manage.dbdump_previous end after "deploy:rebuild", "drush:si" desc <<-DESC Prepares one or more servers for deployment. Creates the necessary file structure and the shared Drupal settings file. DESC task :setup, :except => { :no_release => true } do #try to create configuration file before writing directories to server configuration = drupal_settings(drupal_version) #Create shared directories # FIXME: chown / chmod require user to be member of dirs = [deploy_to, releases_path, shared_path, dbbackups_path, shared_files] dirs += { |d| File.join(shared_path, d) } run <<-CMD mkdir -p #{dirs.join(' ')} && #{try_sudo} chown #{user}:#{srv_usr} #{shared_files} && #{try_sudo} chmod g+w #{shared_files} CMD #create drupal config file put configuration, shared_settings end desc "[internal] Rebuild files and settings symlinks" task :finalize_update, :except => { :no_release => true } do on_rollback do if previous_release run "ln -nfs #{shared_files} #{previous_release_files} && ln -nfs #{shared_settings} #{previous_release_settings}" else logger.important "no previous release to rollback to, rollback of drupal shared data skipped." end end run "if [ ! -d #{release_domain} ]; then mkdir #{release_domain}; fi" # in case the default is not versioned run <<-CMD ln -nfs #{shared_files} #{release_files} && ln -nfs #{shared_settings} #{release_settings} CMD if previous_release run "if [ -d #{previous_release_domain} ]; then chmod 777 #{previous_release_domain}; fi" # if drupal changed the permissions of the folder run <<-CMD rm -f #{previous_release_settings} && rm -f #{previous_release_files} CMD end end desc <<-DESC Removes old releases and corresponding DB backups. DESC task :cleanup, :except => { :no_release => true } do count = fetch(:keep_releases, 5).to_i if count >= releases.length logger.important "No old releases to clean up" else "keeping #{count} of #{releases.length} deployed releases" old_releases = (releases - releases.last(count)) directories = { |release| File.join(releases_path, release) }.join(" ") databases = { |release| File.join(dbbackups_path, "#{release}.sql") }.join(" ") run "rm -rf #{directories} #{databases}" end end namespace :rollback do desc <<-DESC [internal] Removes the most recently deployed release. This is called by the rollback sequence, and should rarely (if ever) need to be called directly. DESC task :cleanup, :except => { :no_release => true } do # chmod 777 #{release_settings} #{release_files} && run "if [ `readlink #{current_path}` != #{current_release} ]; then rm -rf #{current_release}; fi" end desc <<-DESC [internal] Points the current, files, and settings symlinks at the previous revision. DESC task :revision, :except => { :no_release => true } do if previous_release run <<-CMD rm #{current_path}; ln -s #{previous_release} #{current_path}; ln -nfs #{shared_files} #{previous_release_files}; ln -nfs #{shared_settings} #{previous_release_settings} CMD else abort "could not rollback the code because there is no prior release" end end desc <<-DESC [internal] If a database backup from the previous release is found, dump the current database and import the backup. This task should NEVER be called standalone. DESC task :db_rollback, :except => { :no_release => true } do if previous_release "Dumping current database and importing previous one (If one is found)." previous_db = File.join(dbbackups_path, "#{releases[-2]}.sql") import_cmd = "cd #{previous_release}/#{drupal_path} && drush sql-drop -y && drush sql-cli < #{previous_db} && rm #{previous_db}" run "if [ -e #{previous_db} ]; then #{import_cmd}; fi" else abort "could not rollback the database because there is no prior release db backups" end end desc <<-DESC go back to the previous release (code and database) DESC task :default do revision db_rollback cleanup end end end # ========================= # Drush namespace tasks # ========================= namespace :drush do desc "Clear the Drupal site cache" task :cc do run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush cache-clear all" end desc "Revert all enabled feature modules on your site" task :fra do run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush features-revert-all -y" end desc "Install Drupal along with modules/themes/configuration using the specified install profile" task :si do dburl = "#{db_type}://#{db_username}:#{db_password}@#{db_host}/#{db_name}" run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush site-install #{profile} --db-url=#{dburl} --sites-subdir=default --account-name=admin --account-pass=#{adminpass} --account-mail=#{sitemail} --site-mail='#{sitemail}' --site-name='#{site}' -y" bl end desc "[internal] Enable the baseline feature" task :bl do run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush pm-enable #{baseline} -y" cc end desc "[internal] Enable