Template languages ================== Hyde comes with support for some common template languages. This means you can write your site in a language like Markdown or HAML, and have Hyde take care of translating them accordingly. If a file ends in one of Hyde's supported file extensions (like `.haml`), it will be stripped out and the file will be rendered using the template engine in that extension (in this case, HAML). Supported languages ------------------- Hyde supports the following languages out-of-the-box: - HTML template languages - `.haml` -- HAML - `.md` -- Markdown - `.textile` -- Textile - `.erb` -- ERB (Embedded Ruby) - CSS template languages - `.less` -- LessCSS - `.sass` -- SASS This means that the following files will be translated accordingly: | products.haml | becomes `products.html` (rendered through HAML) | | control.less | becomes `control.css` (rendered through Less CSS) | | site.xml.erb | becomes `site.xml` (rendered through Embedded Ruby) | Example ------- When creating a new site, have a look at `index.haml`. ... Headers ------- ... Layouts ------- Layouts are supported for HAML, Markdown, Textile and ERB languages. ... Embedded Ruby features ---------------------- Some languages (like HAML and ERB) has support for embedding Ruby code in the documents. This will let you do some nifty things in Hyde: - Partials - Helpers