require 'net/http' require 'take2/version' require 'take2/configuration' module Take2 def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods base.send :set_defaults base.send :include, InstanceMethods end class << self attr_accessor :configuration end def self.configuration @configuration ||= end def self.reset(options = {}) @configuration = end def self.configure yield(configuration) if block_given? end module InstanceMethods def call_api_with_retry config = self.class.retriable_configuration tries ||= config[:retries] begin yield rescue => e if config[:retriable].map {|klass| e.class <= klass }.any? unless || config[:retry_condition_proc]&.call(e) config[:retry_proc]&.call(e, tries) sleep(config[:time_to_sleep]) if config[:time_to_sleep] tries -= 1 retry end end log_error e raise e end end def log_error(error) # Overrider this method in the includer true end end module ClassMethods def number_of_retries(num) self.retries = num end def retriable_errors(*errors) self.retriable = errors end def retriable_condition(proc) self.retry_condition_proc = proc end def on_retry(proc) self.retry_proc = proc end def sleep_before_retry(seconds) self.time_to_sleep = seconds end def retriable_configuration Take2::Configuration::CONFIG_ATTRS.each_with_object({}) do |key, hash| hash[key] = send(key) end end private attr_accessor(*Take2::Configuration::CONFIG_ATTRS) def set_defaults config = Take2.configuration.to_hash Take2::Configuration::CONFIG_ATTRS.each do |attr| instance_variable_set("@#{attr}", config[attr]) end end def response_status(response) return response.status if response.respond_to? :status response.status_code if response.respond_to? :status_code end def log_client_error(error, tries) # Override this method in the includer true end end end