the simpletest feature" task :enst do run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush pm-enable simpletest -y" cc end desc "Disable maintenance mode, enabling the site" task :ensite do if drupal_version == 6 run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush vset --always-set site_offline 0" else run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush vset --always-set maintenance_mode 0" end end desc "Enable maintenance mode, disabling the site" task :dissite do if drupal_version == 6 run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush vset --always-set site_offline 1" else run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush vset --always-set maintenance_mode 1" end end desc "Apply any database updates required (as with running update.php)" task :updb do run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush updatedb -y" end desc "Update via drush, runs fra, updb and cc" task :update do dissite updb fra ensite cc manage.block_robots unless enable_robots end end # ========================= # Tests methods # ========================= namespace :tests do desc "Test php lint" task :php_lint_test do errors = [] test_files = Dir.glob( File.join( drupal_path, 'sites', '**', '*.{engine,inc,info,install,make,module,php,profile,test,theme,tpl,xtmpl}' ) ) if test_files.any? test_files.each do |test_file| begin fail unless system("php -l '#{test_file}' > /dev/null") rescue errors << test_file end end end puts "Commit tests failed on files:\n" + errors.join( "\n" ) unless errors.empty? exit 1 unless errors.empty? end desc "Core hack detection" task :checksum_core_test do end desc 'Runs unit tests for given site' task :unit do run "mkdir -p #{current_path}/build/simpletest" test_files = Dir.glob( File.join( drupal_path, 'sites', '**', '*.test' ) )! {|f| f.sub!(drupal_path + "/","")} if test_files.any? test_files.each do |test_file| run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && php scripts/ --url http://#{site} --xml '../build/simpletest' --file '#{test_file}'" unless test_file.include?('/contrib/') end end run "cd #{current_path}/build && tar czf simpletest.tgz simpletest" system "if [ ! -d build ]; then mkdir build; fi" # create build folder locally if needed download "#{current_path}/build/simpletest.tgz", "build/", :once => true, :via => :scp system "tar xzf build/simpletest.tgz -C build" end before "tests:unit", "drush:enst" desc 'Runs all unit tests for given site' task :unit_all do run "mkdir -p #{current_path}/build/simpletest" run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && php scripts/ --url http://#{site} --xml '../build/simpletest' --all" run "cd #{current_path}/build && tar czf simpletest.tgz simpletest" system "if [ ! -d build ]; then mkdir build; fi" # create build folder locally if needed download "#{current_path}/build/simpletest.tgz", "build/", :once => true, :via => :scp system "tar xzf build/simpletest.tgz -C build" end before "tests:unit_all", "drush:enst" end # ========================= # Manage methods # ========================= namespace :manage do task :block_robots do put "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /", "#{current_path}/#{drupal_path}/robots.txt" end task :dbdump_previous do #Backup the previous release's database if previous_release run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush sql-dump > #{ File.join(dbbackups_path, "#{releases[-2]}.sql") }" end end desc 'Dump remote database and restore locally' task :pull_dump do sql_file = File.join(dbbackups_path, "#{releases.last}-pull.sql") # dump & gzip remote file run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush sql-dump > #{sql_file} && gzip -f #{sql_file}" # copy to local system "if [ ! -d build ]; then mkdir build; fi" # create build folder locally if needed download "#{sql_file}.gz", "build/", :once => true, :via => :scp run "rm #{sql_file}.gz" # extract and restore # FIXME #system "gunzip -f build/#{File.basename(sql_file)}.gz && mysql {local_database} < build/#{File.basename(sql_file)}" end task :push_dump do end end # ========================= # Helper methods # ========================= # Builds initial contents of the Drupal website's settings file def drupal_settings(version) if version.to_s == '6' settings = <<-STRING array ('default' => array ( 'database' => '#{db_name}', 'username' => '#{db_username}', 'password' => '#{db_password}', 'host' => '#{db_host}', 'port' => '', 'driver' => '#{db_type}', 'prefix' => '', ))); ini_set('session.gc_probability', 1); ini_set('session.gc_divisor', 100); ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 200000); ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', 2000000); STRING else abort "Unsupported Drupal version #{version}." end end end # Capistrano::Configuration.instance.load