module Unipept::Commands class Peptfilter attr_reader :root_command @root_command = Cri::Command.define do name 'peptfilter' summary 'Filter peptides based on specific criteria.' usage 'peptfilter [options]' description <<-EOS The peptfilter command filters a list of peptides according to specific criteria. The command expects a list of peptides that are passed to standard input. The input should have one peptide per line. FASTA headers are preserved in the output, so that peptides remain bundled. EOS # flag :u, :unique, "filter duplicate peptides." required nil, :minlen, 'only retain tryptic peptides that have at least min (default: 5) amino acids.' required nil, :maxlen, 'only retain tryptic peptides that have at most max (default: 50) amino acids.' required :l, :lacks, 'only retain tryptic peptides that lack all amino acids from the string of residues.' required :c, :contains, 'only retain tryptic peptides that contain all amino acids from the string of residues.' flag :h, :help, 'show help for this command' do |_value, cmd| puts exit 0 end run do |opts, args, _cmd| abort "error: peptfilter doesn't support input as arguments. Use standard input instead." unless args.empty? minlen = opts.fetch(:minlen, '5').to_i maxlen = opts.fetch(:maxlen, '50').to_i lacks = opts.fetch(:lacks, '').chars.to_a contains = opts.fetch(:contains, '').chars.to_a $stdin.each_line do |pept| # FASTA headers if pept.start_with? '>' puts pept next end pept = pept.chomp puts pept if Peptfilter.filter(pept, minlen, maxlen, lacks, contains) end end end # Invokes the peptfilter command-line tool with the given arguments. # # @param [Array] args An array of command-line arguments # # @return [void] def end # Checks if a peptide satisfies the min length, max length, lacks and contains requirements. # Returns true if # - the peptide length is equal or higher than min # - the peptide length is equal or lower than max # - the peptide doesn't contain any of the amino acids in lacks # - the peptide contains all of the amino acids in contains # # @param [String] peptide The peptide to check # # @param [Integer] min The minimal length requirement # # @param [Integer] max The maximal length requirement # # @param [Array] lacks The forbidden amino acids # # @param [Array] contains The required amino acids # # @return [Boolean] true if the peptide satisfies all requirements def self.filter(peptide, min, max, lacks, contains) filter_length(peptide, min, max) && filter_lacks(peptide, lacks) && filter_contains(peptide, contains) end # Checks if a peptide satisfies the min length and max length requirements. # Returns true if # - the peptide length is equal or higher than min # - the peptide length is equal or lower than max # # @param [String] peptide The peptide to check # # @param [Integer] min The minimal length requirement # # @param [Integer] max The maximal length requirement # # @return [Boolean] true if the peptide satisfies all requirements def self.filter_length(peptide, min, max) peptide.length >= min && peptide.length <= max end # Checks if a peptide satisfies lacks requirement. # Returns true if # - the peptide doesn't contain any of the amino acids in lacks # # @param [String] peptide The peptide to check # # @param [Array] lacks The forbidden amino acids # # @return [Boolean] true if the peptide satisfies all requirements def self.filter_lacks(peptide, lacks) (peptide.chars.to_a & lacks).empty? end # Checks if a peptide satisfies the contains requirement. # Returns true if # - the peptide contains all of the amino acids in contains # # @param [String] peptide The peptide to check # # @param [Array] contains The required amino acids # # @return [Boolean] true if the peptide satisfies all requirements def self.filter_contains(peptide, contains) (peptide.chars.to_a & contains).size == contains.size end end end