<div id="config_connection">
  <%= text_f f, :satellite_url, inline_help_popover(_('Satellite Server’s fully-qualified host name, for example: satellite.example.com')).merge(:label => _('Satellite server FQDN')) %>
  <%= select_f f, :hypervisor_id, ForemanVirtWhoConfigure::Config::HYPERVISOR_IDS, :to_s, :to_s, {}, { :label => _('Hypervisor ID') }.merge(
        inline_help_popover(_("Specifies that hypervisors will be identified by their <b>hostname</b>, <b>uuid</b> or <b>hwuuid</b>.
                              Note that some virtualization backends don't have all of them implemented.
                              Default is <b>hostname</b>, which provides more meaningful hypervisor
                                  names, but can cause duplicated hypervisor registrations if the host is renamed. To avoid that, you can use <b>uuid</b> instead. <b>hwuuid</b> is applicable to esx and rhevm only.
                                  This property is meant to be set up before the initial run of virt-who. Changing it later will result in duplicated entries in the subscription manager.").html_safe)) %>
  <%= selectable_f f, :listing_mode, ForemanVirtWhoConfigure::Config::FILTERING_MODES.map { |k,v| [_(v), k] }, {}, { :label => _('Filtering') }.merge(
        inline_help_popover(_("If you run a hybrid environment, with virtual machines running Red Hat Enterprise Linux and other operating systems, you may want to limit the scope of virt-who’s access to hosts. For example, if some hypervisors host only Microsoft Windows Server instances, there is no benefit in having those hypervisors reported by the virt-who agent."))) %>
  <%= textarea_f f, :whitelist, inline_help_popover(_('Only hosts which uuid (or hostname or hwuuid, based on <code>hypervisor_id</code>) is specified in comma-separated list in this option will be reported. Wildcards and regular expressions are supported, multiple records must be separated by comma.  Put the value into the double-quotes if it contains special characters like comma.  All new line characters will be removed in resulting configuration file, white spaces are removed from beginning and end.')).merge(:label => _('Filter hosts')) %>
  <%= textarea_f f, :blacklist, inline_help_popover(_('Hosts which uuid (or hostname or hwuuid, based on <code>hypervisor_id</code>) is specified in comma-separated list in this option will <b>NOT</b> be reported.  Wildcards and regular expressions are supported, multiple records must be separated by comma.  Put the value into the double-quotes if it contains special characters like comma.  All new line characters will be removed in resulting configuration file, white spaces are removed from beginning and end.')).merge(:label => _('Exclude hosts')) %>
  <%= checkbox_f f, :debug, :label => _('Do you want to enable debugging output?') %>
  <%= text_f f, :proxy, inline_help_popover(_('HTTP proxy that should be used for communication between the server on which virt-who is running and the hypervisors and virtualization managers. Leave this blank if no proxy is used.')).merge(:label => _('HTTP proxy')) %>
  <%= text_f f, :no_proxy, inline_help_popover(_('A comma-separated list of hostnames or domains or ip addresses to ignore proxy settings for. Optionally this may be set to <code>*</code> to bypass proxy settings for all hostnames domains or ip addresses.')).merge(:label => _('Ignore proxy')) %>