use base64::Engine; use log::{debug, trace, warn}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use sha2::{Digest, Sha256}; use std::hash::Hash; use std::hash::Hasher; use std::io::Write; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::{fs, io}; #[macro_use] // for tests mod config; mod worker; pub use config::{create_new_config, CacheConfig}; use worker::Worker; /// Module level cache entry. pub struct ModuleCacheEntry<'config>(Option>); struct ModuleCacheEntryInner<'config> { root_path: PathBuf, cache_config: &'config CacheConfig, } struct Sha256Hasher(Sha256); impl<'config> ModuleCacheEntry<'config> { /// Create the cache entry. pub fn new(compiler_name: &str, cache_config: &'config CacheConfig) -> Self { if cache_config.enabled() { Self(Some(ModuleCacheEntryInner::new( compiler_name, cache_config, ))) } else { Self(None) } } #[cfg(test)] fn from_inner(inner: ModuleCacheEntryInner<'config>) -> Self { Self(Some(inner)) } /// Gets cached data if state matches, otherwise calls `compute`. /// /// Data is automatically serialized/deserialized with `bincode`. pub fn get_data(&self, state: T, compute: fn(&T) -> Result) -> Result where T: Hash, U: Serialize + for<'a> Deserialize<'a>, { self.get_data_raw( &state, compute, |_state, data| postcard::to_allocvec(data).ok(), |_state, data| postcard::from_bytes(&data).ok(), ) } /// Gets cached data if state matches, otherwise calls `compute`. /// /// If the cache is disabled or no cached data is found then `compute` is /// called to calculate the data. If the data was found in cache it is /// passed to `deserialize`, which if successful will be the returned value. /// When computed the `serialize` function is used to generate the bytes /// from the returned value. pub fn get_data_raw( &self, state: &T, // NOTE: These are function pointers instead of closures so that they // don't accidentally close over something not accounted in the cache. compute: fn(&T) -> Result, serialize: fn(&T, &U) -> Option>, deserialize: fn(&T, Vec) -> Option, ) -> Result where T: Hash, { let inner = match &self.0 { Some(inner) => inner, None => return compute(state), }; let mut hasher = Sha256Hasher(Sha256::new()); state.hash(&mut hasher); let hash: [u8; 32] = hasher.0.finalize().into(); // standard encoding uses '/' which can't be used for filename let hash = base64::engine::general_purpose::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD.encode(&hash); if let Some(cached_val) = inner.get_data(&hash) { if let Some(val) = deserialize(state, cached_val) { let mod_cache_path = inner.root_path.join(&hash); inner.cache_config.on_cache_get_async(&mod_cache_path); // call on success return Ok(val); } } let val_to_cache = compute(state)?; if let Some(bytes) = serialize(state, &val_to_cache) { if inner.update_data(&hash, &bytes).is_some() { let mod_cache_path = inner.root_path.join(&hash); inner.cache_config.on_cache_update_async(&mod_cache_path); // call on success } } Ok(val_to_cache) } } impl<'config> ModuleCacheEntryInner<'config> { fn new(compiler_name: &str, cache_config: &'config CacheConfig) -> Self { // If debug assertions are enabled then assume that we're some sort of // local build. We don't want local builds to stomp over caches between // builds, so just use a separate cache directory based on the mtime of // our executable, which should roughly correlate with "you changed the // source code so you get a different directory". // // Otherwise if this is a release build we use the `GIT_REV` env var // which is either the git rev if installed from git or the crate // version if installed from let compiler_dir = if cfg!(debug_assertions) { fn self_mtime() -> Option { let path = std::env::current_exe().ok()?; let metadata = path.metadata().ok()?; let mtime = metadata.modified().ok()?; Some(match mtime.duration_since(std::time::UNIX_EPOCH) { Ok(dur) => format!("{}", dur.as_millis()), Err(err) => format!("m{}", err.duration().as_millis()), }) } let self_mtime = self_mtime().unwrap_or("no-mtime".to_string()); format!( "{comp_name}-{comp_ver}-{comp_mtime}", comp_name = compiler_name, comp_ver = env!("GIT_REV"), comp_mtime = self_mtime, ) } else { format!( "{comp_name}-{comp_ver}", comp_name = compiler_name, comp_ver = env!("GIT_REV"), ) }; let root_path ="modules").join(compiler_dir); Self { root_path, cache_config, } } fn get_data(&self, hash: &str) -> Option> { let mod_cache_path = self.root_path.join(hash); trace!("get_data() for path: {}", mod_cache_path.display()); let compressed_cache_bytes = fs::read(&mod_cache_path).ok()?; let cache_bytes = zstd::decode_all(&compressed_cache_bytes[..]) .map_err(|err| warn!("Failed to decompress cached code: {}", err)) .ok()?; Some(cache_bytes) } fn update_data(&self, hash: &str, serialized_data: &[u8]) -> Option<()> { let mod_cache_path = self.root_path.join(hash); trace!("update_data() for path: {}", mod_cache_path.display()); let compressed_data = zstd::encode_all( &serialized_data[..], self.cache_config.baseline_compression_level(), ) .map_err(|err| warn!("Failed to compress cached code: {}", err)) .ok()?; // Optimize syscalls: first, try writing to disk. It should succeed in most cases. // Otherwise, try creating the cache directory and retry writing to the file. if fs_write_atomic(&mod_cache_path, "mod", &compressed_data).is_ok() { return Some(()); } debug!( "Attempting to create the cache directory, because \ failed to write cached code to disk, path: {}", mod_cache_path.display(), ); let cache_dir = mod_cache_path.parent().unwrap(); fs::create_dir_all(cache_dir) .map_err(|err| { warn!( "Failed to create cache directory, path: {}, message: {}", cache_dir.display(), err ) }) .ok()?; match fs_write_atomic(&mod_cache_path, "mod", &compressed_data) { Ok(_) => Some(()), Err(err) => { warn!( "Failed to write file with rename, target path: {}, err: {}", mod_cache_path.display(), err ); None } } } } impl Hasher for Sha256Hasher { fn finish(&self) -> u64 { panic!("Sha256Hasher doesn't support finish!"); } fn write(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) { self.0.update(bytes); } } // Assumption: path inside cache directory. // Then, we don't have to use sound OS-specific exclusive file access. // Note: there's no need to remove temporary file here - cleanup task will do it later. fn fs_write_atomic(path: &Path, reason: &str, contents: &[u8]) -> io::Result<()> { let lock_path = path.with_extension(format!("wip-atomic-write-{reason}")); fs::OpenOptions::new() .create_new(true) // atomic file creation (assumption: no one will open it without this flag) .write(true) .open(&lock_path) .and_then(|mut file| file.write_all(contents)) // file should go out of scope and be closed at this point .and_then(|()| fs::rename(&lock_path, &path)) // atomic file rename } #[cfg(test)] mod tests;