module Codesake module Dawn module Kb # Automatically created with rake on 2013-05-21 class CVE_2013_1801 include DependencyCheck def initialize message = "The httparty gem 0.9.0 and earlier for Ruby does not properly restrict casts of string values, which might allow remote attackers to conduct object-injection attacks and execute arbitrary code, or cause a denial of service (memory and CPU consumption) by leveraging Action Pack support for YAML type conversion, a similar vulnerability to CVE-2013-0156." super({ :name=>"CVE-2013-1801", :cvss=>"AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P", :release_date =>, 4, 9), :cwe=>"264", :owasp=>"A9", :applies=>["rails", "sinatra", "padrino"], :kind=>Codesake::Dawn::KnowledgeBase::DEPENDENCY_CHECK, :message=>message, :mitigation=>"Please upgrade httparty gem to version 0.9.0 or latest version available", :aux_links=>[""] }) self.safe_dependencies = [{:name=>"httparty", :version=>['0.9.0']}] end end end end end