# coding=utf-8 """Define basic fixtures.""" import json import os import pathlib import re import warnings import zlib from collections import defaultdict import pytest from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, Template from pytest_bdd import given, parsers, then, when import hashlib from generator import openapi from generator.formatter import camel_case, snake_case, untitle_case, format_parameters, format_data_with_schema MODIFIED_FEATURES = {pathlib.Path(p).resolve() for p in os.getenv("BDD_MODIFIED_FEATURES", "").split(" ") if p} ROOT_PATH = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent PATTERN_ALPHANUM = re.compile(r"[^A-Za-z0-9]+") if os.getenv("CI") is not None: def formatwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, line=None): p = pathlib.Path(filename) if p.is_absolute() and filename.startswith(str(ROOT_PATH)): p = p.relative_to(ROOT_PATH) return f"\n::warning file={p},line={lineno}::{message}\n" warnings.formatwarning = formatwarning def pytest_bdd_before_scenario(request, feature, scenario): if MODIFIED_FEATURES: current = pathlib.Path(scenario.feature.filename).resolve() if current not in MODIFIED_FEATURES: pytest.skip(f"Feature file {scenario.feature.filename} has not been modified") def lookup(value, path): result = value for dot_path in path.split("."): for part in dot_path.split("["): if "]" in part: index = int(part[: part.index("]")]) result = result[index] else: result = result[snake_case(part)] return result JINJA_ENV = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "src" / "generator" / "templates")) JINJA_ENV.filters["tojson"] = json.dumps JINJA_ENV.filters["snake_case"] = snake_case JINJA_ENV.filters["camel_case"] = camel_case JINJA_ENV.filters["untitle_case"] = untitle_case JINJA_ENV.globals["format_data_with_schema"] = format_data_with_schema JINJA_ENV.globals["format_parameters"] = format_parameters RUBY_EXAMPLE_J2 = JINJA_ENV.get_template("example.j2") def pytest_bdd_after_scenario(request, feature, scenario): try: operation_specs = request.getfixturevalue("operation_specs") version = request.getfixturevalue("api_version") context = request.getfixturevalue("context") except Exception: return operation_id = context["api_request"]["operation_id"] status_code = context["status_code"] if status_code >= 300: return operation_spec = operation_specs[version][operation_id] response_spec = operation_spec.spec["responses"][str(status_code)] group_name = "-".join(operation_spec.spec["tags"][0].split(" ")).lower() context["api_response"] = response_spec unique_suffix = "" scenario_name = f"{operation_spec.spec['summary']} returns \"{response_spec['description']}\" response" if scenario_name != scenario.name: unique_suffix = "_" + str(zlib.adler32(scenario.name.encode("utf-8"))) data = RUBY_EXAMPLE_J2.render( context=context, version=version, scenario=scenario, operation_spec=operation_spec.spec, ) output = ROOT_PATH / "examples" / version / group_name / f"{operation_id}{unique_suffix}.rb" output.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with output.open("w") as f: f.write(data) def pytest_bdd_apply_tag(tag, function): """Register tags as custom markers and skip test for '@skip' ones.""" skip_tags = {} if tag in skip_tags: marker = pytest.mark.skip(reason=f"skipped because '{tag}' in {skip_tags}") marker(function) return True return False @pytest.fixture def api_version(request): path = pathlib.Path(request.node.__scenario_report__.scenario.feature.filename) return path.parent.name @pytest.fixture def unique(request): main = PATTERN_ALPHANUM.sub("-", request.node.__scenario_report__.scenario.feature.name) if main.endswith("s"): # Let's strip the plural present in most names main = main[:-1] return f"Example-{main}" TIME_FORMATTER = { "now": "Time.now", "timestamp": "{sret}", "isoformat": "{sret}", "units": { "s": "({sret} + {num})", "m": "({sret} + {num}*60)", "h": "({sret} + {num}*3600)", "d": "({sret} + {num}*86400)", "M": "({sret} + {num}*86400*30)", "y": "({sret} + {num}*86400*365)", }, } def relative_time(imports, calls, freezed_time, iso): time_re = re.compile(r"now( *([+-]) *(\d+)([smhdMy]))?") def func(arg): sret = TIME_FORMATTER["now"] ret = freezed_time m = time_re.match(arg) if m: if m.group(1): sign = m.group(2) num = int(sign + m.group(3)) unit = m.group(4) if unit == "s": ret += relativedelta(seconds=num) elif unit == "m": ret += relativedelta(minutes=num) elif unit == "h": ret += relativedelta(hours=num) elif