require 'fileutils' module Jekyll module OpenProjectHelpers DEFAULT_DOCS_SUBTREE = 'docs' DEFAULT_REPO_REMOTE_NAME = 'origin' DEFAULT_REPO_BRANCH = 'main' # Can be overridden by default_repo_branch in site config. # Used by shallow_git_checkout. class NonLiquidDocument < Jekyll::Document def render_with_liquid? return false end end class CollectionDocReader < Jekyll::DataReader def read(dir, collection) read_project_subdir(dir, collection) end def read_project_subdir(dir, collection, nested=false) return unless && !@entry_filter.symlink?(dir) entries = Dir.chdir(dir) do Dir["*.{adoc,md,markdown,html,svg,png}"] + Dir["*"].select { |fn| } end entries.each do |entry| path = File.join(dir, entry) Jekyll.logger.debug("OPF:", "Reading entry #{path}") if read_project_subdir(path, collection, nested=true) elsif nested or (File.basename(entry, '.*') != 'index') ext = File.extname(path) if ['.adoc', '.md', '.markdown'].include? ext doc =, :site => @site, :collection => collection) # Add document to Jekyll document database if it refers to software or spec # (as opposed to be some random nested document within repository source, like a README) doc_url_parts = doc.url.split('/') Jekyll.logger.debug("OPF:", "Reading document in collection #{collection.label} with URL #{doc.url} (#{doc_url_parts.size} parts)") if collection.label != 'projects' or doc_url_parts.size == 5 Jekyll.logger.debug("OPF:", "Adding document with URL: #{doc.url}") << doc else Jekyll.logger.debug("OPF:", "Did NOT add document with URL (possibly nesting level doesn’t match): #{doc.url}") end else Jekyll.logger.debug("OPF:", "Adding static file: #{path}") collection.files << @site, @site.source,, File.basename(path), collection) end end end end end # # Below deals with fetching each open project’s data from its site’s repo # (such as posts, template includes, software and specs) # and reading it into 'projects' collection docs. # class OpenProjectReader < JekyllData::Reader # TODO: Switch to @site.config? @@siteconfig = Jekyll.configuration({}) def read super if @site.config['is_hub'] fetch_and_read_projects else fetch_and_read_software('software') fetch_and_read_specs('specs', true) fetch_hub_logo end end private def fetch_hub_logo if @site.config.key? 'parent_hub' and @site.config['parent_hub'].key? 'git_repo_url' git_shallow_checkout( File.join(@site.source, 'parent-hub'), @site.config['parent_hub']['git_repo_url'], ['assets', 'title.html'], @site.config['parent_hub']['git_repo_branch']) end end def fetch_and_read_projects project_indexes = @site.collections['projects'] do |doc| pieces ='/') pieces.length == 4 and pieces[1] == 'projects' and pieces[3] == 'index' end project_indexes.each do |project| project_path = project.path.split('/')[0..-2].join('/') git_shallow_checkout( project_path, project['site']['git_repo_url'], ['assets', '_posts', '_software', '_specs'], project['site']['git_repo_branch']) Jekyll.logger.debug("OPF:", "Reading files in project #{project_path}") project_path, @site.collections['projects']) fetch_and_read_software('projects') fetch_and_read_specs('projects') end end def build_and_read_spec_pages(collection_name, index_doc, build_pages=false) item_name ='/')[-1] repo_checkout = nil src =['spec_source'] repo_url = src['git_repo_url'] repo_subtree = src['git_repo_subtree'] repo_branch = src['git_repo_branch'] build = src['build'] engine = build['engine'] engine_opts = build['options'] || {} spec_checkout_path = "#{index_doc.path.split('/')[0..-2].join('/')}/#{item_name}" spec_root = if repo_subtree "#{spec_checkout_path}/#{repo_subtree}" else spec_checkout_path end repo_checkout = git_shallow_checkout(spec_checkout_path, repo_url, [repo_subtree], repo_branch) if repo_checkout[:success] if build_pages builder = Jekyll::OpenProjectHelpers::SpecBuilder::new( @site, index_doc, spec_root, "specs/#{item_name}", engine, engine_opts) builder.built_pages.each do |page| @site.pages << page end spec_checkout_path, @site.collections[collection_name]) end index_doc.merge_data!({ 'last_update' => repo_checkout[:modified_at] }) end end def fetch_and_read_specs(collection_name, build_pages=false) # collection_name would be either specs or (for hub site) projects Jekyll.logger.debug("OPF:", "Fetching specs for items in collection #{collection_name} (if it exists)") return unless @site.collections.key?(collection_name) Jekyll.logger.debug("OPF:", "Fetching specs for items in collection #{collection_name}") # Get spec entry points entry_points = @site.collections[collection_name] do |doc|['spec_source'] end if entry_points.size < 1"OPF:", "Fetching specs for items in collection #{collection_name}: No entry points") end entry_points.each do |index_doc| Jekyll.logger.debug("OPF:", "Fetching specs: entry point #{} in collection #{collection_name}") build_and_read_spec_pages(collection_name, index_doc, build_pages) end end def fetch_and_read_software(collection_name) # collection_name would be either software or (for hub site) projects Jekyll.logger.debug("OPF:", "Fetching software for items in collection #{collection_name} (if it exists)") return unless @site.collections.key?