=begin rdoc
== HashLab
Methods used in experiments on hash tables.
NOTE: the +insert+ and +lookup+ methods defined here are "stubs" used to test the hash
functions. Load the file hashmethods.rb to overwrite the stubs with the actual
methods that create and search buckets.
module RubyLabs
module HashLab
TableView = Struct.new(:cells, :buckets, :nrows, :options)
=begin rdoc
Compute the sum of the letters in a string, where each letter is weighted
according to its position. Requires the +ord+ method added to Fixnum in the
RubyLabs module.
# :begin :radix26
def radix26(s)
x = 0
s.each_byte do |b|
x = x * 26 + b.ord
return x
# :end :radix26
=begin rdoc
Trival hash function that uses only the first letter in the input string. +s+ is the
string to hash, +n+ is the size of the hash table.
# :begin :h0
def h0(s, n)
return s[0].ord % n
# :end :h0
=begin rdoc
Slightly better hash function that uses the first two letters in the input string. +s+ is the
string to hash, +n+ is the size of the hash table.
# :begin :h1
def h1(s, n)
return ((s[0].ord * 26) + s[1].ord) % n
# :end :h1
=begin rdoc
Hash function based on the radix-26 representation of the input string. +s+ is the
string to hash, +n+ is the size of the hash table.
# :begin :hr
def hr(s, n)
return radix26(s) % n
# :end :hr
=begin rdoc
Simple hash function used in the first project, to introduce the idea of hashing.
Uses a default table size of 10 and the h0 method (which just looks at the first
letter in a string).
# :begin :h
def h(s, n = 10)
return s[0].ord % n
# :end :h
=begin rdoc
Method used in the first project: if +s+ can be added to +t+ (i.e. if no
collision) return the location, otherwise return +nil+
# :begin :insert
def insert(s, t)
i = h(s, t.length)
if t[i].nil?
t[i] = s
return i
return nil
# :end :insert
=begin rdoc
Method used in the first project: if +s+ is in array +t+ return the location,
otherwise return +nil+
# :begin :lookup
def lookup(s, t)
i = h(s, t.length)
if t[i] == s
return i
return nil
# :end :lookup
=begin rdoc
Make a hash table with +n+ buckets. The optional parameter is a symbol specifying
an alternative hash function (:h0 or :h1); the default is the method +hr+, which
uses the radix26 function.
The object returned by this method is an array of the designated size. A bit of
Ruby magic defines three new methods just for the new object:
[h=(f)] tells the table to use method f for the hash function (:h0, :h1, or nil)
[h] returns the id of the hash function currently being used
[hash(s)] call the current hash function on string s
class HashTable
@@hash_functions = [:h0, :h1, :hr]
attr_reader :table
attr_accessor :drawing
def initialize(n, f = :hr)
raise "HashTable: hash function must be one of #{@@hash_functions.inspect}" unless @@hash_functions.include?(f)
@table = Array.new(n)
@hash = f
# def hash(s)
# return case @h
# when :h0 : h0(s, @table.length)
# when :h1 : h1(s, @table.length)
# else hr(s, @table.length)
# end
# end
def lookup(s)
i = send(@hash, s, @table.length)
return ( @table[i] && @table[i].include?(s) ) ? i : nil
def insert(s)
i = send(@hash, s, @table.length)
@table[i] = Array.new if @table[i].nil?
@table[i] << s
if @drawing
options = @drawing.options
if @drawing.buckets[i]
@drawing.buckets[i].update( @table[i].join(", ") )
y0 = options[:tableY] + i * (options[:cellHeight] + options[:cellYSpace])
@drawing.buckets[i] = Canvas::Text.new(@table[i], options[:textX], y0, {:font => :bucketfont})
@drawing.cells[i].fill = 'white'
return i
def to_s
def inspect
sprintf '#', @table.size, @hash.to_s
=begin rdoc
Print usage statistics for the table. Prints lengths of longest and shortest
buckets, number of empty buckets, and mean bucket length.
def print_stats
max = 0
min = Float::MAX
nzero = 0
sum = 0
@table.each do |bucket|
n = bucket.nil? ? 0 : bucket.length
min = n if n < min
max = n if n > max
sum += n
nzero += 1 if n == 0
printf "shortest bucket: %d\n", min
printf "longest bucket: %d\n", max
printf "empty buckets: %d\n", nzero
if max > 0
printf "mean bucket length: %.2f\n", sum.to_f / (@table.length - nzero)
return nil
=begin rdoc
Return a list of indices for buckets that have more than +cutoff+ entries.
def long_rows(cutoff = 5)
rows = Array.new
@table.each_with_index do |row, i|
rows << i if !row.nil? && row.length > cutoff
return rows
end # HashTable
=begin rdoc
Print a nicely formatted representation of hash table. The parameter +t+ can be
an array or a HashTable object. The optional parameter
is the number of rows to print, e.g. to print just the first 10 rows of a large table
+t+ call print_table(t,10). Skips rows that have empty buckets.
def print_table(t, max = nil)
t = t.table if t.class == HashTable
max = t.length unless max
max.times { |i| print_row(i, t[i] ) unless t[i].nil? }
return nil
def print_row(n, row) # :nodoc:
printf "%4d: %s\n", n, row.inspect
=begin rdoc
Verification of numbers shown in the table for the birthday paradox. Call
birthday(n,m) to make a table with n rows and fill it with m random words.
Return true if any row has more than one item.
def birthday(n, m)
t = HashTable.new(n)
TestArray.new(m, :words).each { |s| t.insert(s) }
# puts t
t.table.each { |row| return true if row && row.length > 1 }
return false
=begin rdoc
Initialize the canvas with a drawing of an hash table +t+
def view_table(t, userOptions = {} )
options = @@tableOptions.merge(userOptions)
Canvas.init(400, 500, "HashLab")
Canvas::Font.new('bucketfont', :family => 'Helvetica', :size => 11)
tbl = t.table
x0 = options[:tableX]
x1 = x0 + options[:cellWidth]
cells = []
buckets = []
nrows = min(tbl.size, options[:maxRows])
nrows.times do |i|
y0 = options[:tableY] + i * (options[:cellHeight] + options[:cellYSpace])
y1 = y0 + options[:cellHeight]
cells << Canvas::Rectangle.new(x0, y0, x1, y1)
if tbl[i]
buckets << Canvas::Text.new(tbl[i].join(", "), options[:textX], y0, {:font => :bucketfont})
cells[i].fill = 'white'
cells[i].fill = options[:cellColor]
t.drawing = TableView.new(cells, buckets, nrows, options)
return true
@@tableOptions = {
:tableX => 20,
:tableY => 20,
:cellHeight => 15,
:cellYSpace => 2,
:cellWidth => 30,
:cellColor => :lightgray,
:textX => 70,
:maxRows => 25,
end # HashLab
end # RubyLabs