unit == "d": ret += relativedelta(days=num) elif unit == "M": ret += relativedelta(months=num) elif unit == "y": ret += relativedelta(years=num) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown unit {unit}") sret = TIME_FORMATTER["units"][unit].format(sret=sret, num=num) if iso: return ( ret.isoformat(timespec="seconds"), TIME_FORMATTER["isoformat"].format(sret=sret), ) return int(ret.timestamp()), TIME_FORMATTER["timestamp"].format(sret=sret) return "", "" def store_calls(arg): result, value = func(arg) calls[result] = value return result return store_calls @pytest.fixture def context(request, unique, freezed_time): """ Return a mapping with all defined fixtures, all objects created by `given` steps, and the undo operations to perform after a test scenario. """ class MarkUsed(dict): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.__used_keys__ = set() def __getitem__(self, key): value = super().__getitem__(key) self.__used_keys__.add(value) return value def is_used(self, key): return key in self.__used_keys__ replace_values = MarkUsed() imports = defaultdict(set) given = defaultdict(dict) unique_hash = hashlib.sha256(unique.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()[:16] ctx = { "unique": unique, "unique_lower": unique.lower(), "unique_upper": unique.upper(), "unique_alnum": PATTERN_ALPHANUM.sub("", unique), "unique_lower_alnum": PATTERN_ALPHANUM.sub("", unique).lower(), "unique_upper_alnum": PATTERN_ALPHANUM.sub("", unique).upper(), "unique_hash": unique_hash, "timestamp": relative_time(imports, replace_values, freezed_time, False), "timeISO": relative_time(imports, replace_values, freezed_time, True), "uuid": "9b1deb4d-3b7d-4bad-9bdd-2b0d7b3dcb6d", "_replace_values": replace_values, "_imports": imports, "_given": given, "_key_to_json_path": defaultdict(dict), "_enable_operations": set(), } yield ctx @pytest.fixture def freezed_time(): from dateutil import parser return parser.isoparse("2021-11-11T11:11:11.111111+00:00") @given('a valid "apiKeyAuth" key in the system') def a_valid_api_key(context): """a valid API key.""" @given('a valid "appKeyAuth" key in the system') def a_valid_application_key(context): """a valid Application key.""" @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def specs(): result = {} for f in (ROOT_PATH / ".generator" / "schemas").rglob("openapi.yaml"): version = f.parent.name result[version] = openapi.load(f) return result @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def operation_specs(specs): by_operation = {} for version, spec in specs.items(): by_operation[version] = {} for path in spec["paths"]: for method, operation in spec["paths"][path].items(): by_operation[version][operation["operationId"]] = openapi.Operation( operation["operationId"], operation, method, path ) return by_operation @given(parsers.parse('an instance of "{name}" API')) def api(context, api_version, specs, name): """Return an API instance.""" assert name in {tag["name"].replace(" ", "") for tag in specs[api_version]["tags"]} context["api_instance"] = {"name": name} @given(parsers.parse('operation "{name}" enabled')) def operation_enabled(context, name): """Enable the unstable operation specific in the clause.""" context["_enable_operations"].add(name) @given(parsers.parse('new "{name}" request'), target_fixture="operation_id") def api_request(context, operation_specs, api_version, name): """Call an endpoint.""" context["api_request"] = {"operation_id": name, "kwargs": {}} operation_spec = operation_specs[api_version][name] try: context["api_request"]["schema"] = operation_spec.request() except KeyError: pass return name @given(parsers.parse("body with value {data}")) def request_body(request, context, data): """Set request body.""" tpl = Template(data).render(**context) context["body"] = { "tpl": data, "value": json.loads(tpl), } @given(parsers.parse('body from file "{path}"')) def request_body_from_file(request, context, path, api_version): """Set request body.""" body_file = ROOT_PATH / "features" / api_version / path with body_file.open() as f: data = f.read() tpl = Template(data).render(**context) context["body"] = { "tpl": data, "value": json.loads(tpl), } @given(parsers.parse('request contains "{name}" parameter from "{path}"')) def request_parameter(context, operation_id, api_version, operation_specs, name, path): """Set request parameter.""" try: value = lookup(context, path) value = value.value(value) # trigger