require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') require 'on_the_spot/on_the_spot_helpers' require 'action_controller' describe "OnTheSpot" do describe "Helpers" do before(:each) do class TestClass < ActionView::Base include OnTheSpot::Helpers end @tester = @test_array_nr = [[1,"abc"], [2, "def"], [3, "ghi"]] @test_array_str = [["key", "value"], ["key2", "value2"]] end context "lookup values from array" do it "should find value abc for key 1" do @tester.lookup_display_value(@test_array_nr, 1).should == 'abc' end it "should find value for key key2" do @tester.lookup_display_value(@test_array_str, 'key2').should == 'value2' end it "should return an empty string if key does not exist" do @tester.lookup_display_value(@test_array_str, 'key1').should == '' end end context "convert array to json" do it "should convert correctly" do @tester.convert_array_to_json(@test_array_nr, 1).should == "{ '1':'abc', '2':'def', '3':'ghi', 'selected':'1'}" end end context "the helpers" do before(:each) do @dummy = mock() @dummy.stub!(:content).and_return('test') @dummy.stub!(:id).and_return('123') @tester.should_receive(:t).with('on_the_spot.ok').and_return("ok") @tester.should_receive(:t).with('on_the_spot.cancel').and_return("cancel") @tester.should_receive(:t).with('on_the_spot.tooltip').and_return("tooltip") end context "with standard route" do before(:each) do @tester.should_receive(:url_for).with({:action => 'update_attribute_on_the_spot'}).and_return('/bla') end it "makes the correct html for an edit-field" do @result = @tester.on_the_spot_edit @dummy, :content @result.should == "test" end it "makes the correct html for an edit-field with text selected on click" do @result = @tester.on_the_spot_edit @dummy, :content, :selected => true @result.should == "test" end it "makes the correct html for an edit-field and overrule display-text" do @result = @tester.on_the_spot_edit @dummy, :content, :display_text => 'jediknight' @result.should == "jediknight" end it "makes the correct html for an edit-field and use the display-method as string" do @dummy.should_receive(:changed_content).and_return("test-changed") @tester.should_receive(:url_for).with({:action => 'get_attribute_on_the_spot'}).and_return('/bla-again') @result = @tester.on_the_spot_edit @dummy, :content, :display_method => 'changed_content' @result.should == "test-changed" end it "makes the correct html for an edit-field and use the display-method (as symbol)" do @dummy.should_receive(:changed_content).and_return("test-changed") @tester.should_receive(:url_for).with({:action => 'get_attribute_on_the_spot'}).and_return('/bla-again') @result = @tester.on_the_spot_edit @dummy, :content, :display_method => :changed_content @result.should == "test-changed" end it "makes the correct html for a text-area" do @result = @tester.on_the_spot_edit @dummy, :content, :type => :textarea @result.should == "test" end it "makes the correct html for a text-area with text selected on click" do @result = @tester.on_the_spot_edit @dummy, :content, :type => :textarea, :selected => true @result.should == "test" end it "makes the correct html for a select-box" do @result = @tester.on_the_spot_edit @dummy, :content, :type => :select, :data => [['test', 'This a test'], ['prod', 'Pure Production'], ['QA', 'Quality Assurance']] @result.should == "This a test" end it "makes the correct html for a checkbox" do @dummy.stub!(:content).and_return(true) @result = @tester.on_the_spot_edit @dummy, :content, :type => :checkbox @result.should == "true" end it "makes the correct html for an edit-field with a callback" do @result = @tester.on_the_spot_edit @dummy, :content, :callback => 'testCallback(value, settings);' @result.should == "test" end it "makes the correct html for an edit-field with an onblur action" do @result = @tester.on_the_spot_edit @dummy, :content, :onblur => 'submit' @result.should == "test" end it "makes the correct html for an edit-field with a loadurl" do @result = @tester.on_the_spot_edit @dummy, :content, :loadurl => '/load/data' @result.should == "test" end context "a select-box with a loadurl" do it "makea the correct html (and not look up the value)" do @result = @tester.on_the_spot_edit @dummy, :content, :type => :select, :loadurl => '/load/data' @result.should == "test" end it "use the display-text preferrably" do @result = @tester.on_the_spot_edit @dummy, :content, :type => :select, :loadurl => '/load/data', :display_text => 'ninja' @result.should == "ninja" end end end context "with explicit route" do before(:each) do @tester.should_receive(:url_for).with({:action => 'update_it_otherwise'}).and_return('/bla') end it "make the correct html for an edit-field" do @result = @tester.on_the_spot_edit @dummy, :content, :url => {:action => 'update_it_otherwise' } @result.should == "test" end end end end end