(collection_name) Jekyll.logger.debug("OPF:", "Fetching software for items in collection #{collection_name}") entry_points = @site.collections[collection_name] do |doc|['repo_url'] end if entry_points.size < 1"OPF:", "Fetching software for items in collection #{collection_name}: No entry points") end entry_points.each do |index_doc| item_name ='/')[-1] Jekyll.logger.debug("OPF:", "Fetching software: entry point #{} in collection #{collection_name}") docs =['docs'] main_repo =['repo_url'] main_repo_branch =['repo_branch'] sw_docs_repo = (if docs then docs['git_repo_url'] end) || main_repo sw_docs_subtree = (if docs then docs['git_repo_subtree'] end) || DEFAULT_DOCS_SUBTREE sw_docs_branch = (if docs then docs['git_repo_branch'] end) || nil docs_path = "#{index_doc.path.split('/')[0..-2].join('/')}/#{item_name}" sw_docs_checkout = git_shallow_checkout(docs_path, sw_docs_repo, [sw_docs_subtree], sw_docs_branch) if sw_docs_checkout[:success] docs_path, @site.collections[collection_name]) end # Get last repository modification timestamp. # Fetch the repository for that purpose, # unless it’s the same as the repo where docs are. if !sw_docs_checkout[:success] or sw_docs_repo != main_repo repo_path = "#{index_doc.path.split('/')[0..-2].join('/')}/_#{item_name}_repo" repo_checkout = git_shallow_checkout(repo_path, main_repo, [], main_repo_branch) index_doc.merge_data!({ 'last_update' => repo_checkout[:modified_at] }) else index_doc.merge_data!({ 'last_update' => sw_docs_checkout[:modified_at] }) end end end def git_shallow_checkout(repo_path, remote_url, sparse_subtrees, branch_name) # Returns hash with timestamp of latest repo commit # and boolean signifying whether new repo has been initialized # in the process of pulling the data. newly_initialized = false repo = nil git_dir = File.join(repo_path, '.git') git_info_dir = File.join(git_dir, 'info') git_sparse_checkout_file = File.join(git_dir, 'info', 'sparse-checkout') unless File.exists? git_dir newly_initialized = true repo = Git.init(repo_path) repo.config( 'core.sshCommand', 'ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no') repo.add_remote(DEFAULT_REPO_REMOTE_NAME, remote_url) if sparse_subtrees.size > 0 repo.config('core.sparseCheckout', true) FileUtils.mkdir_p git_info_dir open(git_sparse_checkout_file, 'a') { |f| sparse_subtrees.each { |path| f << "#{path}\n" } } end else repo = end refresh_condition = @@siteconfig['refresh_remote_data'] || 'last-resort' repo_branch = branch_name || @@siteconfig['default_repo_branch'] || DEFAULT_REPO_BRANCH unless ['always', 'last-resort', 'skip'].include?(refresh_condition) raise'Invalid refresh_remote_data value in site’s _config.yml!') end if refresh_condition == 'always' repo.fetch(DEFAULT_REPO_REMOTE_NAME, { :depth => 1 }) repo.reset_hard repo.checkout("#{DEFAULT_REPO_REMOTE_NAME}/#{repo_branch}", { :f => true }) elsif refresh_condition == 'last-resort' # This is the default case. begin # Let’s try in case this repo has been fetched before (this would never be the case on CI though) repo.checkout("#{DEFAULT_REPO_REMOTE_NAME}/#{repo_branch}", { :f => true }) rescue Exception => e if is_sparse_checkout_error(e, sparse_subtrees) # Silence errors caused by nonexistent sparse checkout directories return { :success => false, :newly_initialized => nil, :modified_at => nil, } else # In case of any other error, presume repo has not been fetched and do that now. Jekyll.logger.debug("OPF:", "Fetching & checking out #{remote_url} for #{repo_path}") repo.fetch(DEFAULT_REPO_REMOTE_NAME, { :depth => 1 }) begin # Try checkout again repo.checkout("#{DEFAULT_REPO_REMOTE_NAME}/#{repo_branch}", { :f => true }) rescue Exception => e if is_sparse_checkout_error(e, sparse_subtrees) # Again, silence an error caused by nonexistent sparse checkout directories… return { :success => false, :newly_initialized => nil, :modified_at => nil, } else # but this time throw any other error. raise e end end end end end latest_commit = repo.gcommit('HEAD') return { :success => true, :newly_initialized => newly_initialized, :modified_at =>, } end end end end def is_sparse_checkout_error(err, subtrees) if err.message.include? "Sparse checkout leaves no entry on working directory" Jekyll.logger.debug("OPF: It looks like sparse checkout of these directories failed:", subtrees.to_s) true else false end end Jekyll::Hooks.register :site, :after_init do |site| if site.theme # TODO: Check theme name site.reader = Jekyll::OpenProjectHelpers::OpenProjectReader::new(site) end end