replacement recording except KeyError: if path != "REPLACE.ME": raise parameters = operation_specs[api_version][operation_id].spec["parameters"] for parameter in parameters: if parameter["name"] == name: schema = parameter.get("schema", {}) value = schema.get("example", schema.get("default")) if value is None: type_ = schema.get("type") format_ = schema.get("format") value = { "string": { "date-time": "2021-11-11T11:11:11.111+00:00", None: name, }, "integer": { "int32": 1, "int64": 9223372036854775807, None: 1, }, "array": { None: [], }, }[type_][format_] break context["api_request"]["kwargs"][name] = { "path": path, "value": value, } @given(parsers.parse('request contains "{name}" parameter with value {value}')) def request_parameter_with_value(context, name, value): """Set request parameter.""" tpl = Template(value).render(**context) context["api_request"]["kwargs"][name] = { "tpl": value, "value": json.loads(tpl), } def build_given(version, operation): def wrapper(request, context, specs, operation_specs): def make_path(keys): result = operation["key"] + "_" + "_".join(str(k) for k in keys) return result.upper() # store response in fixtures def record_value(schema): if "default" in schema.spec and "enum" in schema.spec: return schema.spec["default"] value = openapi.generate_value(schema) key = make_path(schema.keys) context["_given"][operation["step"]][key] = schema.spec if context["_replace_values"].get(value, key) != key: value = openapi.generate_value(schema, use_random=True, prefix=key) context["_replace_values"][value] = key keys = [operation["source"]] + list(schema.keys) if "source" in operation else schema.keys json_path = "".join(f"[{k}]" if isinstance(k, int) else f".{k}" for k in keys).strip(".") assert context["_key_to_json_path"][operation["key"]].get(key, json_path) == json_path context["_key_to_json_path"][operation["key"]][key] = json_path return value operation_spec = operation_specs[version][operation["operationId"]] response_spec = operation_spec.response() if "source" in operation: response_spec = lookup(response_spec, operation["source"]) response_spec.keys = () response_spec.value = record_value response_spec.__source__ = operation.get("source") context[operation["key"]] = response_spec return wrapper for f in (ROOT_PATH / "features").rglob("given.json"): version = f.parent.name with f.open() as fp: for settings in json.load(fp): given(settings["step"])(build_given(version, settings)) @when("the request is sent") def execute_request(context, api_version): """Execute the prepared request.""" @when("the request with pagination is sent") def execute_request_with_pagination(context): """Execute the prepared request paginated.""" context["pagination"] = True @then(parsers.parse("the response status is {status:d} {description}")) def the_status_is(context, status, description): """Check the status.""" context["status_code"] = status @then(parsers.parse('the response "{response_path}" is equal to {value}')) def expect_equal(context, response_path, value): """Compare a response attribute to a value.""" @then(parsers.parse('the response "{response_path}" has the same value as "{fixture_path}"')) def expect_equal_value(context, response_path, fixture_path): """Compare a response attribute to another attribute.""" @then(parsers.parse('the response "{response_path}" has length {fixture_length:d}')) def expect_equal_length(context, response_path, fixture_length): """Check the length of a response attribute.""" @then(parsers.parse("the response has {fixture_length:d} items")) def expect_response_items(context, fixture_length): """Check the length of a response.""" @then(parsers.parse('the response "{response_path}" is false')) def expect_false(context, response_path): """Check that a response attribute is false.""" @then(parsers.parse('the response "{response_path}" has field "{field}"')) def expect_response_has_field(context, response_path, field): """Check that a response has field.""" @then(parsers.parse('the response "{response_path}" has item with field "{key_path}" with value {value}')) def expect_array_contains_object(context, response_path, key_path, value): """Check that a response attribute contains an object with the specified key and value.""" @then(parsers.parse('the response "{response_path}" array contains value {value}')) def expect_array_contains_value(context, response_path, value): """Check that a response array contains the specified value."""