# Patch the stretcher server to use # deferrables rather than Faraday. module EventMachine::Stretcher class Server < Stretcher::Server # Handy way to query the server, returning *only* the body # Will fail with an exception when the status is not in the 2xx range. # # @param method [Symbol] HTTP method to execute. # @param path [String] full ES API URL to hit ( # @param body [Hash] Hash ElasticSearch query body. # @param headers [Hash] additional headers. # @param options [Options] # @param options.mashify [Boolean] should the response be turned into a Hashie::Mash? # @return [Deferrable] deferrable that yields ElasticSearch response. def request(method, path, params={}, body=nil, headers={}, options={}) options = { :mashify => true }.merge(options) # Rather than setting up the default headers using the # Faraday middlewear, we set them here. http_params = { headers: headers.merge({ :accept => 'application/json', :user_agent => "Stretcher Ruby Gem #{Stretcher::VERSION}", "Content-Type" => "application/json" }) } deferrable = EventMachine::DefaultDeferrable.new # Allow the body to be set via a block # es_component.rb in the stretcher library. body_struct = OpenStruct.new yield(body_struct) if block_given? body ||= body_struct.body # Update params with GET and POST parameters. http_params[:query] = Stretcher::Util.clean_params(params) if params http_params[:body] = JSON.dump(body) if body # Execute :get, :post, :put, or :delete, returns a deferrable. http = EventMachine::HttpRequest.new(path).send(method, http_params) # We return our own deferrable, so that we can parse results. http.callback do check_response(http, deferrable, options) end http.errback do |err| deferrable.fail(err) end deferrable end private # Internal use only # Check response codes from request def check_response(res, deferrable, options) status = res.response_header.status if status >= 200 && status <= 299 if(options[:mashify]) begin parsed_response = JSON.parse(res.response) deferrable.succeed(Hashie::Mash.new(parsed_response)) rescue deferrable.succeed(res.response) end else deferrable.succeed(res.response) end elsif [404, 410].include? status err_str = "Error processing request: (#{status})! #{res.req.method} URL: #{res.req.uri}" err_str << "\n Resp Body: #{res.response}" deferrable.fail(Stretcher::RequestError::NotFound.new(err_str)) else err_str = "Error processing request (#{status})! #{res.req.method} URL: #{res.req.uri}" err_str << "\n Resp Body: #{res.response}" deferrable.fail(Stretcher::RequestError.new(err_str)) end end end end