require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe Product do context "shoulda validations" do it { should belong_to(:tax_category) } it { should belong_to(:shipping_category) } it { should have_many(:product_option_types) } it { should have_many(:option_types) } it { should have_many(:product_properties) } it { should have_many(:properties) } it { should have_many(:images) } it { should have_and_belong_to_many(:product_groups) } it { should have_and_belong_to_many(:taxons) } it { should validate_presence_of(:price) } it { should validate_presence_of(:permalink) } it { should have_valid_factory(:product) } end context "factory_girl" do let(:product) { Factory(:product) } it 'should have a saved product record' do product.new_record?.should be_false end it 'should have zero properties record' do product.product_properties.size.should == 0 end it 'should have a master variant' do product.master.should be_true end end context "validations" do context "find_by_param" do context "permalink should be incremented until the value is not taken" do before do @product1 = Factory(:product, :name => 'foo') @product2 = Factory(:product, :name => 'foo') @product3 = Factory(:product, :name => 'foo') end it "should have valid permalink" do @product1.permalink.should == 'foo' @product2.permalink.should == 'foo-1' @product3.permalink.should == 'foo-2' end end context "make_permalink should declare validates_uniqueness_of" do before do @product1 = Factory(:product, :name => 'foo') @product2 = Factory(:product, :name => 'foo') @product2.update_attributes(:permalink => 'foo') end it "should have an error" do @product2.errors.size.should == 1 end it "should have error message that permalink is already taken" do @product2.errors.full_messages.first.should == 'Permalink has already been taken' end end end end context "scopes" do context ".master_price_lte" do it 'produces correct sql' do sql = %Q{SELECT "products".* FROM "products" INNER JOIN "variants" ON "variants"."product_id" = "products"."id" AND variants.is_master = 't' AND variants.deleted_at IS NULL WHERE (variants.price <= 10)} Product.master_price_lte(10).to_sql.gsub('`', '"').sub(/1\b/, "'t'").should == sql.gsub('`', '"').sub(/1\b/, "'t'") end end context ".master_price_gte" do it 'produces correct sql' do sql = %Q{SELECT "products".* FROM "products" INNER JOIN "variants" ON "variants"."product_id" = "products"."id" AND variants.is_master = 't' AND variants.deleted_at IS NULL WHERE (variants.price >= 10)} Product.master_price_gte(10).to_sql.gsub('`', '"').sub(/1\b/, "'t'").should == sql.gsub('"', '"').sub(/1\b/, "'t'") end end context ".price_between" do it 'produces correct sql' do sql = %Q{SELECT "products".* FROM "products" INNER JOIN "variants" ON "variants"."product_id" = "products"."id" AND variants.is_master = 't' AND variants.deleted_at IS NULL WHERE (variants.price BETWEEN 10 AND 20)} Product.price_between(10, 20).to_sql.gsub('`', '"').sub(/1\b/, "'t'").should == sql.gsub('`', '"').sub(/1\b/, "'t'") end end end context '#add_properties_and_option_types_from_prototype' do let!(:prototype) { Factory(:prototype) } let(:product) { Factory(:product, :prototype_id => } it 'should have one property' do product.product_properties.size.should == 1 end end context '#has_stock?' do let(:product) { Factory(:product) } context 'nothing in stock' do before do Spree::Config.set :track_inventory_levels => true product.master.update_attribute(:on_hand, 0) end specify { product.has_stock?.should be_false } end context 'master variant has items in stock' do before do product.master.on_hand = 100 end specify { product.has_stock?.should be_true } end context 'variant has items in stock' do before do Spree::Config.set :track_inventory_levels => true product.master.update_attribute(:on_hand, 0) Factory(:variant, :product => product, :on_hand => 100, :is_master => false, :deleted_at => nil) product.reload end specify { product.has_stock?.should be_true } end end end